View Full Version : California is on fire again.

10-21-2007, 10:41 AM
Well here we go again!

The Santa Ana winds gusting over 80 miles an hour since early this morning.

We have three fires going and a few houses that have burned...

Malibu, Chatsworth and Castaic.....

The L.A. County Air Operations base is a half mile from my house and they just flew the Firehawks over the house. :(


And we also have the reporters who are doing their best to ask the evacuees stupid questions like, "Where are you going?", "What do you have in the car?" , 'Where are you going?", "what did you put in the car before you left?"
and "where are you going?"

10-21-2007, 10:44 AM

You aren't in the line of fire are you? Are you and the Edster going to be ok?

10-21-2007, 10:56 AM
ARE YOU OKAY NOW!!???? :confused: ARE THE FIRES UNDER CONTROL????? :eek:

10-21-2007, 11:09 AM
Just read about it on LA News, how frightening!! I hope you're all OK!

Please check in and let us know.

10-21-2007, 11:44 AM
I just saw a news update on t.v. A Presbyterian Church and an animal hospital have been destroyed. There is no word yet if they got all of the animals out. I pray that they did.

The winds are horrific - and that is what causes the fires to spread so rapidly as flames jump from one spot to another.

At my home the winds were strong last night - but all is calm right now.

10-21-2007, 11:47 AM
How scary! I hope everyone in the line of fire will be ok and that they'll be able to get it under control soon.

Edwina's Secretary
10-21-2007, 11:52 AM
Calm here as well. Strange to watch such horror on the tv that is so close and yet feel/smell/hear/see nothing!

10-21-2007, 11:55 AM
I am not really close to the fires. But, I could get into my car and go to all three places with in an hour......It's very frustrating to see the reports on the news.

Gini lives about 14 miles from my house......but here the wind is blowing like mad!


Think of this helicopter flying over your house, Without the water coming out the bottom, of course.

It alot of noise, because it's only about 150 feet above as it come in for a landing. really spectacular and not bad when you think of the service it performs.

10-21-2007, 01:54 PM
I was just watching that beautiful castle burn on the news.

Since I've never been to CA I don't know the geography but they were describing how the wind really gusts through the valleys. How scary. Stay safe everyone!

10-21-2007, 01:58 PM
I was watching some cable news at my Mom's moments ago. It is so darn scarey.

Keep us posted.

Let's hope the winds stop. :eek:

10-21-2007, 02:00 PM
Every year around Oct and Nov. the dreaded fires begin in that area and than the floods will come. :(

I heard that PCH is now closed to help the firefighters fight the fire.
The Santa Ana's winds makes it so difficult for them, CHP and Sheriffs. I wonder how the fire was started this time.

I came home and the winds did a job on my poor beautiful Parkway Tree.

10-21-2007, 04:10 PM
I've read about the wild fires out your way Richard, ,,,,, No way can I imaginie a helicopter flying that close over my house ( minus the water) :eek:

I've never been to California either , so I had to look this up on the map.

That's some real scarey stuff!!!!!PHEW!!!!!!!!

Stay safe Gini and Richard~

Edwina's Secretary
10-21-2007, 05:26 PM
Windier than I thought...my husband's car sits on the driveway. He had it washed yesterday.....today it is covered in dust. Just from the Santa Ana winds or is it ash too?

10-21-2007, 06:37 PM
Every year around Oct and Nov. the dreaded fires begin in that area and than the floods will come. :(

I heard that PCH is now closed to help the firefighters fight the fire.
The Santa Ana's winds makes it so difficult for them, CHP and Sheriffs. I wonder how the fire was started this time.

I came home and the winds did a job on my poor beautiful Parkway Tree.

Wow. :eek: I hope all you California people stay safe. The fires & winds
look fierce.

10-21-2007, 06:51 PM
WOW, The winds are very very bad.The news is saying that the MALIBU Fire is not contained, and there may be evacuations!!!!! :eek: :( :( Everyone in that area should be prepared! :eek: The news media is saying to remain alert!!! :( I am praying that no one gets hurt, the fire fighters and law inforcement and of course the residents and animals.This cituation is very touchy!!!

10-21-2007, 08:28 PM
My sis and her hubby, sister and my niece, her husband and two kids are right near the fire burning in Canyon Country. :eek:

The helicopters should be coming home to roost in about 10 minutes....I went outside to look at the sunset and there is no sunset......it's all smoke.

The wind picked up and there is a slight hint of smoke.

Holy Crap.

They just announced that there is a forced evac from that area..and there are 4,000 homes in the way.


Just heard that everyone is ok but on the move.

10-21-2007, 08:42 PM
:( :( :( Many prayers for all of those affected. So horrible. :(

10-21-2007, 11:13 PM
The sunset this evening was unbelievable - but it was not natural beauty - it was totally unnatural beauty - reds, oranges caused only by the fires that are burning out of control.

The only good news is that this fire was caused by downed power lines - not by a human set upon destruction.

10-22-2007, 12:19 AM
Hi everyone....it's been awhile since I've had the chance to post, but thought I'd chime in here since it looks like there are also 2 fires in the San Diego area. I'm in Montanca on business, and got a phone call from a friend asking if I and the pets were alright...freaked me out a bit, since last time it was like this back in 2003, about 85% of the home in my are were destroyed. From what I can gather my area isn't threatened at the moment, I'm just hoping it stays that way! I could definately use some good wishes since the winds are supposed to really pick up tonight.

Richard I hope you sis and her family are ok.

10-22-2007, 01:48 AM
Thanks for the thoughts.

