View Full Version : Rock Chewer?? or something else??*Pic added*

critter crazy
10-12-2007, 09:56 PM
Brutus who I brought home a week ago yesterday, suppossedly chews on rocks. I was told this when I got him. I have yet to see him show any interest in rocks, so not sure if what I was told is true or not. Brutus definitey has wear on his bottom canines, but it just dosent add up to me. To me, if a dog is an avid rock chewer, wouldnt he try to continue this habit?? also, it is only his bottom canines affected, wouldnt all his teeth show wear?? To me, his bottom canines look like they have been filed to form a point. They are very sharp! And his two canines are very even, as far as the wear goes. Seems like if a dog is chewing rocks, wouldt he break his teeth?? I have never had a dog with this before, so wondering if anyone could shed some light here for me??http://www.rottweiler.net/forums/images/smilies/confused.gif

10-12-2007, 10:17 PM
I know dogs will chew on rocks when they are bored. Perhaps he wasn't getting enough attention and exercise in his last house.

As for even wear it depends.... some dogs chew more on one side than the other. And dogs can break their teeth on rawhides... I think that has more to do with genetics and chance....

Ramone (my rottweiler boy) is an avid chewer period. He has all sorts of bones and chew toys that he uses that the shelties don't even look at. I bet if all he had as an option to chew on were rocks then he would definitely chew on them.

10-12-2007, 10:51 PM
My moms dog, Pepsi, was a rock chewer and all of her teeth are badly worn down. My mom has stopped this habit of chewing rocks, and I think she was young enough that she will keep enough teeth in her head for the rest of her life.
It sounds to me like someone wanted Brutus' teeth to be dangerous. That's so sad. :(

critter crazy
10-13-2007, 03:47 PM
Either way, he is here and safe. But it just angers me how people treat their dogs. Brutus isnt the first, nor will he be last dog we have brought home that was mistreated, but it still angers me. I just hope that he was a rock chewer, and that someone didnt mess with his teeth! But he is very happy here, and gets plenty of excersise, and mental stimulation. he is still being re-taught everything. it is like having a puppy again. he knows Nothing! He dosent know sit, laydown, stay, drop-it. we also had to potty train him, which I must add, is just about done! after one week, he has made a marked improvement! :)

critter crazy
10-18-2007, 02:34 PM
Here is a pic I took today, that you can kinda see what I am talking about. The one Lower Canine you can see, is a very sharp point!

10-18-2007, 03:16 PM
That looks to me like someone filed them. My Duke plays with rocks but he does not chew them, he will bit down while playing and jump on them and bite on them but not actually lay there and chew. He does have some wearing of his canines (he loves his chew bones) but it is more of a flattening then a point.

10-18-2007, 03:23 PM
Dogs who like to chew rocks - knew a Labrador, Jake, once who loved to chew rocks - do not have pointy teeth like that. To the contrary, it wears them down and can break them badly. Jake's "boys" were made to to clear their yard of rocks, because he was doing such a job on this teeth - he could have a yard full of toys and bones and sticks and would instead root around the landscaping to find a rock to munch. Once they did a thorough job of clearing their own yard, he'd simply lope over to a neighbor's yard to find munchable rocks. Jake was not the brightest bulb on the tree, needless to say, and would "sneak" a rock into the house, go under my buddy Pete's bed to munch it on the sly, but the sound of teeth grinding against stone would wake the dead, and he never figured out how they knew!

10-18-2007, 03:26 PM
First let me say, Oh...he's so beautiful! I'm in LOVE with him:D

Now as for that tooth...WOW:eek: I've never seen a tooth like that before. My parents had a rottie who liked to chew rocks and her teeth never looked like that.

Sorry if I missed it, but how old is Brutus?

critter crazy
10-18-2007, 03:39 PM
First let me say, Oh...he's so beautiful! I'm in LOVE with him:D

Now as for that tooth...WOW:eek: I've never seen a tooth like that before. My parents had a rottie who liked to chew rocks and her teeth never looked like that.

Sorry if I missed it, but how old is Brutus?

Brutus is 4, and both his bottom canines look like this. with no other wear visible, which leads me to believe that they were Filed:(

10-18-2007, 03:43 PM
:( Who would do that to a dog....file his/her teeth?! That's sad!

10-18-2007, 03:44 PM
I can't see a way possible that his teeth would be sharp like that because of chewing rocks.

IMO, they were filed like that on purpose. :(