View Full Version : Fifth Package for Peanuts!

10-27-2007, 08:22 PM
yay, what a surprise! it got here so quickly.. a fellow pet talker sent a package for our little peanuts and it arrived today!! :D of course I took some pictures for you, 24 slideshow pictures - enjoy!

midnight sat on it when I ran for the camera :p
and as you can see zephyra & whispers in there approving gifts. :D ;)

http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t88/americadroplets/cover.jpg (http://s158.photobucket.com/albums/t88/americadroplets/?action=view&current=abe10b03.pbr)

the little peanuts were upstairs sleeping, didn't want to wake them up so I will take pictures of them playing with their new toys when they are older enough - I promise. :)

10-28-2007, 12:42 PM
And Two Cat Toys, Big Animal Welfare Mice Should Be There By Wednesday, So Your Cats Will Ceratinly Have A Lot Of Fun With Thier Gifts.
Thats Nice Another Pet Talker Had The Same Dea As The Lucky Found Cats And I.

10-28-2007, 01:14 PM
Awww, Clayton my man!!!! Woo Hoo!!! :D :D Hugs to you big guy. You are so funny trying to get in the package when they are still closed. :)

10-28-2007, 02:44 PM
awesome gary! we will be looking forward to it. :)

well cindy, that naughty clayton as being their uncle said he only would inspect safety for the peanuts... then thought he could snatch for some! :rolleyes: we should have known him too well, right? ;)

they all got a treat each though - and again today - that reminds me I didn't post that video!

10-28-2007, 03:25 PM
Hey, that's what uncles are for, right? :) Well, at least everyone got to test the treats for the peanuts. Thank goodness you have the taste test panel on duty at all times. :p

10-28-2007, 09:31 PM
Gina, your kitties are beautiful. I especially liked the pictures of them in the sunshine. it looks like there are yummy treats for everyone! My nephew's cat Milo loves the Good Life treats. I've never bought them for Cassie but I think we will give them a try.

11-08-2007, 03:11 PM
thanks cassiesmom, everyone loves it! let me know how cassie likes it.

the two packages from pet talkers were suppose to arrive last week but they never did. :( so I will share pictures of current toys we have. but one is on way from a non-pet talker, it better be in my box!

here's the treat video I was talking about - as you can see everyone was demanding for one. :) they each get three pieces of treats now, the bag is almost out - I didn't want to leave anyone out! yes I drop them but I memorize who gets how much. :p

http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t88/americadroplets/0710270078-1.jpg (http://s158.photobucket.com/albums/t88/americadroplets/?action=view&current=0710270082.flv)

11-08-2007, 03:19 PM
Somehow, Somewhere My Mice Got Lost Gina, And I Am Sad As I Know That Your Cats Would Have Enjoyed Them.
Thats The Problem Of Having A Post Office Box In That Its Easy To Put Things In The Wrong One.
We May Have To Try Again, If The Animal Welfare Doesnt Sell Out At The Cat Show And Penny Sale.
Its Frustrating To Send Toys And Have Them Disappear.
I Wonder If That Happened To The Other Pet Talkers Parcel As Well?

11-08-2007, 03:21 PM
Oh my goodness! Locke's meow is SOOO loud! :eek:
It's good to see them. (please give my big white guy some loves for me:))

11-08-2007, 03:34 PM
Gina, You Should Have Seen The Lucky Found Cats When Locke Mmmeeeowwwed!
They Are Still Wandering Around Wondering Where That Strange Mmmeeeeow Is Coming From!!!!

11-08-2007, 03:42 PM
haha. I know I can't hear him but I visually know he can be so vocal.. I sure hope no one can hear him from blocks away. I replayed a little peanuts video (which will be shared tomorrow) downstairs, poor zephyra and whispers ran back down, up and down wondering and shot me a look where are the more!?! zephyra even had to scruff my hand.. hehe, they'll get some good sleep tonight!

I will, cindy. :) he has been a bad boy this morning. :o

11-08-2007, 08:13 PM
Clayton a bad boy? I can't believe that!! :p
Well, then give him some loves for me once he is out of trouble. :)

11-08-2007, 08:39 PM
LOL - the treat thread....

I just had my headphones sitting loose on my desk...the MEOWING started; Oscar leapt up from his bed, Cole jumped down from his window spot, and they BOTH trotted quickly out to the living room!

Cole peeked back in the office here for a moment, VERY bug-eyed! :eek: Yeah, kinda like that!

I better go see how they are! :)

Great video! Looking forward to the Peanuts....are they still on bottles or old enough to eat any wet food yet? :)

11-09-2007, 05:41 AM
That is one cool video! That meow, wow, he should be an opera singer with that amazing voice! Beautiful beautiful cats, you are so lucky Gina :)

11-09-2007, 10:55 AM
OMG!!!.... itīs like me... me... me... me.... ME (says Locke) ;)

what a gorgeous bunch of meows... love those begging faces and pawings at you......

way too adorable!!!

11-09-2007, 01:38 PM
Yodie was minding her own business, sitting in the window sill, enjoying the sun, when I played your video. She jumped down, then jumped up on my desk to see the video when she heard your "ark" meowing for treats. How funny! What a gorgeous bunch! Now Yodie is licking her lips as if to say "I know a treat meow when I hear one. So stop holding out on us, Mom."

11-09-2007, 02:45 PM
thank you culturejunky & medusa. :)

catty, aw cute - were they ok? feeding, I will update that in new thread today. ;)

heh huskymom - you're SO right, he's like that for some pettings too and I ALWAYS trip over him (not hearing him coming up behind me). :rolleyes: but that is good, he had me trained to stick my eyes onto floor or else I would have stepped on squishy hairball the other day. :D

11-09-2007, 08:33 PM
They were ok, Gina! :D Just running around looking for the other kitties!

I didn't realize that was Locke being so loud! He could be an opera star!!!

ETA - I just played part of it again...same thing...the two of them trotted RAPIDLY out towards the living room, with a little growling in Cole's throat. Not an angry one - just "there is something strange here" growl!

PS - you might want to check the thread "I am cute TOO!!!" I think Oscar got jealous of all the attention his fluffy little brother was getting. ;)

11-13-2007, 07:35 PM
we got another package from another pet talker, catmandu yesterday! we're relieved they are here. two new catnip mice - and two old mice from him as well too almost two years ago when our home collapsed - they still are good! you'll see in these pictures. I took over 400 pictures and obviously I don't have time too upload all of them :o so I picked out a few best shots for each cat, 50 total. :D not all of them in there though.

http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t88/americadroplets/cover-3.jpg (http://s158.photobucket.com/albums/t88/americadroplets/?action=view&current=bf4f1e12.pbr)

11-14-2007, 09:36 AM
My Lucky Found Paradise Hotel Cats Are So Pleased That The Mice Arrived And They Are Impressed That Thier Toys From Two Years Ago Are Still Played With.
Nothing Makes My Furry Purrrries Happier Than Sharing With Thier Cat Friends, They Have Learned That Giving Gifts Makes Them Feel So Goood!!

11-15-2007, 01:48 PM
a package for almost everyone from a non-pet talker today. a lot of kitty balls! milk bones & green dental treats for crayola, pellets for fish and dried pineapples, cocohazelnut pirouette (rolled wafers) for me. :D

ooh this is fun. :)

12-04-2007, 05:56 PM
came in today!

hi hi, just so you know this is constance and chandler here (aka the little peanuts you have been hearing about).. here's our chance today, we want to thank you all again so much for thinking of us. we very much enjoyed our new toys, treats, feathers and most of all, fun. they have kept us busy when memowie is out doing her errands - thank god! we are lost without her sometimes. really. our favorite part is when she comes home and opens the door because we get to zoom to her, jump and climb all up on her then snuggle by her neck. anyway, we've just posted a new set pictures of us in tazzoee's thread and please enjoy those montages. :)

third from a friend of meowmie's ..
http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t88/americadroplets/packages/cover.jpg (http://s158.photobucket.com/albums/t88/americadroplets/packages/?action=view&current=5514a96c.pbr)

and fourth from jennlibrarian - gosh, we were spoiled!!
http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t88/americadroplets/packages/cover-1.jpg (http://s158.photobucket.com/albums/t88/americadroplets/packages/?action=view&current=0bb076c2.pbr)

my meowmie hasn't been in the mood doing fifth one yet so that might will come later. maybe I should be taking some classes and learn how to! okay, time for us to go now - I think we heard some crinkling bags!

(((thankees very much you all again)))

12-04-2007, 06:05 PM
So good to see you back, Gina. Hope you're doing better.