View Full Version : Apparently I aint too bright!!

critter crazy
10-15-2007, 05:59 PM
I have worked with Duke on his basic comands now for over two years(since we got him at 4 months), Being half bloodhound I knew it was going to be a challenging task, but I just didnt realize how Challenging!:rolleyes:

Duke knows sit very well, especially if you have a treat! But he refuses to sit, if you are sitting while giving the command! I always have to stand up, to get him to sit! WHY?? I have been working on this issue alone for months, and still no give?? got any Ideas?? He just stares you in the face, and wags his tail!:rolleyes:

He knows go lay down, even while we are sitting, so why not sit??

The good news is, after only one day of training, he has learned to pick up things on command, just hasnt learned hold yet! (Idea from Dukedogsmom's thread)

But darn it, we cannot for the life of me master sit, while I am seated!:confused:

10-15-2007, 06:01 PM
I think I remember you posting about this a while back.

Have you tried re-training him the command "sit" while you are sitting? More than likely you trained him "sit" while standing, so that's what he's used to.

critter crazy
10-15-2007, 06:08 PM
I think I remember you posting about this a while back.

Have you tried re-training him the command "sit" while you are sitting? More than likely you trained him "sit" while standing, so that's what he's used to.
Ahhh..yes I posted this once before, and as you can see....No Progress!!

How do i go about retraining him to sit?? just start all over with treats and such??

10-16-2007, 05:56 AM
Yep. I would start from the beginning, just like he was a pup but this time do like Kay says and train him from a seated position.

critter crazy
10-16-2007, 06:04 AM
Well....after a few attempts with treats, he sat a few times for me. Guess we will just have to work on this for a while. Gotta love those hounds!:rolleyes:

10-16-2007, 12:58 PM
Good luck retraining him.

If it makes you feel any better, Founder has never learned to sit. He knows perfectly well what I am asking him to do. He just outright refuses to do it!

critter crazy
10-16-2007, 01:02 PM
Good luck retraining him.

If it makes you feel any better, Founder has never learned to sit. He knows perfectly well what I am asking him to do. He just outright refuses to do it!

Ughhhh....I have never owned such a blatantly stubborn dog before!:rolleyes: All of our other dog have always been so eager to please! Maybe cause Duke wasnt a true rescue/Abuse case?? not sure, but he sure is a pain in my rear!:D

I keep telling him, that he is so lucky he is so adorably cute!:D