View Full Version : My rough life by Tehya...

10-24-2007, 12:48 AM

Yup, I got a rough life. Just look at this:
I had to squish myself on this chair cuz Pingo and Franklin were hogging the couch! Rough, I tell you, rough!

Nobas Mom
10-24-2007, 01:13 AM
oh Tehya... you poor girl... kick pingo off the couch next time.. :D

10-24-2007, 01:18 AM
kick pingo off the couch next time.. :D

Ohhh, I'm pretty sure that would be a bad idea! The couch is kinda reserved for Pingo. she's like 10 years old so I have to respect my elders. Or, yanno, they might kick my butt! :eek:


Nobas Mom
10-24-2007, 01:29 AM

Noba here. I understand the elder thing too. Sadie is old, she's three, so she has like a whole year on me, and I would never think about kicking her off anythign that she had first. But your chair looks pretty comfy. Check out me in my chair!! I seem to fit a little better, but at least you got a good nap.

10-24-2007, 04:59 AM
Poor Tehya! :D

Ginger's Mom
10-24-2007, 05:46 AM
Aw, poor Tehya. Do you think Mom can fit 23 more couches in her house? :D

10-24-2007, 07:36 AM
A-Roos, Miss Tehya,
You are a lucky dog! We're not 'llowed up on da FURniture here, even though it sounds like it's for furry critters, doesn't it? Maybe your mom can send our mom a note that says it's ok to let us up da FURniture too? ~Jack

10-24-2007, 07:58 AM
Hi there, Tehya! Whose the kitty in the background? At least he kitty isn't hogging the chair! I hope your neck wasn't too sore after that nap!

Cinder & Smoke
10-24-2007, 09:07 AM
I had to squish myself on this chair cuz Pingo and Franklin were hogging the couch!

Did'ja check out da BigBed for vacancies?

When Dad can't "find" us --- he knowz ta check onna BigBed ...
Furst Wun on getz da pillow; Nummer 2 is "late" an gets da foot end.
You mite have to share wiffa KAT or two - but ole Boots nebber used to
take up too much room.

Who had da Foo-ton?

10-24-2007, 11:57 AM
Woooo, Tehya ... did you have a nice nap?... the kitty in the background matches you!

10-24-2007, 12:10 PM
Woooo everyone

Cinder and Smoke:
I only go on the big bed when Mom is on it too. I like to snuggle! Chum and Pacer are always on the big bed! Mom said sometime soon I might get to sleep out of my crate and on the big bed with her! Cuz I have been good in the house lately. Mom moved the footon into the sun room. No critters are allowed in there, mainly cuz the cats try to eat all the plants! Plus right now the footon is covered with Dad's junk that Mom hasn't put away yet!

Noba, you look very comfy in that chair!

The cat is Polly Paws. If she had the chair, I wooda just stayed on the floor. That cat has a lot of claws and she aint afraid to use 'em!

Jack and Star--are you serious? YOu aren't allowed on the furniture? That is outrageous! Do you have extra nice stuff or something? Your hoomins should do what mine do--buy extra ugly cheap furniture and cover it with blankets. Mom paid 100 bucks for our whole living room set! That way it don't matter if you get some fur on it or mud or whatever! I will have my Momma have a talk with your Momma!


10-24-2007, 05:47 PM
Rough!? hahahaaaa! ;) :D Silly Tehya.

10-24-2007, 09:25 PM
Not only does Bubba not do any kicking off of casey but he runs when he see's her headed for the spot he is in. Poor guy :p