View Full Version : FINALLY SHRIMP pictures!(2)

10-23-2007, 08:44 PM
I finally got some pictures of the shrimp. Well, decent ones. It's pretty hard since they are so small. I added a few pictures of Diamond, G. Chubbs :rolleyes: , and Phsyco.

Both the shrimpies are in this photo. Davey Jones and Jack Sparrow. :p http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v708/bobbernut/shrimpie.jpg
Close-up of adventurous Davey Jones. PLEASE excuse the disgusting tank. I took the time to clean it after the photos and it took me about an hour since they kept getting in the way of the magnet! :rolleyes:

Additional 3 shots of the fish:
Diamond. For a time, we moved her into my 3 gallon tank with Gary and Physco since they are the only two in there and she started nipping at Physco. Gary wouldn't let her bother him. So we finally moved the brat back by herself. I don't know WHY she didn't get along with them but there is no way I could let her harm Physco anymore. His fins were nipped a bit and one day I saw BLOOD slightly on his side. It's gone now, thank god. But for those who say she needs company, sorry she lost her chance now.

Bros for life. I think Gary has finally gotten over his buddy, Draco. He really seemed lost without him, but he's opening up to Physco more now. :)

The reason I've been neglecting pictures of the fish is because in the summer after a power outage the tank light never went back on. We tried changing the bulb but that didn't work, so my dad contacted the company and they sent us a free part and it finally works. They seem so much happier now!

Thanks for looking.

Miss Z
10-24-2007, 05:02 AM
You did well to get good pics of such tiny shrimp, Alyssa! And Phsyco is a handsome fella too. :D

Thanks for sharing!

10-24-2007, 05:05 AM
I just love your shrimp! Cute fishies too! :D

10-24-2007, 06:59 PM
aww.. :o it melts my heart someone considers shrimp as a pet. :) CUTE!

do they ever sway their endtail? or swims like a frog? sooo tiny. :D sorry about that nipper, I guess she's happy being alone?

give a finger-wave to each for me! :cool:

10-24-2007, 07:12 PM
I'm still shocked that the shrimp are still alive without being able to change the water. I expected a toxic ammonia or phosphate level faster than that.

Diamond's a tetra, they nip. They are related to pirahnas. You should try getting her some friends of her own species.