View Full Version : Thunder Snow.

11-06-2007, 08:29 AM
My favorite weather event by FAR is snow, and my least favorite (because of Buddy's fear of it) is thunder.

Woudn't ya know I had thunder snow this morning at 2am! :eek: :eek:


Of course I was up for awhile with him. Mostly to keep him from waking my hubby up that had to get up for work at 4am.

We're not expected to get too much, just a general dusting the next few days.

BRING ON THE BLIZZARD!!!! (and keep the thunder ;) )

11-06-2007, 08:50 AM
Well as much as you hate it, it's a good thing you were home to help protect Buddy from injuring himself.
Poor Buddy....and poor you! Good luck this winter, may you not have any trips to the vet due to thunder.
Sometimes I wish it snowed here, but then I wake up and I'm glad it doesn't. I go to Tahoe often enough to enjoy the snow. :)

11-06-2007, 04:32 PM
Wow, I thought thundersnow was a Chicago thing! Buddy, for you I hope there are no more thundersnow storms this winter.

Ginger's Mom
11-06-2007, 05:24 PM
Wow, thundersnow already? It's too early for that. :) Hopefully, it will be a quiet winter, Buddy.

11-07-2007, 09:25 AM
I wondered if you got snow, I saw on the weather channel that lake effect snow was falling. I've never heard of thundersnow (although I've probably seen it before). I think Buddy needs a pair of REALLY BIG earmuffs for Christmas! Does he stay pretty calm if you're with him?

11-07-2007, 09:31 AM
Pat, he doesn't really stay calm if I'm with him he just doesn't bark his full head off. When I know in advance there's going to be thunder I'll put him in the basement in his crate with the lights on (so he doesn't notice the lighting too much) and a radio on LOUD (to try to muffle some of the thunder)
But when it catches us off guard, and he hears or sees the full brunt of it he flips out and won't calm down until hours after the storm has passed.
We haven't had any snow on the ground, just flurries that melt as soon as it hits the ground.

Thank you all for your comments!
Buddy and I both hope for a winter with no more thundersnow. :(
Just LOTS of snow on the ground!! :D