I heard the one of the SD fires was off the 78 freeway...I was down there about two weeks ago for work-in San Marcos..

I have heard that one of my sisters and niece cannot evac, even if they wanted.

There are too may people on the road trying to get out. Most of housing tracts are are located off of two or four laned roads.
The way they built is a recipe for tragedy.

Look at it this way.... You have a two laned road that leads into a valley.

The construction company makes a road off to the side and starts to contour the hillside. They cut "steps" into the dirt and start to build. They build right up to the top of a hill and the sides butt up against the brush and plants that
define the development.

The road in to the development is like a branch off a tree-but in some places the "branch" is the only way in and out of the area- When you have 10 or 12 branches that empty onto these small valley roads it's way too crazy to get out.

The cops have to keep one lane open for the fire crews.

It's a bad story and the new reports say that it could be a 5 day fire!

10-22-2007, 10:22 AM
I just came to see if the Calif. PT'ers had checked in. I heard about these fires on the news and wanted to make sure you're OK. Please be careful. Fingers and paws crossed and prayers said.

10-22-2007, 10:33 AM
I am alright and I think I can speak for Richard as well, knowing where he lives.

But I am worried about pnance (see her post earlier) and Richard's sister.

Edwina's Secretary
10-22-2007, 10:51 AM
There is also a fire in Orange County -- just outside Irvine. The smell, the dust! I feel like my mouth is full of grit...when I stop sneezing.

My husband just called and can see the fire from his office. It is "contained" but he had detours on the way to work.

Question for other SoCals? Are your cats agitated? Both the Es and ESPECIALLY Eddie are very agitated.

10-22-2007, 12:42 PM
The San Diego ones are pretty hellish right now. The area two miles south of me is on fire right now, and about 3 miles east is on fire. The power is out and we're on evacuation notice. Luckily the generator and power converters are working right now.

The Witch fire is closest and is coming down from Ramona through San Pasquel Valley near the wild animal park. It jumped the 15 earlier and is burning through Poway, Rancho Bernardo, Del Dios, Lake Hodges, and moving down the Del Dios toward Rancho Santa Fe, 4S Ranch, and is trying to make it's way toward the coast.

Unfortunately the evacuation centers closest to here are full or are being moved, so I think staying in the house is safest. I've never seen wind likes this :eek: There is 0 containment on any of the 7 fires and they won't let any aircraft into the air, so there's no way to fight it right now. It's mostly evacuate and try to protect structures, but no suppression attempts yet.

The radio stations that were 100% reporting on the fire lost power, so there's not a lot of new info coming in right now. I have the dogs and birds ready to go if the fire decided to move any closer than it is now.

I haven't taken many pictures, but here a some quick snaps.

The street out of my neighborhood:

This was the sun around 9 am over the neighbors house:

This was the sun a few minutes later as the fire came closer:

These fires are way worse in North County than the ones in 2003 which were the worst in San Diego history. It's going to be some long, long days ahead of us.


We just got told that it is time to go. :( I'll update the next chance that I get.

10-22-2007, 01:01 PM
OMG, it's so scary!! It sounds like quite a few fires spread across CA. I really hope you all will be safe, and the animals in the Wild Animal Park too.

Sara, and everyone, stay inside and keep the doors closed, you don't need any more dust! And poor kitties, they can't understand what's going on. :(

I bet these guys are busy.

Edwina's Secretary
10-22-2007, 01:31 PM

We just got told that it is time to go. :( I'll update the next chance that I get.

You could come up here. So far, we are not threatened by fire.

I am working from home today but just went to San Juan Capistrano on a errand. Right where you are, with the sun shining there is an odd orange/yellow color to the light. You cannot see very far though. Beyond the immediate area is a curtain of dust. Gritty dust everywhere. I cannot even see the hills about a mile away.


10-22-2007, 01:53 PM
It is so strange to be in the heart of Los Angeles looking at blue skies and have all of this destruction around me.

If there is any way that I can help a fellow Pet Talker who might be in the line of this fire - just send me a quick pm and I will respond immediately.

10-22-2007, 01:55 PM

Your pics remind me of some fires a few years back. For three days it "snowed" ashes for three days and the sun looked the same.


Sara, If you have a humidifier - Plug that sucker in! The wind will dry you out.

I have two sisters, two BIL's, a niece, her husband and her two kidlets.

ONe sister has checked in and is OK.....I was at my mom's when she called.

Mom: "Are you guys OK? You didn't burn?"
Sis: "NO we are OK..."
Mom: "So you got toasted?"
Sis: "ALMOST!"



One report from FOX NEWS said that the Firemen were too busy trying to get people to evacuate to get to the fires.

Earlier their was a report about LAFD Station 70-They were parked next to the station, fighting flames that were threatening the station. :eek:

10-22-2007, 02:10 PM
Mercy, everyone stay safe.
I remember watching the helicopters when our downtown burned a few years ago. It looked like the end of the world. :(

All fingers and paws crossed here for all of you!

10-22-2007, 02:30 PM
The guys flying the air support are the ones that work really hard.

There was a film clip of one of the Super Scooper aircraft flying some 30-40 feet above the fire before a drop....THAT gave me goosebumps.

The Super Scooper is a plane that skims/lands on a body of water. The pilot opens up the vents on the belly of the plane and that fills up the tanks.
He takes off, flies over the fire and drops the water.

We also have three different kinds of helicopters.

The Firehawk in the pic above and the older Huey/UH1 kind of copter.

The Huey can either land and get the tank filled or use a basket hung under neath to dip and fill from any body of water.

