View Full Version : Mufasa's Parents?

10-16-2007, 01:48 PM
When we got Mufasa, he was brought to us by a former co-worker of mine and some girl he was with. They told me that he was found on the side of the road.

They wouldn't tell me where, what road, etc. so I could try and find his owners. They wouldn't tell me anything. In the back of my mind I've always thought that it was a complete lie, just because the way they wouldn't tell me anything, the way the girl seemed so concerned for the puppy (Mufasa), etc.

Today I was looking around on MySpace and found the girl's MySpace. She has photos of her dogs on there - a very black and tan German Shepherd and a Golden Retriever. Two breeds I've expected Mufasa to be.

So... what do you think?

Wonder if I'll even know the truth! :rolleyes:

Ginger's Mom
10-16-2007, 02:08 PM
I think you may be onto something there. I would at least give them a little credit and assume that they knew that they were wrong and irresponsible to allow this to happen, and were trying to make up by finding the best home for the pup (I wonder if there were any others). I hope they have learned from this experience and have had both dogs altered. *sigh*

And Mufasa, handsome boy, notice that no one has ever refered to you as a mistake, you are too much of a sweetheart for that.

10-16-2007, 02:18 PM
In a way, I'm sort of glad they lied. I don't think my parents would have taken him in otherwise. I just wish I knew what the heck he was! I've been calling him an Aussie mix because of his size.

Looking at these two dogs now, I can see a lot of both of them in him.

I have a feeling Mufasa was the last one to go and my former co-worker knew we are suckers. ;)

10-16-2007, 03:06 PM
Shhh! Mufasa may be listening! Someone, quick, cover his ears! :D

10-16-2007, 04:15 PM
How sad that someone had to lie to you. :(

I hope they have their dogs fixed now.

10-16-2007, 04:27 PM
It's not surprising, it's just how this guy is... about EVERYTHING. He's horrible about it and I've witnessed him lying to someone about the simplest things.

10-16-2007, 04:57 PM
After seeing those other pictures, it would make you curious wouldn't it?

Are you sure Moo's not a Rotti/Golden? :confused: They do have DNA tests
for dogs now. Don't know how expensive they are, but they work to identify
breeds. What ever he is, he's a cutie. :)

10-16-2007, 06:36 PM
Hmm.. that's a huge possibility, Kay!.. interesting.

10-16-2007, 07:26 PM

No matter what his heritage/background Mufasa is where he belongs - with you and your family :D Sometimes not so great things happen with the best of intentions - in this case, the outcome is ideal :) Moo has a perfect home and he is a happy boy - we can all be grateful for that :)

10-16-2007, 08:17 PM
After seeing those other pictures, it would make you curious wouldn't it?

Are you sure Moo's not a Rotti/Golden? :confused: They do have DNA tests
for dogs now. Don't know how expensive they are, but they work to identify
breeds. What ever he is, he's a cutie. :)
At our clinic, the DNA tests are $200. At another local clinic, it costs about $170. Vet clinics pay about $80 but they charge you twice that, which is about $160+. I've seen some results and I really doubt the accuracy of the test, to be honest. But it's interesting nonetheless =)

You know, I think it could be a possibility, but are the dogs male and female? I always thought Mufasa was an Aussie mix too, but golden and aussie mixes look pretty similar :o

10-16-2007, 08:30 PM
Does it matter?

Mufasa is an amazimg guy in his own right, so truly what does his parentage have to do with anything?

And he he has a great Mum so let it lie, and just do what he does ......adore those that love you.

10-16-2007, 09:01 PM
Have you ever owned a mutt and been curious as to what he/she was?
Have you ever had someone lie to you constantly and wonder about the truth?

That's why it matters. ;)

10-16-2007, 09:11 PM
:eek: You call Mufasa a mutt?! :eek: That just sounds so demeaning. :(

Mufasa is such a beautiful boy! I'd be appreciative just to have such a wonderful dog as he is, no matter the breed. :)

10-16-2007, 09:18 PM
I can't say as though I've ever seen German Shepherd in him, but then again, rarely could anyone ever see Border Collie in Tango based on appearance alone.

It's definitely a highly probable that he is GSD/Golden. Especially with your description of how Moo came to you. He's a beautiful dog nonetheless. :)

Ginger's Mom
10-16-2007, 09:29 PM
I understand, Kay. For example, I take Ginger to the dog park and often get asked what kind of dog she is. Me: American Eskimo mix. Other person: Mixed with what? Me: We are not really sure. She resembles the Eskie side so much it makes it tough to tell. Other person: What is your best guess? :rolleyes: This conversation takes place at two or three times a year. I guess it would be nice to give people a better answer. :) Besides this would give you a better idea of Mufasa's background before you met him. Something all rescue Moms wonder about (like if we knew what happened before we can somehow be a better mom now).
There was that home test you can do, but it was about $69.99, I think.

