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View Full Version : Kitty Christmas wish lists

11-05-2007, 07:38 PM
Hi fellow kitties!
I hope all of you are well. In recent days I've heard Meowmie and her friends making plans for Christmas. This just might be a good time to make our lists of things we want for Christmas, it's never too early to let our purrents know what we want. I thought it might be fun to share our wish lists here on PT. Here's mine and I hope all of you will share yours too!

Cosmic Country Catnip
A new bed
Toy mousies
Fried chicken
A trip to Belgium to share the holidays with my lovely Inka

Your friend,

11-06-2007, 08:27 AM
Oooh, great idea, Groucho! Those hoomans seem so thick in the head, if we start now maybe they will get the message!

Toy mousies are nice, but they have to smell like catnip and they "should" have some rattle inside them.

Turkey straight from the deli!

And salmon, YUM!

Another perch in the window would be welcome; we have one or 2 windows here with nothing in them yet! [ hooman: :rolleyes: In other words, they have SIX windows with perches set up already!]

We want a trip to Wales to visit with Sunny and Jack, Culture Junky's kits.

And could we get rid of some of the dogs here? They keep hogging the food dishes, pet beds, and one of them even sits in a cat perch! Oh, guess that isn't within the christmas spirit, huh?

11-06-2007, 09:12 AM
Snow's List:

Kitty String
Toy Mice
Can food
Scratch Pad

Angel's List:

Swing n' Swat
Crunchy Tunnel

11-06-2007, 09:22 AM
For my servant to be home with me all of the time
An all expenses paid trip to Catada to visit the Found Cats Hotel
A visit to Bump, Skid, Rastus, Scrapster Spankie Spangles and the Girls in Texas
Kitty grass (but my servant says we will see about that)
A new packet of catnip

Cassie's furry cousin Milo:
For my people to play fetch with me on demand
Kitty treats
And Aunt Elyse, for Christmas, even though I really don't like it when you pick me up and give me hugs and kisses, I will allow it. Just this once until my Gotcha Day in April, so make a note on your calendar. And I suppose you are going to want to point that flashy thing at me again so I'll let you.
Did I mention that I would like to always have someone available to play fetch with me?

11-06-2007, 09:49 AM
Good Health For The Cats And Porch Cats Of The Lucky Found Paradise Cat Hotel.
Thats The Most Important Thing As 4 Of My Companions Are 14 Years Old And Older.
And We Would Love Visits From The Texas Kittens As They And The Kitten Trio Would Have A Great Hundred Miles An Hour Race Up And Down The Stairs!!!!

11-07-2007, 05:39 PM
bumpin up this fun thread!

11-07-2007, 06:42 PM
A Few Cases Of Innova Cat Food , The Turkey And Chicken Formulas.
Another Cat Tree.
A Completely Enclosed Back Porch.
And More Great Food Trays From The City Of Hamilton Via Janice Who Is As Beloved As I Am, If Not More.
Shes Coming Close To Catching Tabbynacle!!!
Thats Definitly A Catmas Wish For The Porchies To Be Rehomed!!!

Edwina's Secretary
11-07-2007, 08:03 PM
I would like Eddie to find a new home....


11-07-2007, 08:50 PM
Max speaking...
To say that my hooman servant is **ahem** "thick in the head" is an understatement. Why, I have to scream at her for dinner at least 20 min after she gets home from W-O-R-K, whatever that is. I've been training her for years now but she just doesn't get it.

As for Christmas, well, I can't be bothered with all those silly toys. Auntie Gini sent me some treats once and I loved them but they are all gone now. So I really want more of those.......

....but most of all, I want my hooman servant home more.

Prince Max

11-08-2007, 07:55 AM

Millie says:

(did I mention Food?)
Abby's Food
Cleo's Food
and more Food

Abby says:
A new hammock. Mine has so much fur in it (geez, meowmie doesn't clean it off often enough!) ;)

Cleo says:
More hiding places.

11-08-2007, 09:08 AM
My three got together and made one list so they don't ask for the same thing twice...they share real nice, lol.

