View Full Version : About declawing....

08-05-2002, 08:49 PM
I've been calling around finding out about cost and procedures(some offer laser surgery etc..) for neutering. EVERY place I called asked me.. do you want him declawed to? Ummmm..NO. Why do vets offer this as standard procedure?! Are they not aware that this greatly impacts the life of the cat and can even change their temperment?! Why?!

08-05-2002, 09:47 PM
I'm surprised. I know a couple of vets who will NOT do declawing. They say it's painful to the animal -- sure they use anesthesia, but how about when that wears off -- and they compare it to having human fingers chopped off at the very tip.

I would not put an animal thru that. :( When in doubt, check out this site. It's extremely educational in stopping this practice. (WARNING: not for the faint of heart!! Contains graphic description from a Vet of the procedure - it will shock you)

http://community-2.webtv.net/zuzu22/stopdeclawtemporary/ (declawing a cat - the procedure and the reasons not to do it)

08-06-2002, 07:12 AM
*Is very happy and proud that Sweden illegelizes declawing* I wish the USA would do the same, but I doubt that will ever happen.

Good site BTW, I will be sure to remember the URL if I ever hear someone talking about wanting to declaw their cat online.

08-06-2002, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by Ann
*Is very happy and proud that Sweden illegelizes declawing* I wish the USA would do the same, but I doubt that will ever happen.

Good site BTW, I will be sure to remember the URL if I ever hear someone talking about wanting to declaw their cat online.
I'm glad it's not allowed in Denmark either! :) Not that I think anyone would have it done, if it was! :D

08-06-2002, 08:26 AM
This is a very hot topic among some cat owners. I leave it up to the owners of the cat to decide.

I don't recommend having the proceedure done, but I also understand why some people have it done. So I will continue to go neutral on my opinion about others who have it done to their cats, and I will not have it done to mine, although I have had it done in the past with other cats. I don't reqret having done it and I didn't notice any change in their behavior.

It is so easy to train cats to posts. But some cats continue to destroy furniture. Would it be better to turn the cat to the outside? I don't know.

Everyone is entitled to their comments and thoughts, and I respect that, for sure!

So there ya go!

If anyone wants advice on training a cat to a scratching post, I will be glad to offer my thoughts on it! My guys just love to scratch on their posts!


08-06-2002, 04:30 PM
I wonder if it is a regional thing? Up here in the Pacific Northwest, I've never had a vet ask me if I wanted the cat declawed. (my personal choice is to not declaw)