View Full Version : Results, pictures, and 2 videos from rally trial.

11-04-2007, 09:48 PM
Well I'm back from the trial with perfect results. I took the videos from Saturday, when I took the video, it came out perfect color, but as soon as I put it on my computer it turned out so dark.

This is Zoey's video. She did excellent and took a first. She got a 100/100. She wasn't perfect, but she was perfect for Zoey. She was having a great time, smiling, hopping, and wagging her tail. It's so great to see my little girl enjoying herself. She is such a angel and has been through so much pain.

This video is from yesterday. He got 98/100, Zoey beat him with a first. He got a third, both of my kids beating 13 dogs. Sage did fantastic! Today Sage didn't do as well, he was very distracted, but still tried his best and got a 97/100, placing third also. Pretty darn good for a dog that was just "testing" me 2 weeks ago. Also remember I just got him in July, and when he came to me the only thing he knew was come and heel. :) I'm a proud mom!

11-04-2007, 09:52 PM
pictures.. Not so great, but lightend from my camera
Sage First.
Zoey's next...

11-04-2007, 09:54 PM

11-05-2007, 07:07 AM
Oh wow congrats on the wonderful results :D. Go Zoey and Sage, and of course 'Mama' for training you both so well ;).

11-05-2007, 07:30 AM
She did excellent and took a first. She got a 100/100. She wasn't perfect, but she was perfect for Zoey.
WHAT?!! 100/100 and she wasn't perfect?! OMG, you have VERY HIGH standards! Teasing, congrats to you and Zoey! Please give her a hugs and treat from me, OK?

Today Sage didn't do as well, he was very distracted, but still tried his best and got a 97/100, placing third also. Pretty darn good for a dog that was just "testing" me 2 weeks ago. Also remember I just got him in July, and when he came to me the only thing he knew was come and heel. :)

Sounds like he is catching on quickly and eager to please you! That is terrific. I am sending him hugs and treat as well. Please deliver.

I'm a proud mom!
Please give youself a hug and pat on the back! Great job, all that practice shows. Super!