View Full Version : Bank statement, what is it that I noticed? Hmmmm..

10-27-2007, 11:52 AM
You know what's interesting? Right now, I'm sitting in my room, checking out my bank statement online, and I'm filling out my bills.. and I noticed while reviewing what I've paid for, that my roommate hasn't cashed my check for the gas/electricity bill for October. Also, my other roommate that I owed her $ for cleaning supplies/blinds/garbage cans for the house. hasn't cashed it either.. which is about $40 and it's been about a month too, so.. why are those checks still laying around? That ANNOYS me. Sorry, if I am paying for the bills, I expect to see them on my bank statement as soon as after they are cashed and being used what they are supposed to be for! So I guess I will be confronting them today and ask about it, because I always check everything online, especially when it comes to bills. :o

10-27-2007, 05:29 PM
This must be a *Rachel thing*. It annoys me too when one of my checks is not cashed in a timely fashion. Part of my job is a bookkeeper and once I had a check that was never cashed. The fiscal year ended and it was a real pain to straighten that out on Quick Books. :mad:

10-27-2007, 06:12 PM
That's why I only write two checks a month! One for rent and one for my hairdresser. I'm one of the guilty parties that forget about checks. It's a real hassle for me to make a trip specifically to deposit one. :rolleyes: God bless the creator of the ATM!

10-27-2007, 06:23 PM
I wouldn't worry if they cashed YOUR check or not: I'd worry if they paid the BILL!!!

10-28-2007, 06:31 PM
I hope the bill was paid.

this too is why I do money orders, money removed the same day you "withdraw/write", just like cash. also checks come in STACK that I wouldn't finish in years...... :rolleyes:

maybe next time you could get money order for her instead of check. it doesn't cost you too much.

10-28-2007, 07:51 PM
That is also one of my pet peeves!

With our previous landlord, he could take MONTHS to cash the rent check. So I started writing "void if not cashed by X date" on them. That solved the problem! :D