View Full Version : Need Prayers!!

Lori Jordan
10-17-2007, 05:08 PM
Anna has had some problems with her back end this past week,She has gone from not being able to use her back legs to walking a bit but very wably.
My vet put her on steroids,It seemed to be working but today she is the same not being able to move.

Please Pray for Anna that she comes through this.


10-17-2007, 05:10 PM
Prayers for Anna, coming from RI!!!

Feel better soon, dear lady!

10-17-2007, 05:13 PM
Prayers for Anna. I will keep her in my thoughts.

Get better, sweetie.

10-17-2007, 05:29 PM
Get well soon Anna!

10-17-2007, 08:34 PM
Was it caused by an an injury or from disease like hip dysplasia?
Sending oodles and oodles of get well wishes.

10-17-2007, 10:11 PM
Saying prayers for your sweet Anna. And give her a nice long hug from me, please. I'm so happy she's in your loving care.

10-18-2007, 09:58 AM
What does the vet think is causing this? I do hope Anna will be just fine after the steroids. Please know that I will keep that beautiful girl in my prayers.


10-18-2007, 01:35 PM
That is so worrisome, I know. When my male had that problem, it turned out to be an infected and swollen prostate pressing on nerves. It was temporary until we got him neutered. I don't know how old Anna is, but perhaps it's just a mild back injury and the steroids will help. We'll keep her in our thoughts. Hang in there.

Lori Jordan
10-18-2007, 06:56 PM
Thank you All.It is very overwhelming,Doc thinks it is a swollen disk,Anna is 13,she just went through a major surgery back in May for a ruptured Tumor,It has been up and down she has not really moved the last few days,Doc says that she needs to have as little movement as possible.I just hope things work for her,We will not put her through another surgery she barely made it through her last,It is not fair to her and her needs are what come first.

Doc is positive things will work,She has another few days on the Steroids,She will most likely be on some sort of medication for the rest of her life.

I will keep all intrested updated!

10-18-2007, 07:01 PM
I know a husky on another forum who had back sugery, and they take him to hydro-therapy, which really seems to help. Maybe if she recovers a bit, there might be somewhere nearby that offers that? Acupuncture might help with her back, too. We're keeping her in our prayers.

Lori Jordan
10-18-2007, 07:27 PM
I'm willing to do anything for her,I just do not want her to suffer any.As i speak she is eating and having a drink,But I have changed her bedding 4 times today she keeps wetting herself.

I love her dearly!I will do anything,I just do not know if Surgery is going to help.or if she makes it through?

10-18-2007, 08:16 PM
I was wondering about hydrotherapy as well. The dog walks on a treadmill in warm water. The water provides bouyancy and is soothing. It may be worth exploring if something like this would help her? It is very similar to physical therapy offered to humans. The places which offer this also typically offer other types of pysical therapy and may also teach you some massage techniquest o help relieve muscle tension. Again, no idea if these things are appropriate for her, that is what you would want to learn first.

10-18-2007, 09:33 PM
I will be keeping her in my prayers.

Lots of hugs headed her way.

10-18-2007, 10:14 PM
She'll be in our prayers. I hope she feels better soon.

Lori Jordan
10-21-2007, 09:24 PM
Anna has been improving somewhat over the weekend.The only time she will actually get up is when we are sitting at the dinner table.She loves her food.

As to her back legs im not sure what will happen she can not stand on her own,She is healthy she eats,drinks,still howls like she always did.

My husband is designing a cart for her,To see if that will help her any,It really is hard getting old.And such a shocl when this happens.I have no idea how she would of hurt herself.

My thoughts is maybe the flooring?It is all laminate upstairs,Our basement is being redone as we speak and we are putting carpet down,Hopefully that will help her 100%,Second i dont know if she came off the couch and slid?

It is very overwhelming,Her Birthday is December 14,she will be 14 this year,We are all trying our best to keep her comfortable,I just hope she makes it out of this and we have a few years left with her,All the other dogs have been real gentle with her.

Storm on the other hand does not understand why she is not playing with him,Out of all the dogs Anna has taken a real liking to Stormy he really does keep her young,I feel guilty i let them romp around and play,I hope her injury has nothing to do with it.Poor Storm lays with her for hours he is trully devasted with her being down.

I appreciate all the hugs and Prayers for our dear Anna girl,I pray they will all be answerd and she will be back to her normal self real soon.

Her medication will be done on the 24th im not sure what is next,But she will most likely be on the medication for the rest of her life.

I am thankful she is not paralized,This waiting game is real hard to cope with,I hope she will recover a 100%.

10-21-2007, 10:11 PM
I am just reading this thread right now for the first time. I am so sorry your poor girl is hurt. I truly hope and pray everything goes well for that ole gal. Please give her a rub behind the ears for me.

10-22-2007, 04:00 AM
I am so sorry, I just read this, I will keep her in my prayers and send tons of positive healing thoughts her way. It is so hard when our babies get to be old babies, you watch them start to have hard times getting around etc. I pray everything turns out alright.

10-22-2007, 06:06 AM
Paws crossed and saying more prayers for sweet Anna. What a good boy Storm is, Anna must find his company comforting. Skritches & hugs to them!

Lori Jordan
10-22-2007, 08:21 AM
Thank you all so much!

i just called the vet,I mis counted her pills,and she only has enough for today and tomorrow.

He is pleased with how much improvment she has made on the medication,So he said he wants to keep her on it.Just will be a smaller doasage this time around.

She is getting so impatient,She hates having to lay around all day,It is a beautiful day today so i will put her bed outside on the front porch and let her soak up some sun.

I will keep posted in the days to come on her improvments.

10-22-2007, 08:28 AM
You know, many dogs at 14 sleep most of the time. That fact that she is impatient to move about is a good thing! She is fighter and wants to heal and that helps with the recovery!

Good girl, Anna, keep doing what you can!

Lori Jordan
10-22-2007, 08:52 AM
You know, many dogs at 14 sleep most of the time. That fact that she is impatient to move about is a good thing! She is fighter and wants to heal and that helps with the recovery!

Good girl, Anna, keep doing what you can!

That is intresting you mentioned that!

I said the same thing to my vet one day,"I said she is a fighter she will be right back to normal"

His reply was,Being a fighter is not always a good thing in her case,He said fighters are always up and trying,And they never properly heal.

I believe she will be just fine,If she was not a fighter she would not have proven us all wrong.

The first night she was on her medication she cryed all night.We thought that she was paralyzed,and thought it was the end for her.
So i was preparing myself to let her go.And she bounced right back.

I know deep down that Anna is not ready to go anywhere.She has proven us all wrong and will continue too.

You are right she is a fighter,No matter what anyone else says!

10-22-2007, 12:19 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about Anna. :( I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that she can make a full recovery.