View Full Version : Have you ever bleached your teeth?

10-31-2007, 05:52 AM
I have been wanting to do this but have sensitive teeth and the dentist told me that the professional bleaching that he does in his office might be too much for me. He suggested an over-the-counter kit since it is probably less strong. Well, my son is getting married this Saturday :) and I want my teeth to be brighter for the pictures that will be taken. (I love coffee and tea and it is so hard to get them white, even after a dental cleaning.) Well, I went out and bought Aquafresh White Trays and have used it for three nights now. It is working and so far (crosses fingers) there is no sensitivity. :) How about you? Anyone else use a bleaching kit, either by a professional or do it yourself? (Oh, by the way, I am drinking my coffee through a straw right now. :) )

10-31-2007, 06:13 AM
hi Pam my teeth (lowers) are also ultrasensitive enough to use the special pastes. I tried regular Crest Whitestrips for a about a week and quit because I simply forgot, but did not notice any pain. Most recently I got a free sample for these sticky strips from Wal-Mart that dissolve and want to try them at least on my top fronts. I use to rinse with peroxide even as a kid but find this to be too irritating for me. I don't use peroxide toothpastes either.

I guess once you have felt that nerve tingle-pain - you are forever cautious!! I went for my 6 month recently and am so glad to have teeth that are fairly white, healthy, straightened and all mine! (now if I could give up my morning coffee :p ) oh and the hygienist told me that the ingredient in Rembrandt toothpaste would not whiten but it would actually make the enamel a bit slicker and thus feel nicer and allow less plaque to settle even after swishing with water. $6 but I splurged on a brand name tube at Wal-Mart!

hope the trays work well with no discomfort - updates maybe? :D

Ginger's Mom
10-31-2007, 06:28 AM
I used Crest White strips about two years ago (coffee drinker and at that time a smoker). I had no sensitivity and it worked rather well. The only problem was remembering to spend the time twice a day. A couple of months ago I used the new Listerine dissolving strips. They worked alright too. At this point, I am trying to just keep it up by using a whitening rinse before I brush.

Daisy and Delilah
10-31-2007, 07:21 AM
Pam, I've been bleaching off and on for about 6 or 7 years. I went to the dentist and had the trays made. They give you gel syringes and you put the gel in the trays and wear them. My teeth are pretty sensitive too but they also give me a flouride gel that eases the nerve pain. I use that prior to a bleaching.

After the first application, I didn't have to repeat for about two years. Now, I just use a syringe every six months or so. My teeth are as white as they will ever get, most of the time. I'm also a coffee drinker.

My sister had the trays made, only to discover that her teeth are so sensitive, she can never bleach without extreme discomfort. It's not for everybody.

Both of my kids use the strips you can buy and they both love them. They both have white teeth.

Good luck with it and enjoy the wedding!! :)

10-31-2007, 07:25 AM
I haven't, and I don't think I ever would. A thorough cleaning every 6 months is good enough for me.

10-31-2007, 08:41 AM
I got samples of the Listerine dissolving strips when I went to the Durham Fair. I liked them alot. They dissolve and also freshen your breath.

I've also tried the kinds with the trays and gel. Couldn't use them because of my gag reflexes.

I used the Listerine strips twice a day, in the morning after brushing my teeth and at night before going to bed. I definitely noticed a difference after 2 days. I'd highly recommend them.

10-31-2007, 09:06 AM
Although off and on I've had some experience with sensitivity to the point where I would use the toothpaste for sensitive teeth, I haven't had to in the past several years. I would love to do something to make my teeth whiter, but I am hesitant to do so. My main concern is not the teeth as much as the gums. My thinking is that anything strong enough to whiten the teeth has got to be detrimental to gum tissue. Since I've experienced receeding gums, I don't want to jeopardize my gums in any way. Maybe the strips would be the safest way to go, but being the neurotic that I am, I obviously haven't worked up the courage to try even that. Pam, I am eager to see your bright :D

10-31-2007, 12:58 PM
Pam, I am eager to see your bright :D

Rachel, I doubt that you will see any close-ups! LOL! This has been an interesting poll for me. I thought that many more of you would have tried bleaching. It seems that everywhere I go I see sparkling smiles. Maybe those people were just born lucky (or don't drink coffee or tea or, do I dare say,......wine! LOL)

10-31-2007, 02:28 PM
I have never tried, nor have I felt the need to try bleaching my teeth. I don't drink coffee and don't really drink tea (hot or cold) much at all. I do drink wine! ;) Its mostly water for me. I could probably have whiter teeth, but I truly have never given it any thought.

Helen and Scott have both used the white strips, but I have to tell you, I never noticed any difference. :o They are both paranoid about their teeth, though.

You will look beautiful, either way, I'm sure, Pam, and we can't wait to see the wedding pictures!!!!! :)


10-31-2007, 02:30 PM
I have never tried that before; but I have been thinking about it.. but is it possible to screw up your teeth...?

10-31-2007, 03:10 PM
I have never tried that before; but I have been thinking about it.. but is it possible to screw up your teeth...?

I've been told, and read, that too-frequent whitening will strip the enamel from your teeth and leave them more vulnerable later. That does worry me, but not enough to stop me from bleaching. I had trays custom-made at the dentist years ago and they are form-fitting so any gel I use doesn't really get all over the gums, just on my teeth. I used to use the dentist's whitening gels but they're far more expensive ($60 for a box) than over-the-counter. I currently use Rembrandt's whitening gel ($18 a box) and it works well. Like many of you I am a heavy coffee drinker so while my teeth are fairly white enough from the bleaching, they will never be as white as some others because of all the coffee.

10-31-2007, 03:38 PM
I've been bleaching for a few years now with Night White Excel.
I had trays made at the dentist and only use them about 2x's/yr and I must say I get quite a lot of compliments on my nice white teeth...even from the dentists office:)

Mark's used the Crest White Strips and had good luck with them.

They did make my teeth a little sensitive at first, but I don't have any problems now. I hope you don't either.

I'll be looking forward to seeing those pearly whites Pam:D

10-31-2007, 03:55 PM
I've been told, and read, that too-frequent whitening will strip the enamel from your teeth and leave them more vulnerable later.
That's my concern too, plus I think it looks ridiculous if they're too white. OK, I drink tea, coffee and smoke, so I would like mine just a little whiter, but not if the enamal is ruined! One girl (mid forties) where I worked had had her teeth whitened to the extent it was almost blinding. Just too much!

10-31-2007, 03:56 PM
I've thought about using the strips, but I'm worried that they will pull the fillings out of my front teeth. (that's what happens when you don't see a dentist for 14 years.) Because I'm pregnant I can't use the bleaching trays and was told not to use them until after I quit breastfeeding.