View Full Version : Eye goop seals eye shut!

10-22-2007, 10:54 AM
Marlin is a bichon. Bichons are known for tearing. Marlin tears more than anything I've ever seen. He ges huge globs of black gunk build up in the corner of each eye. I have been trying to keep up with it.

This morning, Marlin got up and his left eye is sealed shut with eye gunk. I have been using a warm water paper towel, but he refuses to let me sit and hold it in place. So I've only been able to do a little gentle rubbing.

The groomer could take care of it; but the groomer is not open on Mondays.

Do I need to get Marlin to the vet? Does anyone have any ideas?

(I have a closet FULL of ear stuff between all these pets; not one eye cleaner among them!)

Lori Jordan
10-22-2007, 11:16 AM
That is too bad,I have never had that problem,But im sure if you even called your vet,they might have a solution.I had a kitten i found that her eyes were sealed shut,I went to the vet and they gave me a cream called BMP,which solved the problem.

There might be a simular cream for your Pup.

10-22-2007, 11:23 AM
chamomille tea works...... itīs used on babies too so itīs safe for pups.....
then you can use a massage right in between the eyes to loosen any mucus allocated there..... massage it from the top of the eyes towards the nose....

10-22-2007, 11:59 AM
Cucumber sliced up. Tea bags after you make a cup of tea allow it to cool a bit then use it on the eye. Goofy is a cocker and she also does the gunk thing ALOT.

The cucumber is for swollen lids, I put it on her eyes while rubbing the belly....so she ignores the fact that she looks like an idiot :rolleyes: