View Full Version : I KNEW it.....bye bye McKinney..... :(

08-06-2002, 12:54 AM
You may hear me complaining about my sister and dog issues often. I really do have a point this time I swear.

Do you remember McKinney? If not I am posting pics. He's the sweet little westie baby I watched for 3 weeks. I was terribly attached to him, he was like one of my dogs to me. :(

When my sister first began talking about getting a dog I warned her not to. She lived in an apartment at the time, her husband hates dogs, and her child is only a year and a half. Plus in my opinion, she has never been a dog lover, Smokey hates her guts.

And guess what? She did it anyway. AND she got a pet store puppy which I told her would be harder to potty train (and he WAS).

Do you remember the post I made about Sydney about 3 days ago? That cute little black schnauzer baby she got (which I told
her not to do that either). Yeah, she said she got Sydney because McKinney needed a friend. :mad:

3 days later, she gets rid of McKinney. I am so PISSED off! This is her reason: "He poops in his kennel when I leave him" Also she *claims* that he bit Savannah (her kid)...that dog doesn't have a mean bone in his body (he's 5 months old)...but he is nippy, as many puppies are. I'm positive it was an accident...plus she just introduced Sydney into the house, that puts a lot of stress on a dog.

Just because a dog is not potty trained is NOT a reason to get rid of them! Especially a puppy! He was a good dog! They'd only had him 2 months! And now they have another dog! She says, oh Sydney is so good, and so calm...she's been there 3 days, they know nothing of her personality yet. I should take bets on how many months she will last. She *said* that they gave him to one of her husbands friends.....but she is a born liar, he could be at the shelter for all I know.

I'm so upset about this. I loved that little guy so much. :( :( :( I'm going to miss him. :( :( :(

08-06-2002, 12:55 AM

Aspen and Misty
08-06-2002, 01:07 AM
O I am so sorry! i feel so bad for teh poor dog! Being replaced like that must be so hard. We got a new puppy because I have wanted one for years, but we would enver ever give up Teddy bear. My mom wanted to get a puppy so that when Teddy got old he didn't feel like he needed to hang onto his life to make ours beter he woudl know Chewy would be here. I wish your sister had the same resons we did, and probly you. I wish there were more responsible pet owners out there.

08-06-2002, 06:54 AM
Now that really pisses me off. If I were to say more than that I'm sure Karen would have to censor my post.

08-06-2002, 08:33 AM
That is so terrible:mad: I really don't understand why people do the things they do.
Hopefully he has a better home and life now, with someone who really wanted a dog.

08-06-2002, 08:48 AM
:eek: :( :mad:

That's horrible! Oh...I'm so sorry. If my sister ever did that.....I don't know what I'd do.

Can you find out what she did with McKinney? I'd hate to think he's in a shelter... :(

08-06-2002, 10:25 AM
OMG!! That just really,really makes me mad:mad: :mad: My aunt is the same way. I really hope that McKinney finds a good home that will take care of him and lover him forever!!

08-06-2002, 10:40 AM
Well your sister's gonna miss out on a great lil' dog.
That wonderful terrier personality and intelligence
comes shining through in every photo you post of
McKinney. I hope he finds a home with somebody
who appreciates what an incredible lil' dog he is.


08-06-2002, 01:43 PM
I'm so sorry Amy! I know EXACTLY how you feel. My sis is the exact same. She got a pup before, and she also lived in an apt. The dog kinda went crazy and had seizures (sp) so I can understand it, but she gave it away to the shelter. I told her not to get a pup in her apt seeing it was going to be a big dog, but she didn't listen of course. Then she moved into a more house like place, and got a kitten. She was the sweetest thing, and I loved her so much. My sis got sick and had to go to the hospital for a while and so we had to take her to our house and care of her. It was a pretty long time, and I had gotten really attached to her. Then, of course, she got out and got rid of the cat for no reason other then she thought it was peeing on the floor, which turned out to be her very young kid who they would let run around..well, you know. So it wasn't fair to her..anyway, I'm so sorry, I wish ppl would look for whats best for the animals..but it doesn't seem to always work that way :[

08-06-2002, 03:33 PM
How awful! Does your siter live near by? if so, I think I would call around to shleters and make sure he isn't in one. If he is, maybe you could get him back and rehome him yourself. I nope McKinney is in a good home...

08-06-2002, 04:21 PM
WHAT??! That's insane. How could she give up such a sweet little face?! So sorry to hear this news...

08-06-2002, 04:35 PM
Thanks everyone. I'm really going to miss that sweet little puppy. :( According to my mom she really did give him to one of Jesse's friends. They say he is married and they just got a house. I still don't really trust what my sister says. He's probably better off, I swear, Alisha can't even watch her own kid. Mckinney didn't need another dog as a "friend" he needed them. I could tell he was jealous, he got upset if Alisha or Savannah petted my dogs. He loved them to death, he just wanted to be with them. My sister doesn't even work, she had plenty of time to work with him.

I just made a nice screensaver of all my doggy buddies on webshots. I'm going to have to get rid of all the pics of him on it now, because when I look at it, it makes me want to cry. :( He was such a great little dog. I don't think I've ever seen a dog so full of personality and life. He loved everyone. :(

If she hates me now, I don't care. I have the right to tell her how I feel. Of course it was during my dads birthday so my grandparents, parents, and my brother were there lol....and I wasn't nice....

08-06-2002, 04:42 PM
Amy, this is heart breaking for you, I know. It is sad enough that we fight for the lives of pets that belonged to people we don't even know, but to have a family member do such a thing is even worse. But, it is also out of our control. I can control what happens in my house because I'm the Mom, and I think I'm teaching my daughter the right things. And together, Helen and I share the message about the proper treatment of animals, and some of the horror stories that we know about. But try as we might, we can't always change the mindset of the people closest to us, like siblings and parents.

I think perhaps McKinney is better off in his new home. He is still young and can readjust. I'm just sorry that this has hurt you so badly. And I hope your sister won't make the same mistake again. :(

08-06-2002, 04:59 PM
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Can I go over and help you yell at your sister for what she had just done?! - Rachel

08-06-2002, 05:20 PM
Oh boy this post made me so sad. If you remember I have a brother who has a female Westie named Millie so I had sent him McKinney's picture (the adorable one of him lying on the keyboard). :) His wife, who has cancer, smiled when she saw that picture and he said she doesn't smile often! I am sooooo sorry to hear McKinney isn't around any more. :( I really, really loved hearing about him. I think your sister put the cart ahead of the horse, if you don't mind my saying, because instead of getting McKinney a friend, he still needed to be worked with himself. Sadly, I am sure this happens everyday and everywhere. Poor McKinney. He deserved better. :(

I also think your sister really bit off more than she could chew. First of all I would never attempt to bring a new pup into the home with a puppy that is only 5 months old. Even if she is home all day, that is quite an undertaking and one that I certainly wouldn't be up to. Oh, I really do hope that Sydney works out for her and that McKinney is happy wherever he is. This is so sad. :(

08-06-2002, 05:29 PM
Mckinney is such a cute little thing. I hope he's in a wonderful home.

08-06-2002, 06:51 PM

I'm so sorry to hear about McKinney. He has SUCH a precious face and from the looks of it, not one mean bone in his body. I'm afraid to say too much for fear that Karen would also censor my post.

I would follow up until I got to the bottom of exactly where McKinney is, if only for my own peace of mind. Your sister, with all due respect, needs her head examined! Puppies will have accidents. Especially if they're crated all day long. To be honest with you, I believe McKinney is better off with a new owner. Someone who will love him for himself and not because he didn't poop on the floor. :mad: :mad: :mad: I don't even want to think of how she is as a mother. :eek: