View Full Version : Name needed for FIV+ Foster, More Pics #30!!!

10-25-2007, 11:08 PM
My sweetheart of a boy needs a name!! I'm just so stuck on what it should be. He answers to almost anything, lol. He's sweet and fluffy, and loving and gives kisses. He's the perfect cat. I want to keep him all to myself, lol. :o :p
I have some ideas, I just am not sure about them.

What does this face look like to you??


10-25-2007, 11:14 PM
Well, when I read sweet and fluffy the first thing that came to mind was Marshmallow. With his coloring he'd be a little bit of a burnt marshmallow. :)

He is adorable. The shape of his head and his face remind me of a lion. OH, another name....Leo. Yeah, I guess Marshmallow may be a little feminine for this big guy.

What are your ideas of names for him? If you don't mind sharing. :)

ETA: LOL I posted this before you put up the poll. :) So I voted for Marshmallow, but I still suggest Leo as an option too. And I don't know the names of your current kitties, so you may already have a Leo. ??

10-25-2007, 11:44 PM
I voted Smudge on the instructions of someone of that name ;) but I also think that he's so fluffy and rugged-looking that he could be a Yeti!

Love, Columbine

10-25-2007, 11:44 PM

10-25-2007, 11:47 PM

(or MacIntosh with a change...McIntyre? Mull of Kintyre?)

10-25-2007, 11:51 PM

Why for "Steve"?

I keep seeing the Wedding Planner, and the Italian guy not being able to pronounce Steve and says "Stiev". LOL.

10-25-2007, 11:52 PM

(or MacIntosh with a change...McIntyre? Mull of Kintyre?)

Captain Morgan maybe.... like the rum, lol!

10-26-2007, 07:28 AM
When I saw the title, I skipped right past the poll to look at his picture first. I didn't want to be influenced by your suggestions.

I recently saw a painting of an old Irishman and OH MY he really does look like the man in that photo! (Minus the pipe in the hand, he he.)

Whatever you call him, he'll also be called HANDSOME!

10-26-2007, 10:07 AM
Chipper still it is! :p but okay, it's not in the list so I studied him a bit more... Little Map came to my mind (white is water)! :D I really think that's cute.. :p

I agree marshamallow & two others may bea feminine name for this BIG handsome fella. I do like Mac too but I just don't like to use the same name again, kinda of losing (the deceased one's) speciality you know?

oh, Macho? lol.

10-26-2007, 01:46 PM
Chipper still it is! :p but okay, it's not in the list so I studied him a bit more... Little Map came to my mind (white is water)! :D I really think that's cute.. :p

I agree marshamallow & two others may bea feminine name for this BIG handsome fella. I do like Mac too but I just don't like to use the same name again, kinda of losing (the deceased one's) speciality you know?

oh, Macho? lol.

Well, I like the name Chipper, but there is a Chipper on PT that I think of when I say the name Chipper, and he always looks so happy and content, and this guy looks kind of sad to me. It's something in the eyes. Granted, when he's all purry and making biscuits on the quilt he looks happy, but he looks lost around the eyes. :(

Map is an interesting thought... or I could name him ATLAS, like the god who carried the world on his shoulders?! ;)

And you're right, Mac was a cat that I loved with all my heart (and still tear up thinking about him), so that name won't work. Sigh...

Macho... that one makes me laugh, because just the other day a kid at school was telling us his dad played ball with Michael Jordan and that his dad's name was Mark Macho (he's a pathological liar, doesn't even bat an eyelash when he lies!!). So, Macho will not work for me, cause I'll think of Gabriel and his 5'7" pro basketball playing father and just laugh too much.

Smudge seems to be getting a lot of votes though. It's a cute name too!

10-26-2007, 03:54 PM
I can't believe how RELAXED he is!!! I have him in my bedroom, and the door is open, and he's totally stretched out under the bed. Calloway and Finae are sleeping on top of the bed. No one has growled yet. No one has hissed yet. No one has made a peep!!! Sophie did peek in the door and then turned around and ran out.... she's my wimpy cat though!

I'm just amazed at how peaceful it is. :eek: :D

10-26-2007, 04:07 PM
uhmmm... Magnum? (because he is a very handsome guy with a moustache like the character Tom Selleck played on "Magnum P.I.")

Dusty? (because another handsome guy with a moustache is Dusty, the character played by Brad Pitt in the movie Ocean's Eleven) ...

What a precious kitty! hughughug

Miss Z
10-26-2007, 05:16 PM
I love Macintosh! It just has a sort of gentlemanly air about it, and from those pics, he looks a little like a lion with his mane and all (lol), so it seems to suit him. I like your reasons behind the name too, it would be nice to have him has a reminder for a past kitty.

10-26-2007, 05:23 PM
I Would Say Fluffy, But I Guess Thats An Old Cat Name.
Its Jsut That He Resembles My Dear Old Mr Fluffy In A Lot Of Ways!!!
If You Pick A Name Could You Please Add Fluffy To It,so Mr Fluffy Has A Protege All His Own Too!
I Would Add A Photo, But Photobuckets Not On Again.

10-26-2007, 05:51 PM
OH I think altas is perfect, alas!! mappy altas hehe.

true, I forgot that chipper also is a word. I was just thinking of "chipped", his nose being 'chipped' or HE is being chipped (abandoned - hard to explain what it means in ASL) but anyway yeah...

well, mac, unless you've had him for very very short time - that would be a different story for me. I thought smudge is a cute name too.

happy deciding! :)

10-26-2007, 08:05 PM
He makes me think of a Norwegian Forest cat, though I don't think he is, so I'm going to suggest Sven (or is that Swedish?!) He looks like the strong, calm, silent type of hunky guy.

