View Full Version : Update on Nova and Konnor (pics included!)

Aspen and Misty
10-25-2007, 11:27 PM
Hey everyone! After I got back from Alaska the dogs, rabbits and I moved into a new apartment with 2 of my friends. We all love it and the dogs have been so amazing with the move. We've had a few ups and downs but they are now well adjusted to the new schedule.

Konnor went to a Frisbee competition this past weekend and played with some professional Frisbee champions. We are going to take up the sport, he loves it!! He has become so good too, he now heels off leash. He also learned how to roll left or right on command! So I can say Konnor "roll left" and he will roll over to his left side! It's a fun "show off trick". He is such an amazing, well behaved boy. I just love him.

Nova has become very good since we've moved out. Me having to walk her everyday has been the best thing that has ever happened to us. She is a lot more obedient and well adjusted, the transformation has been amazing. She has an odd lump on her stomach though and went to the vet today to get some samples taken and sent away. We will find out in about 5 days what it is and what we will do from there. The vet says it looks like it's just a fatty tumor, which would be great. I just love her so much, she might be a bad dog most of the time ;) but I wouldn't trade her for the world!

On to some pictures!!

This poor boy has such a hard life!


The dog's favorite place in the whole apartment is the deck. They spend hours every day out there! We face the main "doggie spot" and so they get to bark at and say hello to all there doggie friends.

Pretty girl Nova

There friend Keeper an old Gray hound was out doing his business and they had to say hello

Nova again

They were not happy about a group shot

Nova stood up and walked away, but Konnor waited for me to say “okay” before he moved.

Thanks for looking!


10-26-2007, 05:06 AM
Konner and Nova are both so sweet! I hope Nova's results come back ok. :)

10-26-2007, 08:45 AM
Welcome back! Konner & Nova must have been overjoyed to see you again! Hope Nova's tests come back a-ok.

10-26-2007, 09:26 AM
Oh I just love the pictures of Konnor on the pillow, makes me want to curl up and take a nap with him!!

What a wonderful view from the patio they have!
I'm sure they have lots of fun watching the pups out in the yard!!

Glad to hear they have adjusted to the new place!

Aspen and Misty
10-26-2007, 11:42 PM
Thanks everyone!! I love the view from my patio, the dogs love it even more because all there doggies friends come to visit them a few times a day! LOL.


10-27-2007, 12:01 AM
Glad to see an update from you. I just love this one. They look so cute together.
I'm glad you have such a nice place to live. I like that little patio you have.

Ginger's Mom
10-27-2007, 08:04 AM
Poor Konnor, he looks pooped from all of that playing. :D What a cutie-pie. Nova sure is pretty, and seems to love viewing her kingdom from her royal balcony. Your new complex looks very nice.
Hope Nova's tests come out alright. Don't forget to update us.

10-27-2007, 09:36 AM
Hope Nova's tests come out alright. Don't forget to update us.
yep! hugs to sweet nova. good to see konnor again, congrats on his progress!

I know how it must be so good to be with all of your fuzzkids again! been a while huh? the first picture of them together is cute, I think konnor is happily listening to you! :)