View Full Version : Er??

10-26-2007, 02:35 AM
Can someone tell me what happened on ER today (thursday? :D I had t0 go to town w/ my mom and wasn't back in time to watch it. I always try to watch it and see what happens....

Oh..and re-runs never come on of ER do they? I know they do in the mornings..on 46? i think, but I mean there prob. won't be a re-run of this last one, will it?


Suki Wingy
10-26-2007, 02:24 PM
Well, Moris was tempted by every beautiful woman but kept true to Faith, Abby almost started drinking again but then thought about Joe and didn't, there's a new intern who's only 19, and I don't remember the rest. I keep trying to stop watching it because it's getting rediculous but I just keep getting sucked back in.

10-26-2007, 02:30 PM
Some psycho walked into ER and wanted a surgeon. He said his left foot had been replaced with someone else's and wanted a surgeon to amputate it. He was prescribed some meds and discharged. Next thing you know, he stole another patient's chainsaw (go figure...bringing a chainsaw into ER :rolleyes: ), and started sawing off his foot. There was blood spirting everywhere.......

10-26-2007, 02:34 PM
Actually, you don't need our recaps! NBC has episode recaps - with photos, on NBC.com - look at the list of shows, then scroll down to ER.

Suki Wingy
10-28-2007, 12:29 AM
WOW Slick, that must have all happened in the first 15 minutes or so because I was just coming home from my riding lesson and only caught the last 45 minutes.

10-28-2007, 09:49 AM
Actually, you don't need our recaps! NBC has episode recaps - with photos, on NBC.com - look at the list of shows, then scroll down to ER.You can also watch full episodes of some shows online. Looks like ER is one of them! http://www.nbc.com/ER/

10-28-2007, 10:31 AM
Some psycho walked into ER and wanted a surgeon. He said his left foot had been replaced with someone else's and wanted a surgeon to amputate it. He was prescribed some meds and discharged. Next thing you know, he stole another patient's chainsaw (go figure...bringing a chainsaw into ER :rolleyes: ), and started sawing off his foot. There was blood spirting everywhere.......

Sounds pretty similar to Grey's Anatomy's recent episode.