The last copter is called the Ericsson Sky crane.

That is a heavy lifting copter that is used in construction, logging and firefighting.

It looks like and insect and has a long tube it can drop into a body of water and fill up it's tank.

That is the funniest looking craft of all. The tube is located halfway back of the craft and does not retract- so as it flies around it looks like it's dragging something! :eek:

We also have strike crews - they are low level prisoners who volunteer to do fire fighting duties for credit on their sentences.

10-22-2007, 02:30 PM
One report from FOX NEWS said that the Firemen were too busy trying to get people to evacuate to get to the fires.
And I just read somewhere that these people who won't be evacuated, are slowing the firefighters down a lot. Isn't that sad!!


10-22-2007, 03:48 PM
Praying for all of you in the path of these awful fires...

10-22-2007, 04:02 PM
How scary.

Craig, I hope you're alright.

All that smoke (nevermind the fire) must be so horrible for your health and the environments!

I hope everyone that needs to get out safe. :(

10-22-2007, 04:20 PM
Prayers on the way to all the people effected by these terrible fires. What scary shots those were of the neighborhood. So scary :(

10-22-2007, 04:33 PM

P2 neptune water dropping plane.


The sky crane.


Other news?

My niece and her brood are OK.

One sis is still 50/50. The other is was out of town so we haven't heard from her still.

My niece told my mom that people who have prepacked their cars last night woke up to find them burglarized. Computers and high end items were taken.
Her hubby told her not put stuff by the door but not to pack....sage advice.

The wind has started to pick up here in the valley which means nothing.
to other areas.

The news reported that it's estimated that 250,000 people will be evacuated when all is said and told....


10-22-2007, 04:46 PM
Stay safe all of you!

RICHARD that is so awful! Burglurizing cars when this is all going on! :rolleyes: Im glad your sister didn't take a chance!

10-22-2007, 04:50 PM
After reading all this I've decided I'd rather take my chances with the
occasional tornados we have here for those raging fires everywhere.

With the winds you are getting, fighting the fire has to wait till they calm
down. That would be so scary. Please take care everybody.

i love my piggy
10-22-2007, 05:32 PM
I live in southern CA. yesterday (sunday) the smoke was terrible. The fire is nowere close to the house but the air quality is terrible. today is much better

10-22-2007, 05:40 PM
The fires are mostly in the hills and areas that butt up against it-there really sisn't a problem it you live on the flat lands!

Most of the firefighting is done with the winds blowing.

Those guys are studs.


A few years ago a fireman was poking thru the remains of a fire when he looked at an item that wasn't burned...he picked it up and found out that it was a DIAPER!

He investigated what was in the diaper that kept it fireproof.
The innards of the diaper-the padding- absorb water.
The fireman then brainstormed a system that a homeowner could use in a fire.

Apparently there is a $300.00 system that can be bought to use in case of a wildfire.

Some of the homes where these fires are burning are 800,000 to one million dollars....I can't believe that no one would invest a few dollars in a system that could help.


The National Guard are sending troops and helicopters to help.
Nevada, Oregon and Arizona have been asked to help out. :eek:

10-22-2007, 06:00 PM
My Aunt told me one of her co-workers apartment was robbed by another neighbor.
She and her husband came home unexpectedly to get some of their belongings because of the evacuation in Santa Clarita.
During evacuations you have to also worry about crime, but from
your own neighbor??? :(

10-22-2007, 07:42 PM

Air Force C130 water dropping planes.


Crash of a C-130 fighting a fire in Northern California.

The reason why these guys are more than worth their weight in salt.

A specially equipped DC-10 is dropping fire retardant on the Big Bear Lake fire.


Yep, there are scumbags who do take advanatge of the situation.

That makes it really tough to protect your belongings and your ownself....
The cops are busy trying to keep the evacuees safe and roads open.

10-22-2007, 09:18 PM
Gosh Richard and all of you California PTers, stay safe! I have been watching the coverage and it is incredible. The pictures posted here are amazing. :eek: I hope the winds begin to die down soon so that some progress may be made in fighting the fires.

10-22-2007, 09:56 PM
What a day. I'm back at the house, but were on notice that we might get evacuated again. After the huge Cedar fires a few years ago the county put in a reverse 911 system where 911 actually calls land lines in the house to alert of evacuations. It's quite smoky, but can't see the fire right now. The sheer number of houses that have burned down is disgusting.

I wish we had any kind of fixed wing air support, but they won't let any fixed wing aircraft fly due to the extreme wind conditions. We've only had a hand full of helicopter dropping water; no foam, no planes, no help from the military yet. The stupid thing is that it is all available and our system is so broke that the bureaucratic jerks won't even let the pilots try. Every single one of them wants to get in the air, but command won't let them. The military has support coming in and that will include fixed wings, but they won't arrive until early afternoon tomorrow.

I doubt there will be much sleep tonight, but hopefully morning will bring better news.

10-22-2007, 10:04 PM
So glad to hear you are safe, I hope it stays that way, and the fire is brought under control somehow. You will still be in our prayers - you, the dogs, birds and all your neighbors as well. Do they tell you things like putting a damp clothe over your mouth to breathe through to help keep some of the smoke from your lungs?

10-22-2007, 10:18 PM
So glad to hear you are safe, I hope it stays that way, and the fire is brought under control somehow. You will still be in our prayers - you, the dogs, birds and all your neighbors as well. Do they tell you things like putting a damp clothe over your mouth to breathe through to help keep some of the smoke from your lungs?

