View Full Version : Julian and his drinking problem....

Aspen and Misty
10-29-2007, 12:53 AM
Hi PT, Julian da cutest bun bun in the world here (yes thats my offical title). Ma sayz I gotz a drinkins problem? I think shez crazy!! Just cuz I drink 1 1/2 bowlz of watez a day when my sizter only drinkz one bowl every other dayz doezn't mean anything, right? I juzt thinkz that the water helpz the hayz go down, know what I mean? Ma sayz I gotz ta go to the white coatz soon to see if therez somethin wrong with me'z. She'z a worry wort!

Any wayz, mom'z took some REALLY REALLY cute picz of me tonight and she thought I should share!! (of course, everyone needs picz of me, right?)

My new homez! It's a lot bigger then this pic makez it look, I do binkies and destroy my toyz all dayz long!

Can I getz 2 carrotz and a handful of parzley peez?

Mom sayz I'm a sweet and innocent bunny. She doesn't know my dark side!

My sister Sharra

Sister again (Ma'z makin me post these)

Ma will update when she knowz whats up wif me drinkin so much.

Bunny kizzes to everyone

Julian da cutest bun bun in the world

10-29-2007, 02:12 AM

10-29-2007, 09:53 AM
Your bun bun's are adorable!

I love those floppy ears, and the colour on your (Maybe) mini - rex is beautiful. :)

10-29-2007, 10:19 AM
Julian, you are a most handsome bunny!