I meant to post before, Jen, that I'm so glad you were able to take this cat into your entourage. When I first saw him posted, I thought of you but know how busy you are with fosters and didn't let myself send you an email.

10-26-2007, 11:41 PM
He makes me think of a Norwegian Forest cat, though I don't think he is, so I'm going to suggest Sven (or is that Swedish?!) He looks like the strong, calm, silent type of hunky guy.

I meant to post before, Jen, that I'm so glad you were able to take this cat into your entourage. When I first saw him posted, I thought of you but know how busy you are with fosters and didn't let myself send you an email.

Sven or Sten could be Swedish or Norwegian. Lived in Sweden for over a year actually. Dated a Sven (techno geek) and host family's son was named Sten (means Stone, although he called himself "the rock"... it really did NOT fit him. Such a dork!).

Oh Lynda, you should have guess by now.... cat in need, dire straights, I've got "sukcer" stamped across my forehead, lol. He's one cat that is so worthy of being rescued, and so greatful having been rescued.

10-27-2007, 12:23 AM
Bjorn? Nielsen? (Norwegian spelling of the name).

Garrison? After Garrison Keillor - I don't know if he has Norwegian background, but the state he is in has a lot of folks whose ancestry is there.

(North Dakota? I forget...embarrassing).

But "Garrison" kinda appeals to me! :)

10-27-2007, 12:54 AM
I'm not sure what his name should be but it should be a masculine sounding name. He sure is handsome. Good luck.:)

10-27-2007, 03:48 AM
He looks Irish to me. I love the name Smudge but maybe something Celtic. Ian? Ewan?

10-27-2007, 09:35 AM


10-27-2007, 12:02 PM


Awe... Mr. Fluffy was beautiful! I'll have to fit Fluffy/Fluffer/Fluffers in his name somewhere, lol!

10-27-2007, 12:06 PM
Thinking out loud here...
Garrison Fluffers ;)

Fluffers MacIntosh :p

Marshmallow Fluff :p :p

10-27-2007, 12:14 PM
Garrison Fluffers! LOL

Or MacIntosh Fluffers.

A name starting with 'fluff' might not be manly enough for our boy? Ditto marshmallow...

But you will know the right name when it hits you. :)

Garrison McGuffin? (don't know where THAT came from! LOL) or Garrison McFluff?

10-27-2007, 12:35 PM
He's lounging on my bedroom floor right now. He's just so calm and relaxed. He rolls over, shows his belly, does these long leg and toe stretchies, lol. He's just too much! He acts more at home here than some of my own guys do! :rolleyes:

Oh, he didn't respond to Fluffers... not manly enough I guess, lol. Will have to work on these combos and other names, lol!

10-27-2007, 01:14 PM
fluffy the happy mappy!

sorry the name have stucked in my mind! :p

10-27-2007, 02:08 PM
I voted Smudge but I love Catty1 suggestion....Garrison McFluff. So cute and the name Garrison is manly NO???

10-27-2007, 02:22 PM
LOL.... I like that name! Sounds Irish and loving and fluffy, lol, which he is (fluffy and loving.. Irish I doubt :p ).

He's sleeping under the bed, and my fraidy cat Sophie just slunk in on her belly looking at him very cautiously, and then slunk back out! Jorgie doesn't care. He walked in, flopped on the floor and was like "Hey there! You're new! What's your name?!" He's such a cat's cat! He's not a fan of people, but loves other kitties, lol.

10-27-2007, 06:25 PM
Here's a link that lists a lot of macsuline names masculine pet names (http://www.pet-net.net/pet-names/male-names.html). I laughed at the Mister Bigglesworth name.:)

10-27-2007, 09:30 PM
More pics, lol. Look who is just making himself right at home!!








10-27-2007, 09:37 PM
SmudgeFluffer! SmudgeNugget!

He looks like the sweetest-tempered cat ever!

gee...maybe he could even charm Ally? Ok, I can dream, can't I??? ;)

10-27-2007, 09:41 PM
He's been out of his room all day, and he just is so laid back. I'm just amazed. I wonder if he's lost, to be totally honest, because he's just too nice to be a stray. But, then again, some people just don't appreciate their pets. He's snoozing on my quilt at the moment, lol. Such a sweet boy. :)

Not letting him near Ally. She bites everyone. :(

10-27-2007, 10:55 PM
He sure looks like a sweetheart and he acts like he's lived with you his whole life.:) He was probably owned and then abandoned.:(

My Sky was found as a stray and he's the most outgoing and loving cat towards people out of all of my furkids.:)

10-29-2007, 10:59 AM
He's so beautiful.I could just look at him and pat him all day.His face is so gorgeous. :)

10-29-2007, 01:43 PM
Jenn, I think he looks like a Huey to me. He is like a big stuffed animal ya just want to snuggle with.

11-04-2007, 11:52 AM
Well, I've been trying Smudge out, since it won, but he doesn't respond. Actually, the only name he's been responding to is "Handsome Boy!", lol. He just rolls around on the floor, purrs and sneezes a bit, but is basically just a happy camper being inside and warm. He sleeps on the bed with me and the other kitties, and yesterday he came and flopped down and rolled over right on top of Calloway! Cal wasn't pleased, but he just sighed and decided to ignore him and go back to sleep. Smudgy just laid there, on his back, getting belly rubs and purring like a maniac, lol!

Who ever threw this cat out on the state game lands was a wack job. He is just wonderful!