View Full Version : Baby attacked Tikeya... Twice.. UGH!!!

10-13-2007, 03:50 PM
Well everyone... it happened AGAIN!!..
As you know baby has been in a muzzle since August, she isnt trusted to be around my three girls without it on..

It was Thursday morning, Tikeya went around the corner at the bottom of the stairs and met face to face with Baby (she was muzzled).. Tikeya growled, and Baby just attacked her.. The muzzle didnt work, Baby was able to grab a hold of Tikeyas back .. Thank god she mostly just got Tikeyas fur in her mouth. ( there is one puncture wound on Tikeyas back).

I couldnt break up the fight because I had Dominic in my arms.. So I started screaming for help.. My mom herd the screams and came running down the stairs.. At that point Daisy also came running, and she started biting Babys side, taking huge chunks out of her.. :eek:

So now Daisy also has to be muzzled, even tho she was just protecting Tikeya, we cant have dogs attacking eachother in this house anymore.. :mad:

This happend last week.. so my mom, and I went out and bought Baby a new muzzle. Last night my mom got off the lazyboy chair, and Tikeyas foot got pinched under it, she yelped and hid by the TV.. My mom got up, and went to Tikeya to check on her. Baby came from behind, and tryed to attack Tikeya again!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :mad: This time Babys new muzzle worked really well, she was'nt able to get a hold of Tikeya..

poor Tikeya, she doesnt even fight back, she just rolls onto her back cowering... Baby still doesnt stop, even after Tikeya cowers.. I honestly think Baby would kill Tikeya if noone interviened...

twice in one week Baby has tried to attack Tikeya..This is'nt good.

Babys wounds from Daisy are healing well.. they did get quite a bit of fluid build up under them.. but with a warm compress it all expressed out.. I hate to say this but, I am never going to own two large breed female dogs at once again.. :mad:

10-13-2007, 04:01 PM
Aww I am sorry that you have to go through all this ((Hugs))

Sending healing prayers to the dogs!


10-13-2007, 04:55 PM
:( I'm really sorry to hear this, I know you were hoping the muzzle would do the trick. It sounds like Baby's bad behavior is escalating anyways. I hope & pray that Dominic will never get caught in the middle of one of their fights.
Sending healing vibes that all their injuries heal quickly.

10-13-2007, 09:17 PM
Are you moving out soon?? After experiencing what I did with Giselle and Ivy, I'm kind of worried for you and your son =[ I'm sorry that that happened to you, but if you admit that Baby would kill Tikeya if Baby weren't muzzled, that's a huuuuge red flag for something drastic to happen. Have you guys contacted a behaviorist?

10-14-2007, 01:13 AM
Yes, I have contacted a couple trainers in my area.. All of them say the same thing. They Think Babys agression issue is caused by bad breeding, and they cant fix a genetic problem (Babys breeder has been known to breed agressive Great Danes). All of Babyes Sibling that I have met have acted the exact same way to other dogs. Her brother cant even be around female dogs.
My mom is thinking about re-homing Baby.. But my brothers and my dad dont want to resort to that.. Me, Shaun, and Dominic (And our three mutss of course) just need to find a place pronto.. But there is absolutly nothing available for rent right now, specially that we have three dogs *one being a pitbull*, noone will rent us anything.

I feel like I am stuck in between a rock and a hard place..
If anything ever happend to Dominic I would never forgive my self.
We need to get out of this situation.

husky 1
10-14-2007, 03:40 AM
:( poor tikeya , loads of hugs to her , not being funny but maybe it would be best to find a new home for baby , not fair to put poor tikeya through all this tension . I do feel for you though. ;)

10-14-2007, 07:43 AM
Jynelle I'm so sorry to hear that this has happened again:(
I feel bad for all involved including Baby because it's not her fault.

I'll be saying some prayers that you all find a place asap.

10-15-2007, 05:00 PM
I would feel terrible if my parents had to give up Baby because We are living here with Tikeya.. I would just feel awful.. I kinda feel like its my fault.. But I know there is nothing we can do right now because we have no where eles to go.. We have found a friend to go halfers on rent with us, but no its just a matter of finding a place to allow all three dogs.. (we might just have to lie and say we only have two dogs).
For now Daisy and Baby will just have to stayed muzzled... *sigh*

10-15-2007, 05:17 PM
Is there anyone that can Keep Baby Temp. Till you guys move out? Or Board her somewhere till you do.. :-/ Maybe that is a option. And till you figure it out.. Just keep the two apart.

10-15-2007, 05:21 PM
We dont know anyone who would be able to take Baby in while we live here. Everyone we know has female dogs!

10-15-2007, 05:42 PM
Easy solution, keep them seperated until you move out. Give each of them seperate time to have free roam of the house. Or since it's a two story house keep the top area baby gated and keep one upstairs, one downstairs.

10-15-2007, 05:44 PM
Easy solution, keep them seperated until you move out. Give each of them seperate time to have free roam of the house. Or since it's a two story house keep the top area baby gated and keep one upstairs, one downstairs.

Very good Idea Kay! :-) The 2 story house could be a blessing! :-) I Would try that

10-15-2007, 09:23 PM
Easy solution, keep them seperated until you move out. Give each of them seperate time to have free roam of the house. Or since it's a two story house keep the top area baby gated and keep one upstairs, one downstairs.

we are actually doing that now. We have Tikeya, Daisy, and Ebony locked downstairs behind a baby gate.. Baby and Oscar have the upstairs.

They only time they are near eachother is if my girls have to go outside for a pee break *the only way to get to the backyard is if we go thro the upstairs back door*

10-15-2007, 09:44 PM
Easy solution, keep them seperated until you move out. Give each of them seperate time to have free roam of the house. Or since it's a two story house keep the top area baby gated and keep one upstairs, one downstairs.
This is what we have to do with Mandy and Luka. They will fight sometimes and instead of living on tip toes wondering when it's going to happen again and if we can prevent it, it's much easier to just keep them separate. They get along 95% of the time but that 5% could be the death of one of them if we aren't close enough to react. Luka could easily kill Mandy and either one could easily hurt people trying to break them up - and already have. I got bitten trying to break up a fight and we decided that that was it, they need to be separated for good. That was over a year ago and even though at first it was tough it has worked out wonderfully. Mandy stays with me, if I am in my room so is she (like right now) and if I am downstairs, she goes with me, etc. Luka stays with my parents - who are generally downstairs. So, whenever we are all downstairs, we switch off who is blocked off in the living room/outside/crated/whatever. They both get lots and lots of playtime with us and the other dogs and they are not missing out on things much because they have to be separated. They also know the "routine" and are thrown off if we change things up. Luka has to be pulled up stairs by her collar to get her to follow me up - she only follows my parents. Mandy on the other hand will not follow my parents. And if I take Luka up stairs because Mandy seems to want to stay down, Luka will sit at my door and cry and a couple minutes later Mandy will run up stairs and scratch on my door to get in. They are just so used to it and they don't mind it at all, and they are both very attached to "their" human(s). ... Luka loves me but she prefers my parents by a mile, and Mandy definitely prefers me.

I am really sorry for what you are going through and I hope, hope, hope that your baby (or anyone else for that matter) is never caught in the middle of it. I hope the separation works!