View Full Version : Terms....

08-08-2002, 01:52 AM
I may well be hypersenitive...though born a NYer I've adapted to the CA lifestyle. LOL ..I think that I see so many terms used for "people" that don't really tell the story. The "lady" adopting out poor kittens with mange and not acknoledging it her fault for a supposed healthy kitten isn't a "lady" at all. The "man" who put a kitten on a bbq is anything BUT a MAN....or human for that matter. People accused of being "beasts" should be so lucky. Beasts are fair and everything they do is in the natural order. Not like the vile "humans" that do unspeakable things to animals and humans alike. People called "animals" are rarely that...just vile, dispicaple life forms that deserve that title and not one reserved for supposed "inferiour" life forms. It makes me sick the abuse to those that supposedly have no emotions or brains.
As Gandi said " the true soul of a county can only be seen by the way it treats it's animals" (paraphrased). Sorry so harsh on my first post but I've been reading some heartbreaking stories here and applaud you all for"getting it'
Calvin and Hobbes mom

08-08-2002, 02:00 AM
Welcome Kitten645

You've hit the nail on the head!! I don't think it's a harsh post at all. It's one of those things that won't easily go away--we just have to keep working on enforcing laws, spreading the news, etc etc. A tough and tedious task but the outcome will be great!

Again, welcome to pet talk! Please tell us more about your furkids!

08-08-2002, 02:13 AM
I totally agree! Animals rely on us to do them right, and it's good to know that there are so many people (like all the PetTalkers) who love animals and are working on their behalf.

Welcome Kitten645 - hopefully after reading about all the great things that so many people on this board do your spirits will be lifted. I know mine are every time I read the rescue and loving stories we all share here!

:D :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-08-2002, 11:38 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk, and I too think your post is right on.

Now that you've got that off your chest, we'd love to hear more about Calvin & Hobbes and pictures too. We looove pictures here at Pet Talk. :)

08-08-2002, 06:54 PM
Yes, WELCOME!! :)

I completely agree with you! I often joke that I need to carry a "stupid bat" becuase of some of the people on this earth. ;)

I also agree on the lady that we rescued Basil from is certainly NOT a lady...but hey, at least we got a super cute and sweet kitty out of it! :)

Enjoy Pet Talk!! I love it here!!