View Full Version : WE HAVE BABIES! baby Gerbils!

10-19-2007, 08:31 PM
Sass and Jorden have been together for some time now and as Gebrils go into season every 6 days we were really begining to wonder why on earth we hadnt had babies yet. but last night I went to feed them and suprise! 3 healthy plump babies! all appear to be female at this point, however it is REALLY hard to tell the sex of newborns, so its possable they are not all female lol. Jorden is a GREAT daddy, and he seems to be primarly caretaker of the pups, Sass only comes over to nurse them, and otherwise heads off to do her own thing lol

Sass is black(but a carrier of colour) and Jorden is Mottled Saffire, so were expecting some pretty colours :p

Jorden keeping pups warm



10-19-2007, 10:42 PM
How Cute! Jordan makes a wonderful daddy!
Congrats on the babies! :-) Keep us updated on them! How sweet they must be!
Catloverforever and Her Kitty Clan

10-20-2007, 12:39 AM
aww he looks like he is a great dad. Good luck with the pups!