Scratching Post
More FatCat toys
Crinkle Mat or Bag
Feffer (that would be 'feather') Sticks
The Furminator
Treats, treats and more treats!

They even included the dog and asked if they could get him a new Knot toy. :D

11-19-2007, 01:32 PM
bumping up this fun thread again ...

Dear Santa Paws,
My servant would like all of her hoomin family members to get along (or at least tolerate each other) for the holidays. If you could arrange for my former housemates at the shelter to continue to have enough food, litter and other supplies that would be good too.


11-19-2007, 01:48 PM
I hope my food lady brings another wind-up hamster home for us. We all love the one we have so much and most of us have even figured out how to make it 'go' by itself by pulling the wind-up tail with our teeth. The problem is that it's so darn popular, you have to wait your turn just to play with it! And truth be told, Jimmy takes longer turns with it than he should! Signed, Stinky and the gang.

11-30-2007, 12:56 PM

emerald green, I love the "Food Lady" title! That could be me! Food lady and litter pan attendant.

11-30-2007, 01:27 PM
I would like Eddie to find a new home....

Edwina, how can say such a cruel thing!!! :eek:

Sara, you can send him over here anytime! :p

Fister didn't see this until now, but he immediately said:

Mommy, I want a tunnel to race through, and a scratching board like Freckles had. (bad mommy, I'm been meaning to make one :rolleyes: ) ... and a hammock would be great too! You know I like to keep warm - it could hang on the radiator. :cool:

I also want some of that famous Canadian catnip, and some of those yummy Temptations - they sure are tempting! I'm a little fed up with the healthy stuff from the vet.

Oh, and running water across the bathroom floor non stop! But most of all, I want more attention, including cuddles all day long! :D


11-30-2007, 03:18 PM
I would like Eddie to find a new home....


EMac, mi casa es su casa!

11-30-2007, 03:41 PM
Tigris: a heated computer keyboard to sleep on
my purrents to play with me 24/7
being able to sleep on my place AND on Filou's place at the same time
treat time whenever I say it is

My brother finding a new home with Eddie and Fister whoever they are
smoked salmon
no more visits with Trude the vet (although she thinks I'm a prince which is only true)
purrents with a skin that is a little less sensitive when I jump on their shoulders

11-30-2007, 07:50 PM
All three of my cats came to a consensus...they say they want

a bigger litterbox (one that takes up the whole bathroom floor will be fine :p )
a bigger toy selecton, one toy for every day of the year at least if not two or three
perches in high places
a leak in the bathtub (mostly a Remus idea but the others will enjoy it still :rolleyes: )

12-03-2007, 08:03 PM
Dear Santa Paws,
I've been a good cat this year. Very loving to Meowme and Jim and my little sister, Luna...even though she likes to start fights sometimes. I keep my stuff in the litter box. I even have made a promise to not attack the christmas tree! So you see, I've been a very good kitty. Please bring me:
*Some new batteries for my laser pointer
*Some catnip seeds, so Meowme can grow it fresh for me in the spring
*A bag of raisins (the kind dipped in vanilla yogurt)
*A catnip toy with a feather on it (I love feathers)
I'll leave a dish of milk and a bowl of Kit-n-Caboodle for you on Christmas eve for when you arrive.
Your friend,

12-03-2007, 08:12 PM
Hi Santa,
I've tried really, really, really, really hard to be a good kitty this year. I think I'm doing better with being more friendly. Maybe I'm not as affectionate as my brother, Howard, but I let Meowme pet me and pick me up now without protesting--too loudly. I promise I'll do better. After all, I was born a barn cat. And I sometimes play a little rough with Howard, but he has fun too. So that's not so bad, is it? I hope you think I've been good enough, 'cause I really would like:
* Some Meow Mix kitty treats
* A new fish on a rope toy (Howard ate the feather off the old one)
* My own catnip that I don't have to share
* A new cat tower that has two baskets, so we each have our own
See you Xmas eve,
Your friend,

12-09-2007, 03:54 PM