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10-12-2007, 11:35 PM
Hi everyone!
Scooter's Mom told me all about this place...so, here I am! We have 3 kitties. I am married and have one daughter (she's 15) and I am a domestic goddess and 36 years old! We love almost all animals (ok...no bugs of any kind!!! ICK) but kitties are our most favorite. I just got my calico kitten for my birthday last month! Our kitties names are Twinkie-Boo (Boo-Boo...he's the orane and white baby), Cassie-Kay (K-K she's our grey baby) and Puffkin (the runt and 2 1/2 months old)! Scooter's mom is also the mom to our 2 older kitties as she used to be married to my husband...so she knows them really well too! Lol! Here are our babies playing DDR (dance dance revolution): http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x269/Katjaye/3kitties2aa.jpg

Scooter's Mom
10-13-2007, 12:08 AM
There are my babies! And my sort of step-baby, Puffkin! :)

Twinkie Boo and Cassie Kay are both 13. His birthday is around April 12, 1994. Cassie Kay has her birthday around May 22, 1994.

Scooter Bug sends "Hisses and growls" 'cause you *know* how he gets. LOL!

Good to see you here.
Love ya!

10-13-2007, 12:24 AM
Welcome to PT!!!:D Your cats sure are gorgeous.:) I look forward to hearing more about them and hopefully seeing many more pictures of them too. :)

10-13-2007, 03:31 AM
Just like a cat to be practising how to look good on the dancefloor! Lovely pics and look at the little one, what a cutie :)

10-13-2007, 05:53 AM
Hi and welcome to PT. Love your kitties, especially the calico, but then, I'm partial to calicos. I have 7 furkids. Good to see you here and hope to see more of you.

10-13-2007, 06:03 AM

I have one calico - female and 2 torties (1 long hair and 1 short hair, both females) 2 domestic long hair boys, 1 tiger - female.

You will love it here. There is so much great advice here and great people.


Maya & Inka's mommy
10-13-2007, 07:47 AM

I am Lut, and I am owned by 4 cats, known here as "The Gabriels Girls"

10-13-2007, 07:51 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk!!! I'm sure you're going to love it here :)

You have three very lovely babies. I paricuarly love how your newest baby ties together everyone's colors ;)

10-13-2007, 08:02 AM
Hello there! Welcome to PT youa re going to fit in just fine, already can see that! We LOVE photos here, and with a little one to keep the others on their toes you should have plenty of opportunities! *hint, hint*

I am Sandie, I have 8 cats, 2 dogs and 2 foster dogs, along with an aquarium.

Scooter's Mom
10-13-2007, 09:31 AM
Here is an older photo of Twinkie Boo. Katjaye can tell you better when it was taken. I am thinking sometime early 1999, but I could be wrong... ?


10-13-2007, 09:51 AM
Welcome To Pet Talk!!!
You Will Love It Here As There Are So Many Great People, And Cat Lovers Here, And If You Ever Have A Question About Your Cats, Someone Here Will Know The Answer!!
The Lucky Found Paradise Hotel Cats, Porch Cats And Rescued Cats And All Of Our Rainbow Bridge Teddy Bear Angel Pardners Send A Huge Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeoooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww To
You,twinkie Boo ,Cassie Kay And Puffkin!!!!

10-13-2007, 10:14 AM
Hi and welcome to PT! You have three beautiful kitties and I look forward to seeing more of them.

I have seven kitties ranging in age from 15 1/2 to a year old. Never a dull moment!

Scooter's Mom
10-15-2007, 09:58 PM
Twinkie was a bottle fed kittie. My ex-hubby and I were at the vet with our older (now RB kitty) Sasha, and someone brought him in. They had found him under their stairwell and was afraid someone's dog would get him or he'd die from no food. So the vet's office asked if anyone wanted him, as the person just left him there. Of course, we said yes. They gave us some powder formula and bottles to get us started. My mom is the one who bottle fed him (she didn't work and we both did). She loved him SO much. Twinkie was her cuss word for him (as in, "you little twinkie" instead of "you little turd") and so we called him Twinkie Boo. She taught him how to go to the potty using a warm cloth and woke up with him every couple of hours and fed him. She actually cried after we took him home after he didn't need to be bottle fed anymore.

