View Full Version : Help me understand...

10-18-2007, 06:13 PM
I got an email from my brother tonight. I told him about Mollie Rose's vet bill of $350 that took away from my car being fixed.

His response was, "If you can afford to spend $350 on a 15 year old cat, you can afford to pay for your own car repairs."

I could not believe my eyes!! My brother who has a dog was saying this to me! I told him that I was not going to put my baby asleep when it was something that could be treated. I also told him that he would've done the same thing for his dog.

Right now I'm crushed. Did he say it because Mollie Rose is a cat and he's a dog lover??

Now I know why I can't talk to him on the phone. All we ever do is fight.

Sorry to whine, but I had to get this off my chest.

critter crazy
10-18-2007, 06:15 PM
Awwwww....I am so sorry your brother said that to you. I have a BIL like that! He is always giving me grief about the money i spend on my critters!

10-18-2007, 06:27 PM
Its frankly none of his business, unless of course you were asking him for money in which case I guess he has a right to his opinion, unfortunately that comes with asking for money. Can you put it on credit and tell him where to go?

10-18-2007, 06:35 PM
The vet bill is already paid. My car can wait. I just was taken by surprize at his attitude.

10-18-2007, 07:06 PM
Sorry to read this, Donna.

I don't need to tell you, brothers are . . . a different species. :rolleyes:

10-18-2007, 07:17 PM
Same thing with my brother. He gave me the biggest guilt trip over Pouncer's surgery. I told him I'd feel like a murderer if I denied him vet care. He told me I was denying my family essentials and that I already saved his life once by rescuing him. I just realized there is a HUGE difference in what is important to both of us. He gets season tickets to major league baseball, theater tickets for Thomas the Tank for his 2 year old, takes long vacations, etc. He chooses to spend his money on those things. He considers them important. I consider them frivolous (especially the season tickets when the game is on his huge plasma TV).

I know my funds are tight. You're funds are equally tight, yet we both realize the promise we made to ourselves and pets is a serious one that requires a lifelong commitment.

PS: I got a bonus from work yesterday and ran most of it over to the vet this afternoon. My coworker bought a $120 purse with her bonus.... we all spend money in our own way and its nobody's business to comment on what is important.

10-18-2007, 09:03 PM
Aww Donna i am sorry your'e brother has hurt you like this, it was a thoughtless comment, and not needed really, sadly a lot of people feel like he does, but being a animal lover himself, i fail to see why he had to say it at all , and even thought that way, try not to let it get you down, you know you did the right thing and that is all that really matters.,I say stuff him. :)(oops i hope that does not mean anything else in US of A, it means to heck with him here. :D

10-18-2007, 09:09 PM
So many of my friends look at me like I've lost my mind when they hear what I've paid to keep Max healthy. I have come to just ignore their insensitive remarks. Max is our baby, OK, he's our old baby. Dick and I refer to him as the million dollar dog cause it sure seems like we've spent that much and we'll continue to do that as long as he has a sparkle in his eye and a skip in his step. Even if I have to skimp on something else.

Everyone here knows you are doing a great job caring for your baby and the rewards for your loyalty and caring spirit will be returned ten-fold. And this from a dog-person. ;)

critter crazy
10-18-2007, 09:10 PM
Same thing with my brother. He gave me the biggest guilt trip over Pouncer's surgery. I told him I'd feel like a murderer if I denied him vet care. He told me I was denying my family essentials and that I already saved his life once by rescuing him. I just realized there is a HUGE difference in what is important to both of us. He gets season tickets to major league baseball, theater tickets for Thomas the Tank for his 2 year old, takes long vacations, etc. He chooses to spend his money on those things. He considers them important. I consider them frivolous (especially the season tickets when the game is on his huge plasma TV).

I know my funds are tight. You're funds are equally tight, yet we both realize the promise we made to ourselves and pets is a serious one that requires a lifelong commitment.

PS: I got a bonus from work yesterday and ran most of it over to the vet this afternoon. My coworker bought a $120 purse with her bonus.... we all spend money in our own way and its nobody's business to comment on what is important.

WOW!!! Your brother sounds just like my BIL!! are they related??:p

10-18-2007, 10:40 PM
Donna, you sure we're not related?

Same sly remarks, always. Not so much about Mz Klo (he wouldn't dare) but heartless crap. My advise. Forget about it cuz what goes around, comes around.

I can't say my bro hasn't helped me out, but it's always with a comment. He forgets if it wasn't for OTHER people, he wouldn't be where he is today. Jesh..now I'm b******* ! Your thread hit home, that's all. Hugs Hugs Hugs!

10-19-2007, 02:20 AM
Donna, are you SURE that your brother and Kenny weren't comparing notes?? Donna, with a brother like Kenny, I understand your situation perfectly. "Diamond Jim" Kenny P gave me a twenty at the beginning of this week and told me that the twenty will have to last me the whole week! Our two brothers have to stop talking to each other! Donna, Kenny's spending mucho bucks having the engine in his Mustang redone and the moths came flying out of his wallet whe he gave me that twenty! Donna your first priority is sweet Mollie Rose's health.

Pawsitive Thinking
10-19-2007, 04:23 AM
Men and their cars :rolleyes: Was he having difficulty in understanding that your cat takes priority over your car?

10-19-2007, 07:49 AM
Here's his reply:


It's not different... in that way. A 15 year old cat or dog is at the end of it's lifetime and as hard as it is sometimes you need to make hard decisions. You can't afford the 350. liz and I made that decision with Hilary a few years ago. You can't afford to spend that much money when you have other living expenses.


************************************************** ********

I know he was only trying to be reasonable. But sometimes it's like talking to a wall. I don't know where he got the misconception that cats are at the end of their lives at 15. I love my brother, I really do. But sometimes I don't like him. This is one of those times.

Pawsitive Thinking
10-19-2007, 10:12 AM
Very practical and totally heartless.....If a cat or dog has quality of life it should be given every chance to keep going, no matter how old it is!!

We understand Donna, even if your dopey brother doesn't

10-19-2007, 10:43 AM
Very practical and totally heartless

Brody's Mom,

He's always been "practical" when it comes to giving me advice. Heartless, absolutely! Not to mention ignorant in thinking that cats are at the end of their lives at 15.

10-19-2007, 12:35 PM
:( I am sorry to hear your brother was so heartless & hurtfull.. However I think all Brothers & Men in general have not only Selective Hearing but Very Selective Advise & Hearts.. You know lint can & will always be brushed off our shoulders & which is a far distance from our a Women's Heart.. ;)

10-19-2007, 12:57 PM
Men are not of a different species.

Some of them just have less brain matter than other. ;)