View Full Version : A Letter to the NAACP about Vick

10-18-2007, 07:09 AM
**I don't know if this is a real letter that was sent to the NAACP, all I know is that it's the truth and it SHOULD be sent to them!!**
**I don't know the person that wrote it**

Saturday , August 18 , 2007
An Open Letter to the Atlanta Chapter of the NAACP

Dear Dr. R L White , Head of the Atlanta Chapter of the NAACP,

My name is Mike. I am 27 , and I am neither a member of your
organization nor a resident of Atlanta . Normally I wouldn't bother you,
but then I came across this article , and it compelled me to write.

Since I am white , I am going to tread carefully , so as not to
offend your gentle sensibilities. But , Dr. White , you are a dumb f**k.

Speaking for white people everywhere , let me fill you in on
something. This case was not a race issue. It was about killing dogs.
And if there is one thing people don't stand for , regardless of race,
it's killing dogs. You compared it to deer hunting. Again , Dr. White,
you are a dumb f**k. When was the last time a deer greeted you at the
door when you got home from work? Or curled up next to you and gently
nuzzled in to take a nap? Dogs are pets , you moron. They aren't meant to
be killed for sport. The failure to make this distinction only makes you
look stupider.

Sorry , I lost my temper there.

Here's the thing , Dr. White. The reason people were outraged by
this was because he killed dogs. If Ben Roethlisberger or Brett Favre
had done it , the reaction would have been the same , I guarantee you. The
difference is , had Ben Roethlisberger or Brett Favre done this , you
wouldn't see white supporters rallying behind them , proclaiming he was
innocent in the face of mountains of damning evidence , supporting him
regardless of the outcome. Let me let you in on a secret about white
people; when one of our own makes us look bad , we condemn him and disown
them. I suggest you adopt a similar policy. If your group's mission is
truly to advance "colored" people (your word , not mine) you'd
disassociate from the idiots in your race. It can't go wrong , trust me.

Anyway , Dr. White , I don't want this to come off as racist,
because it isn't. Michael Vick is a despicable person who happens to be
black. The sooner you realize that , the less of a dumb f**k you'll look



10-18-2007, 12:36 PM
That's a great letter. I still can't believe that they made it into a race issue.... :confused:

10-18-2007, 04:53 PM
I didn't think the fuss was about race either, it was cruelty to animals
but, I don't like this letter. It could have been written a lot better.

10-19-2007, 09:21 AM
I didn't think the fuss was about race either, it was cruelty to animals
but, I don't like this letter. It could have been written a lot better.

I think it was just a joke, I had it sent to me in an e-mail.