View Full Version : Another little wandering spirit

10-21-2007, 04:06 PM
(That's my kennel name Wandering Spirits).

Big commotion outside this afternoon so I go out and see this guy.
He's been here before, but I could never get near him. He'd just cause a ruckus and disappear. I took my camera when I saw him today because I was going to make a poster to put at the mailboxes..Something to the effect of "please confine your dog, I"m sick of him bugging mine".
He had a different plan for today. He followed back through the gate like he lives here! Heck, my own dogs sometimes put up more of fuss about coming back into the yard than he did!
So after some fancy rearranging, he's confined in Tehya's pen, chowing down on a bone. He does seem rather hungry, although he's not too skinny.

Animal Control offered to come out and get him, but I told the officer that he could stay here for now. They will call if anyone comes looking for him. Called the shelter and the vet clinics too. Making a poster now to put up at the mailboxes.

10-21-2007, 04:11 PM
Oh my - he is very handsome. I see a chain, but no ID tag. Hopefully his family will show up soon.

Does Tehya mind him taking over her pen?

critter crazy
10-21-2007, 04:15 PM
What a cutie!!! They always seem to know where the best places are!!:D

10-21-2007, 04:29 PM
He's a beauty, and looks like a well-mixed breed! His head look completely German Shepherd, but with forehead wrinkles thrown in from some other breed - boxer? And those legs are sooooo long, dunno where those came from, and then the fluffy husky-tail!

Hopefully his people will come get him, and realize he needs better confinement at home. He looks like a happy, healthy boy, but just has that wanderlust husky-gene!

10-21-2007, 04:35 PM
Handsome fella. It is a male,right? It's really not very safe for him to be
wandering around with the chain collar. I used a chain coller with my Buddy
but never let him go anwhere in it except in the house. It can get stuck on
a branch or root and choke him. I hope he gets along with the gang while
he's there. :)

10-21-2007, 04:40 PM
It's really not very safe for him to be wandering around with the chain collar.

The choke collar is already gone! I think they have their place as a training tool, but not as a primary collar. He's lucky it didn't catch on a tree and strangle him!

10-21-2007, 04:50 PM
What a handsome boy! Does he let you pet him now? I hope his owners come looking and do a better job of keeping him contained.

If no one claims him will you foster?

10-21-2007, 04:54 PM
The strays just seem to know where to go, don't they? ;) I hope you find his owner and that they take better care of him. He is so handsome.

10-21-2007, 05:05 PM
He's beautiful! Hopefully his owners are looking for him and will do a better job of keeping him home and safe from now on.

10-21-2007, 05:37 PM
(That's my kennel name Wandering Spirits).
So after some fancy rearranging, he's confined in Tehya's pen, chowing down on a bone.

You should have labelled this thread as another Tehya adventure! :rolleyes: :D

He is handsome, looks young too. Holds himself SO proud, wow!

10-21-2007, 05:46 PM
Aww, well he definitely found the best yard to wander into, that's for sure!!
I hope you can find his owners and they care enough about him to keep him confined. He doesn't look like he's starving or anything. So he's obviously being fed....somewhere.
That's great that he let you take the choke collar off. :D
You are a wonderful person for helping this (and many others) doggie.

10-21-2007, 06:08 PM
Wow, he is beautiful!!

While I hope his owner finds him and it is a happy reunion I can't help but wish this little wandering spirit stays around for quite some time ;).

He is so handsome that I had to take another look before I posted this.

10-21-2007, 06:10 PM
The choke collar is already gone! I think they have their place as a training tool, but not as a primary collar. He's lucky it didn't catch on a tree and strangle him!

Agreed. :) I thought you would allready know that but, just wanted to
mention it out loud (so to speak). :D Can't wait to hear what his name is.

10-21-2007, 06:55 PM
well, his name SHOULD be...wanderer (' caause i'm the wanderer, i go from town to town...like the song...) so is he gonna stay?

Cinder & Smoke
10-21-2007, 07:43 PM
He does seem rather hungry, although he's not too skinny.

Making a poster now to put up at the mailboxes.

A Poster? :confused:

All he needs is a lil help fillin out his Change of Address form! ;)
Oh, and maybe a NAME.

Did his New Collar come complete with a Wandering Spirits "license plate" bone?

Hope he fits right in ... a shame he won't be able to *blend* in - those NON-Husky ears
are going to be kinda hard to hide.

He looks pretty *well kept* - short nails, coat looks clean and brushed ...
hard to believe he doesn't have a real "home".
But just in case ... is there a spare "room" available for a long-term occupant?


10-21-2007, 09:19 PM
I have lost count, so are we 28 now?

Ginger's Mom
10-22-2007, 05:40 AM
Wow, what a handsome guy. I agree with Phred, although it is hard to tell from pictures, he really does look well cared for. Hope you can find his "home" and convince them that he needs to be better supervised. In the meantime, enjoy the hospitality at Wander Spirit hotel, handsome. :)

10-22-2007, 06:22 AM
He must be a smart boy, too, cause it he's been checking things out a couple times while deciding if he wants to come stay for a while, lol! He's a cute little guy, and he does seem well cared for. Hope someone sees the poster and recognizes him & lets you know what his situation is.