Thanks so much for the good thoughts Karen and everyone else. We had respirators earlier but they turned black and are no good. I've had a bandanna on hand and will remember to wet it with water the next time I go out. The birds are in a safe house, away from the bulk of the fire, but the dogs are still with me. We have power, so have the A/C cranking to try and filter the air a bit. According to most recent maps we're on evacuation again, so we might be visiting the birds again tonight.

I hope everyone else in CA is doing all right. I've heard about some of the burns in Los Angeles and Orange, and they sound nightmarish as well. I hope everyone is safe and well.

10-22-2007, 10:27 PM
How scary. Hope you and the kids are safe, Craig! We're thinking of all the Californians.

10-23-2007, 02:23 AM
I cut my business trip short and flew back into San Diego at 4:00 this afternoon...that was one of the scariest things I'd ever seen and done. Tubulance coming into land was horrible and you just saw a line of fire and smoke all the way up and down the area of San Diego, with numerous fires burning.

Where I live was evacuated about 30 minutes before I landed. I caught up with my roomates and they're all okay. They got the cats to a boarding facility, I have Bear staying with a friend near the ocean, and the other 3 dogs with me at a friends closer inland. Figured that will do for tonight and in the morning I'll figure out what's going on and what I need to do from there. With any luck they'll let me go home!

Best wishes to all those in So Cal, stay safe.

10-23-2007, 04:31 AM
I'm so glad to see some posts from the PT members out there in harms way~ Like everyone else, I've watched the News and I've read the articles~

Your pictures and your reports brought me just bit closer, :eek: How SCARY!!!!!!!

We're all thinking and Praying for Southern California :o

10-23-2007, 05:38 AM
I came across this in a FOX NEWS report on the people who have evacuated to Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego,

Most people seemed happy for the free food and drink. A Hyatt hotel catered one buffet, offering chicken with artichoke hearts and capers in cream sauce, jambalaya and shredded-beef empanadas.

I have to smile about that.

In typical Cah Lee Fuh Nee Ah fashion - we will not feed our evacuees canned, packaged or survival style meals - It's bean sprouts, low carb, low fat and low sodium for our huddled masses.

It's the only place in the world where you will gain weight during a disaster! :confused:

I do have to say that if the report had made any mention of TOFU or LATTE
I would not have blinked.


All in all, I wouldn't live anywhere else in the world.

Well, maybe I would, but where else would I have a muscle bound movie star-
that cannot pronounce the name of the state he's in charge of - come to the aid of the people?


Everyone accounted for and safe in our neck of the woods.

Thanks for the thoughts!

10-23-2007, 08:16 AM
I have been watching news reports of this terrible situation.

Last evening, I received a few emails fromt he admin office of the bichon rescue group I voluteer with. (Administration is in Oklahoma.) We have bichon foster homes in the evacuation area, some of these people have 5 and 6 dogs and are having difficulties finding safe places! It must be so difficult when you have to worry about spouse kids and pets OMG!

It's something I never really considered as I moved up to 12 pets in the house.

Prayers for all of you PT'ers that you can relocate to safe places with all your pets!

10-23-2007, 11:43 AM
I sure hope that everyone will stay safe. My brother and his wife and 3 kids live in San Diego and I sure hope that they're doing okay.:( Prayers and positive thoughts are being sent out to everyone. Please take care.

M&M's Mommy
10-23-2007, 11:48 AM
Checking in from Orange County, CA. The Irvine fire was abut 10 miles from my company, so we had to close yesterday due to heavy smoke. Today it's much better.

I heard on the news that there are 20 different wild fire in Ca at one point. In San Diego, more than 500 houses were burned to dust. Hopefully the fires will be contained soon, and no more damages will be done.

Edwina's Secretary
10-23-2007, 12:09 PM
I just spoke with my partner who had to evacuate her home due to the Irvine fire. She told me of the wild animals....deer, coyotes, etc....running down the hills in advance of the fire. Where will they go???? :( :( :(

10-23-2007, 12:22 PM
Just checking on California PT'ers ... I was listening to the news last night on my car radio, driving in the rain, and there were reports of heavy rain in New Orleans. California is too dry and NOLA is too wet. I wish they could cancel each other out somehow.

10-23-2007, 12:52 PM
All I can do from SC is pray for all of those in harm's way in CA. We don't have rain now, but we have had some the last two days. We needed it, but I would rather have it out there with the fires.

I"m so glad you are all safe, so far. Please keep our old friend, Jackie, and her family (in San Diego) in your prayers. Her husband has been ill. As of this morning, they are ok, but are waching the reports, closely.


10-23-2007, 01:38 PM
Praying for all of our PT members in Southern California...
Logan, how is Jackie? I was thinking about her just the other day... How are Perry & Daisy? I will be keeping her husband in my prayers! :)

10-23-2007, 02:07 PM
I just spoke with my partner who had to evacuate her home due to the Irvine fire. She told me of the wild animals....deer, coyotes, etc....running down the hills in advance of the fire. Where will they go???? :( :( :(

That really makes you wonder, doesn't it? > so sad :( for these poor wild creatures <

I have often wondered, if I had 30mins. to evacuate, WHAT would I gather up and take?????

Hmmmm........ interesting..............

What would/do you take???

10-23-2007, 02:33 PM
That really makes you wonder, doesn't it? > so sad :( for these poor wild creatures <

I have often wondered, if I had 30mins. to evacuate, WHAT would I gather up and take?????

Hmmmm........ interesting..............

What would/do you take???

I got to do it twice yesterday :) .

From my house with the mandatory evacuation I grabbed my home insurance policy, my bank statements, my two check books, Frankie's crate, her bed, her food, a lot of bottled water, a sleeping bag and a pillow. I also keep my camping gear in two totes, one for the tent and camp supplies and the other for the kitchen and cooking supplies, so I put those in the back of my truck in case I couldn't find a place to stay. All in all I was out of the house in under 20 minutes.

From my parent's house, they were out of town, I grabbed the home insurance, classic car insurance, Riley's crate, her bed, her food, Bailey's cage, her food, Jasper's travel carrier, her food, more water, all the pictures that I knew were irreplaceable to my parents, and my mom's jewelry. I was out of their house in about 30 minutes.

After the fires died down early yesterday evening I began the process of moving the classic cars from my parent's house to a friends house a ways north of us. Luckily they were able to gather a few drivers and we moved them all at once, except mine which wouldn't start due to a low battery. All in all I think everything was successful. Got the important things on the first trip out and then came back for the important but still replaceable things of value.

Right now we're just trying to stay out of the ash and smoke. The fire seems content to burn a couple miles south of us, but I guess it's moving slowly north of the mall right now. Luckily we have full air support for the first time and it seems like things are better today. The fires are still not contained at all, so it's a waiting game. My parents have people at their house and I have my roommates evacuated families and pets at mine, so hopefully our area won't get evacuated again.

I hope everyone else has had a bit of time to breathe safely and isn't in, or hasn't been in immediate threat due to the fires. I'll keep my fingers crossed that we all come out of this covered in ash and nothing more severe.

10-23-2007, 02:57 PM
A little hint about what to take if yor have to go.

The CPU on the computer is paramount. Don't eff around with the monitor or keyboard. I saw some people with speakers, keyboards and monitors in their arms. You can get those anywhere.....the info on the hard drive is what you want.

I have two boxes, Edward's sleeping hangout, on my desk. THey are filled with all the important papers.

I grab his arse, toss him in his cage and then the boxes go. It's all I need.


It's hot and dry here in the valley. The sunshine is orange tinged...

The sound of helicopters has kept me up all night long. WHUPWHUPWHUP.

I am pretty good at knowing who is who for a long time. I can tell the Bell Rangers from the Firehawks from the Hueys. But it's almost scheduled now.

The Firehawk pilots usually fly over the house and make a lazy right hand spiral to the pad. The wind has forced them to approach from the south and plop straight in.

I don't mind the Fire choppers, it's the dang news flights.

Two TV stations fly out of the small airport.....They run their engines for about 20 minutes before they take off.....theirs is a noisy high pitched turbine engine that grates on the nerves after a few.

10-23-2007, 03:42 PM
I've been glued to the tv all day.
Prayers that the winds will stop and rain will come.
This is so sad.

10-23-2007, 04:35 PM
Rain? What is that?? Seriously, we will start getting rain just when we don't need it - and the thought of the mud slides to come gives me the chills.

I live miles in each direction from all of the many fires - but this morning the sky was a muddy beige. I ran my finger over my patio table that had just been cleaned yesterday - and I could write my name in the soot.

I have been sneezing all day.

Trish, I am so glad to hear that you are home and your babies are alright.
I pray that your home is alright too!

10-23-2007, 05:48 PM
I, too, have been watching the news about the fires. I hope only the best for these people, much the same hopes I had (have) for the hurricane Katrina victims. And I thought I had (have) problems. Such destruction.

I wish we would spend more money on prevention from the damages of flooding and fires and less on war. 46 billion requested by Bush just yesterday. 46 billion more.

My heart goes out to the CA population as well as their loved ones sharing their horrors.

10-23-2007, 05:57 PM
Yes, I noticed that word too - BILLION!!!!

There was a newscast this morning from the Fire Department Chief in Orange County. He asked to vent. After the 2003 fires in San Diego County -
a "blue ribbon" committee was formed to study what needed to be done for the future to prevent so much damage and loss of life.

48 points were recommended as a result of that study.

Not one - NOT ONE - of them have been implemented.

It seems as though our priorities are really messed up.

10-23-2007, 06:19 PM
46 billion dollars to implement -

Here comes another helicopter.....

Fire prevention plans?

When we have the little fiefdoms- small cities, home owners associations, zoning laws and all the em effing local politicos looking for a piece of the government money?- that money would be better spent loading it into 757s and dropping it into the ocean.

I just wrote out a long rant for the Dog house that I deleted on accident....

People depend on the gov't. for way too much and way too often.

One man was ticked off that he lost his home-the FD saved it once before, but now they are the EVIL FD..

A few minutes later I saw him doing another interview on another TV station.

The Fire fighters were probably his heroes the first time out. This time his luck ran out and he had nothing but bile and hate for them.

I guess the luck of an ungrateful bees turd runs out eventually.


There is no real way to prevent fires and losses from such..

I guess you can cut fire break roads around the forests, do not let people develop them and then pave a huge asphalt "no build zone" around Southern California.

46 billion should be enough to build a firehouse, complete with firemen, on every single parcel of land here in CA.

Our priorities sure are screwed up.

We are letting people-Another chopper overhead-build up to the edge of our forests and not making them responsible for their homes.

Sure, I want to live in the forest-but fire, bears, snakes and landslides make me want to stay a flatlander.