10-16-2007, 09:31 PM
Have you ever owned a mutt and been curious as to what he/she was?

All the time. Although I do know what 1/2 of Layla is. ;) I could believe the Shepherd/Golden mix. But just wondering,how much does Moo weigh? A Shepherd and a Golden would be about 60-75 lbs, maybe? Wouldn't he be a bit bigger if these two were his parents? Just a thought.

10-16-2007, 09:45 PM
:eek: You call Mufasa a mutt?! :eek: That just sounds so demeaning. :(

I don't see how it's demeaning? He's a mutt. All 4 of my dogs are mutts. I call them The Muttlies. :)

10-16-2007, 09:46 PM
I didn't mean that you meant it mean... I should have rephrased it, lol.

He's just such a cutie, and one of my faves on here.

10-16-2007, 10:47 PM
As soon as I save some extra $$, I'm going to send away for Mz Klo's DNA. I'm so curious to see if she is what I think she is. It's more for my curiosity than anything. I love her no matter what. But she has so many different traits mixed together, I thought it'd be interesting to know.

Kay, those shameless lies (like it would matter..as long as you got custody of Mr Moo) turned into your priceless treasure! His widdle head tilt is a killer. Grab that face and kiss him all over for me pleeze....

10-17-2007, 07:33 PM
Sometimes, I wonder how accurate those tests are, though. Some day, I'll send in Ivy's DNA and see if they can get it right. If the results are anything other than Dobie and Lab, I'll know they're just pulling names from a hat :p

10-17-2007, 09:32 PM
I definitely see it. Irregardless, Mufasa is a unique looking muttlie. :D

And Ginger, I know what you mean. When people ask me what my two are, I tell them and then they stand there and argue with me. They can't be that mix, whoever told you that needs their eyes checked, or whatever. Yeesh! :rolleyes:

10-18-2007, 09:01 AM
Giselle if you do test the dna test let us know the results. Sadie goes to the vet today and I am going to see if they will test her. I'm way too curious to not know. I do hope it's accurate!

At least Mufasa has a great home now. I do hope if they lied to you that they have gotten their dogs fixed. Their are too many homeless creatures out there, why don't people realize that?

Another possibility is only one of those dogs is a parent to Mufasa, probably mother, and some unknown dog got her pregnant. Otherwise, they would be having litter after litter!

10-18-2007, 09:50 AM
He does look like he could be a cross between their two, doesn't he?
Too bad they had to lie about it (if they did) - Their loss is your gain - Mufasa is such a handsome little guy! You'd know or sure if one of theirs does that little head tilt - I love that about him , it's a killer! Gets me every time! :D

10-18-2007, 09:53 AM

No matter what his heritage/background Mufasa is where he belongs - with you and your family :D Sometimes not so great things happen with the best of intentions - in this case, the outcome is ideal :) Moo has a perfect home and he is a happy boy - we can all be grateful for that :)

Took the words right out of my mouth! :) Kay, it does make sense that he might be a nice mix of a German Shepherd and a Golden Retriever. What a terrific mix of two very special breeds.

What I know is that he has the perfect home, with the perfect mom! :D

10-19-2007, 09:00 AM
At our clinic, the DNA tests are $200. At another local clinic, it costs about $170. Vet clinics pay about $80 but they charge you twice that, which is about $160+. I've seen some results and I really doubt the accuracy of the test, to be honest. But it's interesting nonetheless =)

I doubt some of the results of the DNA tests as well. I read an article in a vet magazine we get at the clinic and it had pictures and results. A couple I could see and the others were just silly. For example one was a Puli/Afghan Hound/Rough Collie/Glen of Immal Terrier. I just find that mix to be extreamly hard to believe. And the dog looked like a shepherd mix of sorts.

Either way, Moo is a handsome boy and lucky to have you as his mummy. Maybe you could talk to your co-worker again and see if you can get the truth out of them.

10-20-2007, 06:02 AM
That sucks that he had to lie to you, but at the same time, Moo was meant to come to you or he would not be with you. It can be very frustrating when you are not sure what the breed of your dog is, and people constantly asking. Like does it reallllllly matter what he is, why do they have to ask...lol I get it all the time with Reilly, most people assume he is a Rottie mix, and are totally shocked when I tell them not according to the vet...lol I have gotten to where anymore if someone ask, I say you could not tell you and dont really care, he is our baby and that is what matters. But I do get where you are coming from though. Give that handsome man some loving from me and a high five from Reilly.

10-20-2007, 07:38 AM
They looks very very similar, have you thought of messaging the girl and asking her straight up if they are? How long have you have him now, maybe she will finally give you some info about it.

P.S. Mufasa is a pretty darn cute, almost as cute as my mutts! :p