View Full Version : Licking the keyboard?

08-07-2002, 11:10 AM
Whenever I'm on my laptop, Scout like to walk over and try to lick the keyboard. Why? Even when I'm not around, I'll walk back in to find him on the table by the laptop licking the keyboard keys. Once I say no, he stops. But, why does he? Does it smell good to him? It's just strange. Any one else's kitty do anything strange?! :)

08-07-2002, 04:20 PM
Strange behaviour indeed!! Maybe you touched something that smells nice to Scout, and then typed on your laptop and the smell is still on the keys....?

Piglet chews the newspaper but only when I'm reading it, just to get my attention.
Boyfriend's cat Wissel licks anything that's made of plastic, but I once read that that's typical behaviour for a cat who is bored and doesn't have enough room to get around and play (which is true because she lives in a very small one-room appartment :( , I think it's a bit cruel, and spend lots of time with her)

It could be Scout's very special personal quirky behaviour to lick the keyboard, every cat does weird things sometimes, which makes them even more unique. ;)

08-11-2002, 04:34 PM
I've never heard of this kind of behavior. My cat Storm loves plastic. He'll try to eat plastic bags, ribbons, flowers (especially dried ones), plants. He does some of this to get my attention. Sunny likes to chew cardboard boxes. Pepper used to chew cardboard boxes but he out grew that. He's now fasinated by rubberbands. I have to child proof my house. :)

08-12-2002, 01:33 PM
my cat sucks his tail and sits on anyones lap that has the computer. my dad says that he can feel a vibrating sound from the computer that we cannot hear.:D

08-14-2002, 05:05 AM
Originally posted by Piglet
\ Maybe you touched something that smells nice to Scout, and then typed on your laptop and the smell is still on the keys....

I agree completely, but there are many things our pets do that we just can't explain. Although what Piglet said probably is the logical explanation, maybe Scout is looking for attention and therefore does something out of the ordinary to show you. Maybe Scout likes the feeling of the keys on the tounge, like a massage for it. It probably is just a simple phase, and will probably pass soon.

08-15-2002, 10:39 AM
my kitties do that too! its weird tho they start licking me then they lick the keybord alllllllllll over :eek:

08-16-2002, 04:02 PM
kitties have some odd habits, which many times are motivated by physical and emotional needs. perhaps Scout associates the laptop with you, and "grooms" it, wanting to be near you. or maybe Scout likes the taste of the salt left on the keys by sweaty fingertips. or both. or perhaps he's just goofy! we all love our goofy fur children.

at any rate, your laptop must be very clean!