10-23-2007, 10:34 PM
Some of the things that we learned from the 2003 fires have been corrected. The main one that came out of the 2003 fires was the need to communicate evacuations. Since the 2003 fires huge strides have been made. The reverse 911 system turned out to be amazingly good and saved lives and made the evacuations a lot more controlled. We did get our Fire 1 helicopter out of the 2003 fires and it was the first helicopter up and really did an amazing job while the political morons tried to figure out how to get the other aircraft in the air. That said, there were a lot of lessons that we learned the hard way to 2003 and we repeated them again this year, sad.

The one that saddens be the most is that the military once again wanted to help us, once again was prepared immediately to help us, and once again was slowed by Cal Fire administrators. The same issues that plagued us in 2003 came up again these last few days and the same sad results occurred.

The good news is that the humidity is up a little and the temperature has come down a bit. The Santa Ana winds have died down, but are being replaced by off shore winds that are hard to predict. It's a necessary evil I guess, the off shore will bring in cool, moist weather, but it's pushing fire back towards us and is much more unpredictable.

I hope everyone remains safe!

Just a small note.. we lost a lot of homes yesterday in non-forest or wild land communities. It just goes to show the unpredictable and destructive nature of wild fires. This fire jumped fire breaks as wide as the 6-8 lanes of the 15 freeway, and most every dirt fire road around. The wind was so intense that no width of paved fire break was going to stop this monster from spreading from forest, to foot hills, to city developments. It's the risk we take, no different than any community on the globe; there will always be fires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and other natural disasters; no amount of prevention can stop Mother Nature when her fury is released. Can knowledge and preparation reduce the damages? Yes, but sometimes these disasters even go above any kind of preparation.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-23-2007, 11:12 PM
Just thought I'd check in to make sure everyone one here was safe. Glad to hear, so far, everyone is well.

We were in a campground in Aquanga, CA, which is a teeny tiny town North of San Diego, about 15 miles East of Hwy 15. We arrived there yesterday (Monday) after being told there had been a fire across the street the day before, but it was 100% out and only burned 5 acres - so we decided to go.

This morning we woke up to hear a new fire had broken out near Palomar Mountain, which was just over the mountain from us. When I heard this, I looked out the window and saw nothing. Turned out we had some business to tend to in Indio, CA, so I called the front desk to see if I could leave the keys for the motorhome with them, so in case a fire started nearby and the park needed to be evacuated, someone could come in and get the cats. I was told "Oh sure, that's no problem. We'll make sure they're safe." I was thrilled and very grateful for such a warm response. I told them we'd have all important papers and such with us in the car, they would just need to get the cats.

We were getting ready to go and I happened to turn around....and to my complete surprise and horror, I saw smoke billowing over the mountain! (first picture) Terry was on his cell phone, so I snapped a few pics and a video. You could see the smoke cloud growing and changing shape by the second! I was horrified and told him there was no way I was leaving without the cats. If he wanted to go himself, I would stay and watch the cats and the motorhome. He wouldn't do that, so we talked to the front desk and they agreed to give us a credit and we left.

By the time we left, the wind had started taking the billowing smoke and spreading it out. (see second pic) As we started leaving, I was on the phone making sure no roads were closed in the direction we were headed. Fortunately, all roads were open. We had to take I-15 to I-215. I-15 was closed Southbound, but open Northbound - Whew!

The 3rd picture was taken when we were about 30 miles North, and the smoke is still a significant obstacle on the horizon.

We are now safe in Indio, CA, where the wind speed was about 3 mph when we arrived this afternoon. Can you imagine - three (3) mph! We couldn't believe things could be so dramatically different in such a short distance.

It's all so sad - so many people loosing so much property, and so much loss of wildlife. :(

10-24-2007, 12:12 AM
I'm thinking of all the California PTers, I'm glad to hear that everyone is ok. This is just awful. :( I've seen the mountains on fire a few times, but I've never had a fire close enough to threaten our home...I can't even imagine.

10-24-2007, 12:46 AM
I found out that my brother and his family had to evacuate on Monday and now they're staying at my parents house in San Clemente. My brother told my mom that it smelled like a campfire at their home in San Diego. They hope to be able to return home sometime tomorrow.

My SIL's brother has a friend who lost his home in the fire while he was away on a business trip. His wife and kids had to evacuate and now they have nothing to return to.:( My SIL's parents live in the Fallbrook area and they know a lot of people there that have lost their homes.:( My brother lives in the Rancho Bernardo area and hopefully everything there is okay.

Many more prayers are going out to everyone in San Diego and the other areas that are involved in the fire.

10-24-2007, 02:49 AM
My thoughts go out to all of you - you just cannot believe it from here. Knowing people who actually have to deal with this catastrophy makes quite a difference... it is not just a story on paper.
Hope you all stay safe.

10-24-2007, 05:02 AM
It's a quiet night.

No sounds of engines, no aircraft running overhead.

Yesterday there was a thick smoke cover with just a small band of blue sky between the mountains and the haze.


Welcome to Hell.
That is a small taste of what our autumns hold for us. I am really amazed that the hills to the north of us haven't caught yet....there is still that chance that some accident or screwed up person will test the firefighters in the near future.

It is pretty amazing how a fire can get so big, so fast.


Not too many people payed attention to a fire that started on July 4 and burned for more than one month this year....

Sadly enough, we only pay attention when we get singed. :( :confused:


The Zaca fire burned from 7/4/2007 PAST 08/24/2007-220,000 acres burned.

More info


And no one payed attention. :( :( :(


Here's a little trivia about the huge DC 10 airplane you see flying over and dropping the red phos check stuff.

That plane was damaged in an accident fighting another fire.


It hit a tree.

It was flying low over a fire and a downdraft forced the tail to hit some tree tops, damaging the tail and raising some questions about a large plane being used to fight fires!