One of the funny things about Twinkie is that he hated the hair dryer! He would literally attack it full force. Turn it on, and he'd come at it, swatting. I was always afraid he'd get his little claws stuck in the vent thing at the front.

Twinkie is full of personality. He is such a daddy's boy! He loves my ex-hubby so much. And, Cassie Kay loves Twinkie so much... they had to remain a pair. So, as hard as it was, they remained with my ex. But - I get wonderful updates. Katjaye loves them, and I am so happy that she is their "new" mommy. They love her just as much as she loves them.

10-15-2007, 11:18 PM
Welcome! I have two kitties, Oscar Mayer Wild and Cole Rover Porter. Oscar WAS wild and tamed by a former kennel boss, and Cole was dumped on the acreage next to the kennel - he was about 'neutering' age, and I don't think his owners bothered.

What beautiful kitties - I love widdle Puffkin!

Looking forward to more stories and pics!

10-16-2007, 08:42 AM
Welcome to PT! You have very pretty babies. I have one cat with an attitude! Her name is Squeak. Looking forward to more pics of your family! :D

10-16-2007, 09:08 AM
Gorgeous kitties. And http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a373/kuhio98/welcome5.gif

I think it's great that you and Scooter's Mom are friends. I get along very well with my husband's first wife. We must be very much alike because, after all, we married the same man. :D

10-18-2007, 01:19 AM
Thank you all so much for the welcomes! So many lovely beautiful fur-babies!!!! I love all the pictures in ya'll signatures! I feel very welcomed and glad to be here. Right now I have a sinus infection and bronchitis...and the medicine makes me temporarily (I hope...lol) stupid...so I won't be on as much as I would like!

Yes, with Puffkin around Twinkie-Boo and Cassie-Kay don't stand a chance! LOL! She pounces on them regularly! Lol! She has discovered that pouncing on older kitties who are sleeping is NOT a good thing...as some not so nice things happen to her because of it! Lol! Twinkie is her favorite pounce toy though...and he tolerates it very well and even has been playing with her!! Which makes us happy since he's gotten lazy since my last calico (Pickles) passed away at a young age several months ago...she kept him on his toes before that...and he really grieved when she passed away...he completely quit grooming himself for a month...and he's a very good groomer normally. He's a sensitive baby.

I too am partial to calico babies! I love them all...but calicos are SPECIAL! Lol! I didn't think I could get another Calico after Pickles but Puffkin is so totally a different little being and so different in coloring and temperament and she was the runt of her litter and they were rescued and being fostered so, I just had to take her. She was barely 2 pounds and all her siblings were much bigger. She talks a lot! I love that...well I do when it isn't at 2AM! LOL!

Twinkie-Boo is very much my husband's kitty, like Scooter's mom said...he tolerates me because I am the food giver and snubs my daughter completely! Lol! Which of course makes her long to hold him...much to his grief! Lol!

Cassie-Kay quickly became my daughter's cat after we got married because she found out Cassie-Kay had a shoe fetish and lined up all of the shoes in the house to make a path to her bed...and did this every night until Cassie-Kay automatically started sleeping there! Lol! Which I thought was really funny, cute and clever for a 7 year old!

I will work on getting more pictures soon! Lol!

Thank you again to all of you and forgive me if answering this way is wrong but I am sick and am being lazy...

@ CultureJunky...Yeah I thought it was pretty funny they were all 3 on the DDR mat I couldn't help taking the picture! Lol! It made me laugh! Like they need anymore help being graceful and cute! Lol!

@ catnapper...we didn't realize until I read your post but Puffkin really does tie in Twinkie's and Cassie's fur!!! How cool is that! Thanks for pointing it out! Lol!

@Scooter's Mom...yes, that picture of Twinkie was taken in early 1999ish...how you remember that is beyond me...memory envy! Lol!

@kuhio98...Thank you for that compliment I would love to be thought of as like Scooter's mom! She's a great person! I agree though and it is really nice to be friends. I'm also friendly with my ex-husband and his wife.

OKies...that's all for me tonight I am off to nappy land.
Huggells and buggells and snuggells to all!

Felicia's Mom
10-19-2007, 01:36 PM
Hi, welcome to Pet Talk!

10-19-2007, 03:32 PM
;) Welcome to Pet Talk & enjoy all the talks & pics.. Your babies are so adorable.. Look forward to more pics..