View Full Version : May cat loves pommegranets, strawberries and blueberries

10-20-2007, 04:34 PM

My cat goes crazy for the above mentioned fruits.

I asked the vet if its ok and frankly they said yes but were unsure.

Do you guys have any experience of this. I share these fruits with him but I worry if they are doing him any damage.


10-20-2007, 09:47 PM
Those aren't on the list (http://www.petalia.com.au/Templates/StoryTemplate_Process.cfm?specie=Dogs&story_no=257#ct-7) of foods known to be poisonous to cats. So long as they are consumed in moderation - and that's the key word "moderation" - they should not be a problem but sometimes cats pig out on things they really like.

Mango really likes papaya and corn - but he tends to eat just about anything - even pasta with pesto or marinara sauce.



10-20-2007, 09:50 PM
My cats are all on RAW diet and they eat everything that goes into Mommies mouth too especially Lexie my shpynx.

Moderation is key!

10-20-2007, 11:17 PM
That corn cob pic reminds me of a cat I used to have, his name was Ashtray. If you don't want to read it, skip to the last paragraph. ;)

Right before my daughter was born 13 years ago, my husband I were moving from our tiny one bedroom apartment to a two bedroom. When we moved the bed, there were 16 corn cobs under the bed in various degrees of dryness and not a single kernel on any of them. We had six cats at the time and it took awhile to figure out who was doing it.
Oddly though, he wasn't stealing another corn cob when we caught him...he stole a bag of lettuce and onion scrapings in a Ziploc baggy. It was a gallon size bag of it (the sandwiches were leftovers from a graduation celebration) and he took off with this bag in his mouth and dragging it between his legs...he went straight under the bed with it. It was a riot! David and I just looked at each other and burst out laughing...maybe you had to see him do it, but it was hilarious seeing that bag bouncing between his hind legs and him quickly leaving the scene of the crime!

Sadly, less than a month after we moved into the new apartment, Ashtray got out when my husband and a friend were moving in a baby dresser. He got ran over that night and I didn't even know he was out until I fed the cats that morning and he wasn't the first one at the bowl like always. I found him between the sidewalk and the street in some ivy, brought him home and he's buried with several other cats I've had, in the woods were I played as a kid.
Toby reminds me a lot of him...same big clumsy blockheadedness love lush.

I never thought of them eating table food as weird...Churchy likes Ramen Noodles and spaghetti and Dixie hoovers the table after we eat, but Toby only likes fried chicken. They all sit in line and wait for cereal milk, which I give them a bit on occasion and they all like to lick bowls after we're done, whether it's ravioli sauce or ice cream.

One of my mom's cats likes tomato juice, from fresh tomatoes, not the drinkable kind.

10-21-2007, 12:34 AM
My parents had a cat that loved to eat bananas, honeydew melon, and cantaloupe If my mom peeled a banana, she could hear it even if she was in the next room and she'd come running in to get some.:)

Sky has eaten watermelon,Starr has eaten broccoli and mushrooms, and Storm ate some squash but then he made a funny face like it tasted nasty.:)

10-21-2007, 09:01 AM
OMG, the pic of Mango eating the corn on the cob is hilarious!

I rarely give my cats human food but occasionally I break down and give them some chicken, which they all love. And Coco Puff loves raw chicken, so when I'm preparing it for cooking, I'll give him little bites. But other than that, I just have no experience w/them eating fruits and veggies. I can only imagine what the litter boxes would look like. Ugh. ;)

10-21-2007, 12:24 PM
My Sasha does not like hooman food at all.... except her tuna! THAT, she loves and goes crazy for!

Now Tabitha.... she is another story! She loves mushrooms (which I hate, so when there is mushrooms in food, she gets them!), tuna, lima beans, and a host of other things! She loves to lick my plate after I have eaten. I offer it to Sasha, but she just sniffs and walks away.

The oddest thing.... Tabitha is a very petite 6.9 pounds, and Sasha is a good 15 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: Now go figure THAT one out!

10-21-2007, 12:36 PM
Those pictures are great! Several years ago we had a dog that loved broccoli. Whenever I made it, Soncat's plate was always clean so I thought he was eating it. Then I caught him feeding it to the dog under the table who would gulp it down like a doggy treat.

Groucho isn't a big fan of people food. He'll sniff at it but seldom accepts a taste. His favorites are gravy from beef stew and fried chicken. I still can't believe Groucho refuses salmon!

Nora Bella
10-21-2007, 12:41 PM
My Hayzell cat likes veggies, especailly cauliflower and broccoli and carrots!

Kashmir (who is 17) likes peas, and ham. They both like cheese.

10-21-2007, 02:24 PM
Oreo likes left over fish, chicken liver, and eggs ((cooked))

10-21-2007, 02:36 PM
I just had to add a few more pictures. This is Peaches - all six pounds (2.7 kg) of her - drinking white wine, eating pistachio flan and cleaning up left-over pasta:




10-21-2007, 02:52 PM
The Only Vegetables That I Ahve Seen The Lucky Found Cats Go For Are The Thin Potato Crisps I Make By Lightly Frying Them In Butter, And The Green Giants Ccorn In A Bag.
Although When Tubby 2 Came In, He Would Eat Anything!!
They Do Love Spoons Of The Extra Cheesy Kraft Dinner.
With Milk In The Mix!!!
Thats The Favorite Of The Princess!!!

10-21-2007, 05:04 PM
My Peppito goes crazy with melon, but I restrict him to a small piece due to the sugar content. He also loves advocado, salad (not all sorts of salad, though), and recently I discovered he likes coconut. This is the list only for vegetables and fruit, because like Mango, he tends to eat about anything that goes into meowmy's mouth :rolleyes:

10-21-2007, 06:33 PM
LOL! Those pictures are AWESOME! Love them!

My Twinkie-Boo only eats Chicken, Fish and Turkey...that's it for him.

My Cassie-Kay only eats olives...that's the ONLY human food she will touch.

And Puffkin...will eat pickles, olives, meat, pasta, well so far anything put in front of her! LOL! She is firmly convinced all human food is for her consumption...but we restrict her to very small amounts as we know it isn't too good for her. Lol!

10-21-2007, 07:32 PM
My tortie loves banana's none of my other cats like it but she loves them.

critter crazy
10-21-2007, 07:36 PM
My Goodness those pics of Mango are priceless! Love it!!! Mocha and autumn pretty much stick to meat, I have yet to see them eat anything else, except a small piece of cheese. They only come into te kitchen If I am preparing meat, and know mommy is clumsy and drops plenty. they definitely benefit from mommy being half blind, and having no Depth perception! I miss the counters all the time!!!:rolleyes: :D

10-23-2007, 03:27 PM
My cat ate bananas and doughnuts when he was living outside and his teeth ended up horribly rotten and a few had to be pulled. He's not allowed to eat sweets anymore because he can't afford to loose anymore teeth.