10-24-2007, 01:04 PM
Here's kind of an eerie photo from today's on line Chicago Tribune. It's an aerial picture from the European Space Station.

10-24-2007, 01:08 PM
There is no real way to prevent fires and losses from such..
Well, one way to prevent fires is for idiots to stop setting them. They are saying at least 3 of the fires were set. They have one person in custody and are looking for another. :( I hope they make them pay for all the damage they have caused!!! :mad:

Stay safe everyone!!!

10-24-2007, 01:58 PM
even seeing the pictures can be scary.

I have two uncles, aunts and three cousins live just very near where the fire is, I don't talk with them very much but my (northern) grandmother is fret all about this and haven't been sleeping well. they also have three goldens, four cats and two birds altogether down there - I hope all are ok! animals can react to this nature very well.

everyone who evacuted, lost homes, loved ones, or is going to be in the fire's way is in my thoughts. :( remain safe everyone!

10-24-2007, 02:09 PM

A little perspective?

See the island off the coast? The smaller on in the middle of the pic....That is Catalina Island. It's 26 miles off the coast. :eek:

10-24-2007, 07:15 PM
Just checking in again today on Calif. PT'rs. I hope you are all okay. They are saying on the news that the number of people needing to evacuate is now over 500,000, but that the strength of the winds seems to be decreasing.

10-24-2007, 07:19 PM
I am soo glad I am in Northern California.. but I have a lot of family down there. None needed to evacuate yet..



10-24-2007, 07:24 PM
I love my Governator!

He stopped in at an evac station in a high school.

One of the reporters tried to get a word with her. He put his hand on her arm and gently swung her out of the way so he could get to the evacuees.


One report qouted a person who said that officials from all 50 states should go to San Diego to see "how it's done"-referring to the organization of the evacuation efforts at Qualcomm Stadium.


And hat's off to the mayor, city council and all the volunteers.

10-25-2007, 12:28 AM
My brother and his family are still staying at my parents house in San Clemente. Even though people aren't supposed to go back to their homes yet, a few of their neighbors have done so and they told my brother and his wife that their house is fine. A grocery store near them has burned to the ground though. I guess their neighborhood is far enough away from Rancho Bernardo so I hope that everything will remain okay.

10-25-2007, 12:38 PM
And hat's off to the mayor, city council and all the volunteers.
They were talking about that on Fox News today. One good thing, everyone was on the same radio frequency so they could all talk to each other: firemen, policemen, and officials!!! No one got their nose out of joint thinking someone was taking over their power.

Katrina must have taught some lessons after all!

10-25-2007, 01:15 PM
I've been watching fox news channel since the fire started and they have excellent coverage.
Nothing better than Fox News.
This is the saddest thing hearing and watching not being able to do anything for their pain.
Leaving the pets behind is very horrible.
I hear people saying they couldn't get their cats out because they didn't have time.
This fire has been going on for 4 days now.
Is it ever going to stop??
My God!

10-25-2007, 09:13 PM
Oh those poor pets. I feel sorry for the people too...but with the winds...I can't imagine...

I hope some folks had their pets in carriers, ready to go at a moment's notice.


10-26-2007, 05:26 AM
I love my Governator!

He stopped in at an evac station in a high school.

One of the reporters tried to get a word with her. He put his hand on her arm and gently swung her out of the way so he could get to the evacuees.

And I loved it when he grabbed that other reporter's hand and told her to stop looking for something bad. I believe his words were "it's all good." Yes sadly people look to criticize or blame at times like this. This time the media isn't even waiting until the fires are out. Let's put the blame where it belongs - on the arsonist/s. I hope he/they are found soon and punished to the max.

10-26-2007, 08:43 AM
It's sickening hearing people blaming Bush and republicans on the fire.
The arsonists and the dry desert is to blame.
Watch Fox to get some good coverage.
Thank You Richard for all your great coverage too.This thread has been great.
I hope you'll be ok.Prayers to you and your family.
Prayers for everyone in California.This is so sad.

Edwina's Secretary
10-26-2007, 09:40 AM
Did you hear the guys on Fox - some morning show -- suggest terrorist to blame for the fires. And in my morning newspaper they are suggesting the difficulties in putting the fires out to be the fault of illegal immigrants!

Wow! And I though it was an evil arsonist and some strong winds.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

10-26-2007, 10:07 AM
Did you hear the guys on Fox - some morning show -- suggest terrorist to blame for the fires. And in my morning newspaper they are suggesting the difficulties in putting the fires out to be the fault of illegal immigrants!

Wow! And I though it was an evil arsonist and some strong winds.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Nuts isn't it?I just heard that one too.Crazy.

10-26-2007, 10:10 AM
I saw some clips on CCN earlier. I was amazed to hear the tune they chose to play along with it - like it was an old cowboy film. :rolleyes: Is it neccesary with music at all in such a reportage?

Hope you're all safe and have your homes intact!

Edwina's Secretary
10-26-2007, 10:58 AM
Do not believe 70 percent of the news coming out of California.

RICHARD...perhaps they read it on a poster a number of years ago and reported it now -- incorrectly at that --as fact.

I've heard that is not the fault of the reporter!

10-26-2007, 11:52 AM

One reporter is hammering a Major General for the CA National Guard about flying the C 130s in that weather- I want to identify this AH reporter by name-Rick Sanchez of CNN. The Major didn't give him the answers he wanted-so he cut off his answers when he could. Maybe he can get the Maj. Gen. to blame Cal Fire for not asking for the air support. LOL, no good!

