View Full Version : I told her puppies don't...VIDEO POST 7

10-24-2007, 05:36 PM
This is just cruel and unusual punishment...I told my mommy I did not smell anything, and by the way puppies don't get stinky!!
LOOK, JUST LOOK..she thinks everyone needed to see my wetness!!
I finally am getting dry, on mommys expensive blanket, hehe!!
Uh oh, I think she sees me.
Maybe, just maybe, if I tuck in a little further she won't notice me. After all she put me through I should get to use the softy blanket!

10-24-2007, 06:18 PM
Hey Chopper!

Your mom didn't believe you huh? About puppies not getting stinky? Sorry about that.

My mom calls me a "tomboy," whatever that is. Most of the bichons here get a bath every OTHER week (it's a white dog problem!). Not me. Nope, I get one at least once per week and sometimes more often. And we bichons have to go under the blower dryer as well! Ugh!

After I am all dry, I just LOVE to go out in the back yard into Dad's veggie garden and roll. It is LOTS of fun! He puts loads of manure down for his veggies, and I just love it! The other doggies here respect the fence around the garden, but I know better. That fence signifies something GOOD on the other side!

Today it was raining and I ran outside while all the other doggies stood in the doorway. I discovered my coat is like a sponge! Rain is NOT the same water in that sink thingy. I waited to see how much water my coat would hold, then I scooted inside the fence. Chopper, I had to take a bath today, too!

These hoomans just don't understand doggie fun! You look very snuggly inside the blanky. Hope you got some treats after all the torture!
Your in sympathy

10-24-2007, 08:18 PM
Oh Chopper, you poor abused pup. ;) People just don't understand do they? My Zoee is lucky she doesn't need a bath very often, Aussie have sensitive skin that dries out if bathed too much. But Zoee loves to roll around on the carpet after a bath. She goes crazy!!! :D
Anyway, Chopper, you are such a cutie all cuddled up in mommies blanket. :)

10-24-2007, 08:36 PM
Oh Chopper I believe you. How could a tiny little thing like you get stinky. If you ever feel like you are being abused you can come and live with me in a heartbeat. :)

Dear Chopper, Don't believe our mom. Me and my liddel brudder both got baths yesterday. She thought we were stinky too. Boy if you ever want to see our mom spazz just try digging in the dirt after it has been raining. Doesn't she understand that i saw a chipmunk go under the liddel house where our dad keeps the big roaring machine that chops up our grass? I just wanted to protect our property. Anyways, I am glad you got to snuggle inside that beyoootiful blankie. :) Be glad you don't have curls like my brudder and me. After we cuddle in our blankies and gets all dry our mom brushes us and then brings out the buzzing thing and starts shaving our fur. Oh I tell you sometimes it is more than a dog can bear, but of course you understand.
Your friend, Bella

10-24-2007, 08:44 PM
Deer Chopper,

i am so sorry you had to go through such a horrible experience. my mommy gives me baths and takes pictures with the flashy box to! i find it so mean and insultin! at least ur mommy doesn't call youz a drowned rat! :rolleyes: i belive you chopper and i think you did the rite thing by hiding in moms blanket! next time go for the sheets on da big hooman bed. ;) i still think u are very good lookin' chopper! :D


10-25-2007, 07:17 AM
Chopper, I'm so sorry your mommy abuses you like that!!

You are the cutest dang thing all curled up and hiding in her blankie!

10-25-2007, 08:41 AM

This is Chopper after his bath but before he stole my blanket.
http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa103/marmadukechamp/th_MVI_4427.jpg (http://s196.photobucket.com/albums/aa103/marmadukechamp/?action=view&current=MVI_4427.flv)

10-25-2007, 04:13 PM
Don't be silly. Your voice is not annoying at all! You should hear me! Oh Chopper, I hope you are all dry now and stay clean for a little while. If not, you know where you will wind up again. :p Ripley said he suggests zoomies when you are wet to help speed up the drying process. :p He races around the house like he is on fire after he gets out of the tubbie tub. :)

10-25-2007, 04:17 PM
Ha ha :D Awww Chopper you are so cute :D

I agree with you Chopper, after all your mummy put you through you should at least be allowed to snuggle up in the nice expensive blanket ;)

10-25-2007, 04:18 PM
Chopper, did you find the towel ouse in there? He likes to hide in here so yuou have to keep snorting and snuffling! Then he moves to the blankie and finally to the bed! (Fingers and toes are the mouse!)

Ginger's Mom
10-25-2007, 04:24 PM
Hehehe, I think you are right, Chopper, puppies don't get stinky. They are too cute to be stinkies. ;)

10-25-2007, 04:41 PM
Chopper, you are so cute all snuggled up in mom's blanket!