10-22-2007, 08:32 AM
He is so handsome! I hope you can find his owners and hopefully they will keep him in THEIR yard from now on!

10-22-2007, 10:40 AM
wow!!...... what a hunky guy!!...... is he gonna be # 25 ;) ...... he looks like a keeper....... well if owners donīt seem to show up.......

he remindsme of Chipper...... those wrinkles..... what a cute boy!!

canīt wait for more delightful pics.... has he been playing with anyone else??

10-22-2007, 02:36 PM
He is so HANDSOME!! What a face, beautiful expression in the first picture. So does he have a furever home there is no one claims him? Maybe he is just a digger or fence jumper or something and keeps escaping from his home while his family is at work?

10-22-2007, 02:38 PM
Well, hello there, handsome! Do you have an ID tag on? I don't see one. Glacier and the Doggers will take very good care of you until you go back to your people. You have a pretty face and I think I see a bit of super fluffy tail there. I hope you will be like Daisy and be a very frequent visitor!

10-22-2007, 03:02 PM
WOW! He is so hansome! I hope you find his owner soon, or maybe he can be added to the pack? ;) Dog's always seem to find the right home.

10-22-2007, 03:56 PM
Looks like a GSD/husky cross to me. Has traits of both breeds.

I bet there are tonnes of huskies and their crosses round where you live anyway, lol.

10-22-2007, 05:38 PM
Sitka has been reclaimed by his owner, who live a couple kilometres directly behind me. They seem very nice. I left a fancy leather collar on Sitka so hopefully they won't use the choke chain as his regular collar anymore. He was absolutely estatic to see his people again--jumped all over them and then got comfy on his cushy bed beside the woodstove!

He was a nice boy and Tehya enjoyed chewing on him this morning, but I must say I'm glad he had a decent place to go back to. He howled, barked, whined and carried on all night long. There was not much sleeping done around here and I'm sure my neighbors were less than impressed!

10-22-2007, 05:44 PM
That's great news!! But did you find out how he escaped?
Another happy ending!! :D :D

10-22-2007, 05:49 PM
But did you find out how he escaped?
:D :D

They have two small children who don't always close the gate as fast enough. They were both joining him on his doggy bed when I left!

critter crazy
10-22-2007, 06:10 PM
I am so happy to here that Sitka(way cool Name by the way) has a good home, and was able to find it again!! Job well done Glacier!!

10-22-2007, 06:12 PM
They have two small children who don't always close the gate as fast enough. They were both joining him on his doggy bed when I left!

Aww, how sweet!! :D

Cinder & Smoke
10-22-2007, 07:31 PM
Sitka has been reclaimed by his owner, who lives a couple kilometres directly behind me.


Almost sorry to hear that - he'd have made a nice Chew Toy for Tehya.

Was he "found" thanks to your Poster efforts, or some other method?
(Maybe they *heard him* last night?)

Did you tell 'em WHY you ditched his choke collar?
And maybe suggest an engraved License Plate for his jewelry?

Hard to understand people letting a NICE dog go around with NO ID! :mad:

Whatever - THANKS to YOU for your efforts to house and return him!
Another GOOD JOB, Tamara!!

10-22-2007, 09:49 PM

Almost sorry to hear that - he'd have made a nice Chew Toy for Tehya.

Was he "found" thanks to your Poster efforts, or some other method?

Hard to understand people letting a NICE dog go around with NO ID! :mad:

Tehya had some fun chewing on him before he left. There was much mutual chewing actually. I don't think Tehya quite knew what to do with a dog who chews back!

I'm assuming they called animal control to report him missing. The guy knew my name when he called. That was the only place that I gave my name to and I gave the officer permission to give out my contact information rather than have him act as a go-between.

I'd say 95% of the dogs around here have no ID on their collars. Of all the strays who have spent a few days here only one had a phone number on him and his owner wasn't there to answer the phone! We tracked down one owner through a rabies tag and one other one through a city lisence--that was for another dog! The dog I had was a young sled dog, the tag was for an ancient GSD! :rolleyes:

10-23-2007, 06:27 PM
What a wonderful happy ending. :) I adore that name! :D

10-24-2007, 08:01 AM
Great news for Sitka! Plus, as he has been stopping over now and then, you now know where to deliver him; AFTER he and Tehya have their chew time, of course!

10-26-2007, 11:47 AM
Sitka is a very handsome fellow, Glacier! Bless you for getting him back together with his family. I hope they'll visit the Doggers again (planned, maybe!) so we can see more of him.

10-27-2007, 12:10 AM
What a beautiful dog! That first pic is stunning. I'm almost disappointed that the owners were found. Glad everything worked out alright, though.