Mr. Sanchez,

Leave the poor people that lost their homes alone.
Yes, the people want their stories to be heard, without your interjecting your polical slant on the whole tragedy.

He just made it a point to a San Diego top cop that they probably have a good relationship with the state, not the federal government.



Rick Sanchez is a certified nut job. Whenever I see him anymore, CNN
loses this viewer. He is an overbearing, jerk. :mad: I wish CNN would can

10-26-2007, 02:02 PM
News reporter: Tell us what it's like to have your home burned and lose everything you have!!!

Reply: You jerk! How do you THINK it feels???? :p

10-26-2007, 02:03 PM
The winds are horrific - and that is what causes the fires to spread so rapidly as flames jump from one spot to another.

At my home the winds were strong last night - but all is calm right now.

Amen to this....the winds have been HORRIBLE at our place. We live in the hills of Simi Valley - VALLEY. Valleys are NOT good places to live when windy, espeically when the place you live means - WINDY VALLEY (Simi = windy in Native American).

Luckily its died down A LOT since everything began, but wow. On Monday, my mom was so distraught - we had to give her 3 margaritas to calm her. My mom doesn't really drink - maybe wine socially. She was soooo upset to see her garden in ruins.

Her/their Gardens have been in 'Garden Tours', have won Awards many times over. Most weekends consist of at least one day in the garden and during the week after work I'd say about 2 to 3 days spent out there until it gets dark. My step-dad is retired, so he is out there additionally during the day. They spend a lot of time, money, energy, and LOVE on that garden. Its VERY important to them...my mom has been gardening since she was a little girl - taught by her mother. We have things in the garden that belonged to my grandma, from her garden, her English Garden.

Our Arbors came down - they were so top heavy with roses and flowering vines that despite being reinforced and cemented in at the bottom, the wind toppled over first. All the trees are so wind blown, are naked (leaves have been blown off), snapped off in the weaker areas, leaning or have snapped off because the 80 mph wind was too strong for our 2-year-old and younger trees (2 years is the very oldest...). Poor, poor trees and bushes. Even the tree stakes snapped - these are wooden poles thicker than the trees they support!!

I'll be back to write more, work is calling...

Cinder & Smoke
10-26-2007, 04:32 PM
Do we really PAY these idiots????

Can I get a refund?

FEMA workers masquerade as reporters
Employees asked questions at last minute California wildfire briefing ...

WASHINGTON - One way to get decent coverage in this rough-and-tumble city is to arrange to have your own employees interrogate you at your news conference...

FEMA scheduled an early afternoon news briefing on only 15 minutes notice to reporters here Tuesday to talk about its handling of assistance to victims of wildfires that were ravaging much of Southern California.

At the news conference itself, some FEMA employees played the role of reporter, asking questions of Johnson - queries described as soft and gratuitous.
"I'm very happy with FEMA's response," Johnson said in reply to one query from a person who was an agency employee, not an independent journalist.

Asked about this, Mike Widomski, FEMA's deputy director of public affairs, said, "We had been getting mobbed with phone calls from reporters, and this was thrown together at the last minute."

Johnson issued a statement Friday saying that FEMA's goal was "to get information out as soon as possible, and in trying to do so we made an error in judgment."

Your Tax Dollars at Work ...


There Otta be a LAW!

10-26-2007, 06:13 PM
I just heard about this on tonights news. :confused: Who the heck
is in charge of FEMA? This really was a lame brained stunt. :mad: It's no
wonder the majority of people don't believe a word this administration's
officials have to say on any subject.


10-26-2007, 06:37 PM
I saw one story/video of a happy re-union of a Golden Retriever with
his family after their house was distroyed by the fires. It's a great story.


10-26-2007, 08:07 PM
I saw one story/video of a happy re-union of a Golden Retriever with
his family after their house was distroyed by the fires. It's a great story.

That was awesome. Major happy LES here. :D

10-27-2007, 03:27 PM
Great story. It made my day! :)

10-27-2007, 04:29 PM
I'm glad you got to see it.That was one happy dog & happy family. :)

10-27-2007, 06:21 PM
Wow. :D

10-28-2007, 07:16 PM
Some other little stories about the CA fires.

During last week there was a big traffic accident on Pacific Coast Hiway....The last road until you hit Japan.

A tractor trailer lost it's brakes and hit two cars. Killing two and injuring a fire fighter in his personal car.

An older couple were evacuated from their home, when they went back, their home had burned down.

They lost everything.....Except for the photos that firefighters took out of the house and piled out of harm's way.


One man has been arrested, another was shot and killed after he led the police on a high speed chase. He was acting suspiciously near an area of brush-he was shot after ramming a police car..

IN one case they have a vehicle description and want to talk to the driver as a person of interest.

There is also a 250,000+ dollar reward for info leading to the arrest of any arsonists involved.

01-01-2008, 02:24 PM
A little post script on the fires....

A furniture company was offering free mattresses to fire victims and the people who make Tide laundry detergent have sent trucks with banks of washing machines to offer free laundry services for the people who lost their homes.

If you go to the website and purchase a t-shirt they will donate to proceeds to keep that service going!

01-01-2008, 03:37 PM
Wow, how nice!

01-01-2008, 04:08 PM

Tide web site!

01-02-2008, 10:51 AM
No, I am not really close to the fires. But, I could get into my car and go to all three places with in an hour
My son lives in N. Hollywood and he's going home today to all that. He told me how scary it was out there. Prayers going out that you, my son and all others will be safe.....