View Full Version : New Here, Allergies?

11-04-2007, 09:19 PM
Hi! Last week my husband and I adopted a beautiful little hound mix named Sadie. We have both had dogs in the past, but none recently (within the past 3 yrs. or so). My husband has started having allergy problems - stuffy nose, sneezing, etc. and I'm wondering what we can do to help curb his symptoms. I am absolutely committed to keeping this sweet girl, I can't imagine sending her back to the shelter, but my husband is really frustrated as he's never had allergy problems with dogs before.

Are there shampoos we can use to cut down on both dander and shedding? Any tips and suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!

11-05-2007, 10:58 AM
Keep her well brushed, but if possible do the brushing outdoors, so the dander flies away! As a hound mix, I'm guessing she has a pretty sleek coat ... is that right? Don't bathe her TOO often, though, as that can dry out her skin and make the dander worse.

This part's hard (at least it would be for me) - no doggie on the bed. If his symptoms are bad, she might not be allowed to sleep in the bedroom at all. This might already be happening, but if not, it's time to try that.

If she's allowed on the couch, train her to her own blanket (can be an old one, no big deal) so that she only sheds on that while sleeping - a blanket is easier to wash frequently than a dog or a couch.

Vacuuming consistently is important - does your vac have a good HEPA filter?

11-05-2007, 01:55 PM
Loratadine every morning (aka Claritin) and Benadryl at night when you really just can't get to sleep otherwise. Been doing that for years . . . . . :rolleyes:

11-05-2007, 02:06 PM
I have heard that allergies changes, some years you might not be allergic and others you might. The reason i know is because i asked the same question in the other forums i belong to. About 5 years ago i had an Affenpincher mixed and you know they have a really rough coat almost like the Scottie tho the Scottie coat is soft compared to my other dog. I could not play with him because each time i would pick him up or touch him i would get little mosquito like bites in my arms and legs. It would itch really bad, so 3 days later i ended up giving him away. I could hardly touch him without getting those little things. His coat use to be the issue his little hairs would pinch me, never got a stuffy nose, or watery eyes. But i do have the issue with cats, never mine which i had for over 3 years before he ran away. Other people's cats. So is really weird. I would suggest visiting an Allergy's Clinic see what they can do for ya.