View Full Version : Some good and bad news...

11-01-2007, 06:24 PM
Well, I found out yesterday that the service/foster dog, Cy, that my grandparents are training has hip problems, and so he cannot continue in being a service dog. It's such a shame, because he was such a good dog, too. ((and he's HUGE!---which would've been great for wheelchair pulling)) He's been through months and months of vigorous training and classes, too. But the good news...he will be adopted into a nice home with kids so he still can run around and continue to be a puppy! Prayers going to my "Uncle Cy" in his new home and his new family... they're lucky to have such a great dog! :)

((Oh, and a new litter was just born, too...so there's going to be another "aunt/uncle" coming soon!!! :)))