View Full Version : How do you react?

10-30-2007, 09:47 PM
Background: Ivy was going through one heckuva bully adolescent stage. Working with my behaviorist to curb her bullying, we also implemented using a muzzle whenever we went on the dog trails just as a safety measure.

However, I've noticed that many people take several steps back when they see Ivy with her muzzle on. Now, these people are not scared of dogs as this is a DOG trail and to walk on these trails with a dog-phobia is just insane. Dog owners are usually more understanding and less inclined to pull their dogs in towards them, but there is a certain fear nonetheless.

Certainly, I can understand why there's so much apprehension, but I was just wondering what the general consensus is. When you see a dog with a muzzle on, how do you usually react?

10-31-2007, 12:19 AM
Well, I certainly know what you mean! People see a dog with a muzzle, and some sort of radar goes off in their heads, and they feel they have to stay far away from that dog.

When I see a dog with a muzzle, it really is not a big deal. What I look at is the body language of the dog. If the dog is lunging at me and growling, I'm obvioulsly going to give him his space. But If a dog is just walking nicely beside their owner I really don't give it a second glance.

Ginger's Mom
10-31-2007, 06:00 AM
I will also slow down or give a wider berth to someone with a dog in a muzzle, or multiple dogs, or sometimes even just a larger dog. I usually do this because I do not want to cause that dog or owner distress. If they give me the okay, or indicate it is just a learning tool or they do not mind having their arms pulled in three different directions by multiple dogs, then I will approach. I actually do it to try and make things easier for that person,and let them indicate how much they want me and my dog to intrude on their space. So, my point is it may not be a negative reaction, but simply someone trying to make things easier for you. Quite frankly, it is a courtesy I would like from others if I were walking several dogs, or a particularly strong or aggressive dog.

10-31-2007, 08:02 AM
YUP, I'm with Ginger's Mom on this one. I give a wider berth and try to ignore the dog. I figure the muzzle is on there for a reason. maybe te dog doesn't like other dogs; why get it riled up? Maye the dog is fine with dogs but doesn't like strangers. I have no way of knowing WHY it is on, just that there is an issue. I prefer to pass a person with their dog, not pass a person flying and struggling to handle the dog. Why get close and worry the dog? So I stay away.

Plus, my dogs are small (10 to 12 pounds). Most dogs with muzzles are larger and look at my dogs as appetizers! ;)

10-31-2007, 09:07 AM
To be honest with you if I was out walking, alone or with my dogs, and I came across someone walking their dog with a muzzle on I would give them a wide berth. Not because I would automatically assume the dog was vicious or anything, but it obviously has a muzzle on for a reason and my dogs or myself getting into it's space is not likely to help matters. If the owner of the dog told me it was okay to let the dogs meet or something like that then I would probably do so.
Unfortunately until the owner said something I would have no idea wether the muzzle was being used as a training aid (as in your case) or just as a management tool, so I would proceed with caution.

Lilith Cherry
10-31-2007, 10:36 AM
How about the poor dogs and owners in Ontario where BSL is in force? Most of these dogs are only muzzled because of the law and their lives made less happy by it!

10-31-2007, 11:24 AM
I would do what others said and proceed with caution. I will give the dog some attention if the owner says it's okay, as I appreciate it when people do the same. It helps my fear aggressive dog realize that people are nothing to fear. I will muzzle Kaedyn if I'm out in a busier area. It's more for my peace of mind than anything, as he's great 99% of the time. It's a safe way for me to socialize and desensitize him. I don't appreciate it when people run across the road as soon as they see the muzzle on him though.. it makes him more upset and cancels out any recent progress I've made with him.

10-31-2007, 11:54 AM
If I came across a muzzled dog I would leave extra room, as a few others have already said, because I know it's on for a reason. I wouldn't cross the street or go running from it.

Plus Buddy has been known to bark at dogs and I wouldn't want him to get the dog upset. So I would worry about Buddy bothering the muzzled dog.

10-31-2007, 01:10 PM
I feel sbout the same as others have said. I'd redirect my dogs to keep
a distance away from a muzzled dog. If I knew the dog or the problems
the owner was working on, that might make a difference in my reaction.

10-31-2007, 03:03 PM
I'm with everyone else. I take a brouder path around the muzzled dog. Not that I'm scared, but I don't know WHY the dog is wearing the muzzle.