View Full Version : Dogs fighting..part 2

Aspen and Misty
08-07-2002, 07:46 PM
After dinner today I gave a plate of spaghetie to Teddy and a plate of Spaghetti to Chewy. Well Chewy of course finished before teddy did and went over and attacked Teddy. I put Chewy away but I can't stand Chewy attacing Teddy liek this! This was Teddy's house first he has no right to be doing this! Chewy always runs up and bites Teddy for no reson. I need some help correcting this and fast! Please please please respond.


08-07-2002, 09:21 PM

I think you know my dogs (Lady - Retriever & Tobi - Chihuahua). Well, Tobi is the Alpha in the relationship, but for a period of 1 week, a long time ago, Lady would finish her food first and go intimidate Tobi. This would continuously cause a fight. Here's how we resolved it.

We confirmed in Lady's eyes that TOBI IS ALPHA and she has to back off!!

We fed Tobi first. We put both of them in the Sit command and offered the food to Tobi. Lady had to watch him eat. If she gave any indications of moving towards Tobi (or the food) we would just sternly say "Don't even think about it"!! Just in the tone of our voice and Lady knew we meant business. If she remained in control for a period of 5 minutes or so, we then gave her the food -- all the way on the other side of the room, opposite Tobi.

That procedure continued for about 2 weeks. We haven't had any problems so far. Sometimes Lady will just lie down and stare at Tobi eating, but has not attempted to snatch the food away from him or get into a fight.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Aspen and Misty
08-07-2002, 09:41 PM
Well my mother wants Teddy to be the alpha dog because he has lived here longer. But I told her they have to choose. Teddy has no teeth so when he bites Chewy it doesn't hurt. But hwne Chewy bites him it hurts really bad.

08-07-2002, 11:36 PM
lol Ash, I think Reggie and Smokey need to live with Teddy, and Nebo and Chewy get together! Nebo's doing the SAME thing! He bit or bit at Smokey at least 3 times tonight. It's really making my mom mad. Nebo usually gets his food in his dog run outside, but when he's inside with me, I bring his food inside too. Smokey and Reggie have their own room with their kennels and food it in downstairs. I set Nebo's food/water in the kitchen, because that's where I am most of the time (was working on a Pet Portrait on the table). Smokey won't leave Nebo's food and water alone, he keeps getting into it, instead of going downstairs to get his own. Nebo was ok with this at first, but now he's gone to biting at him if he gets near it. I can't have him doing this. I don't want Smokey to get hurt. I know it's kind of Smokey's own fault for going over there, but Nebo's gone after him when he was more then 5 feet away from the food, and not even heading towards it.

My only solution for the moment is........keep Nebo's food and water outside. I'll just have to take him out there to eat or something. I just hope Nebo will stop biting at Smokey period. I know sometimes he's just playing, but he wasn't tonight.

Aspen and Misty
08-07-2002, 11:40 PM
Gee if only you lived closer! They could get some puppy energy out together. He alreayd out grew his one play mate Rascal who is like a 6 month old yorkish terrier. Chewy is strictly an inside dog so the whole keeping his food thing outside wouldn't work. now Chewy does get locked up or taken outside when Teddy is eatign so that he doesn't eat Teddy's food. I think Teddy would like to live with Reggie and Smokey. I hope we can get this solved I am at wits end with him, he needs to leave Teddy alone.