View Full Version : Sierra has Rabbit breath.....

10-12-2007, 09:49 AM
Ugh... Sierra sure had me jumping out of my skin early this morning.

My alarm went off, so I got out of bed and let the dogs out, normally I leave all the doors open to my house. (There are 3 doors you have to go through before getting into my house) I leave them open so they can come and go as they please while I'm packing my lunch and getting coffee. Well GOOD thing I closed the door into the kitchen. I was just about to sit down with my coffee and watch the news, but I heard Buddy barking at the door to be let in. I didn't turn the light on, I just open the door and Bud came running in with Sierra right behind him. Just as she was coming up the steps I noticed something in her mouth and I thought to myself "Now just how did you get a stuffed animal outside?" Just as I'm saying this to myself she's coming through the doorway into the kitchen and I realize that it's a dead rabbit. :eek:
So I shut the door on her (actually I think the rabbit got shut in the door :o )
I screamed for Rick to wake up to disposed of it for me. When he opened the door she still had it in her mouth and was wagging her tail as if she was saying "But Mom... I got this just for you!!! You should be proud!!"

It took a little persuasion from my hubby to get her to give it up. Then when I let Sierra in the house she searched franticly all around the house for her precious treasure. :rolleyes:

So I told her thank you for the gift :rolleyes: and gave her a treat.

10-12-2007, 09:57 AM
Oh no!! Oh Angie, I'm sorry but I laughed. :o What a sight!

Now Sierra, you leave them rabbits alone.

10-12-2007, 10:07 AM
Don't you just 'love' when they bring gifts inside for their humans ;). Clover used to bring live mice inside and let them go.... until Terrier Harri came along.

Now Sierra leave those bunnies alone... well try to anyeay.

Ginger's Mom
10-12-2007, 11:52 AM
Eew, Sierra. ;) I must admit I was laughing and cringing at the same time while reading this. Well, you are a good little hunter, Sierra. I hope you enjoyed your reward. It was probably better than the bunny, so maybe next time you want a snack you can just bark at the door. :D

10-12-2007, 01:02 PM
Clover used to bring live mice inside and let them go.... until Terrier Harri came along.

Until Harri... why? Harri would have fun chasing them around the house! :D

Cinder & Smoke
10-12-2007, 01:07 PM
So I told her thank you for the gift :rolleyes: and gave her a treat.

If you can't beat 'em, Join 'em! :rolleyes:

But ...
WHY are da Wabbittz Soooo DUMB? :confused:

WHY would that Wabbitt have even set foot in the FENCED yard of Two Big Dawgs?

Wabbitt Tail:

Couple years ago "Scruffy" (the Horse People's Mutt) altered his normal path of down his drive,
across our Ranch's back yard, then up his Barn Drive to the Barn ---
to instead wander through our Front yard (much to Cinder's dismay) - stopping on
EVERY pass to leave a P-mail on the bushes around the pole light.
Naturally, as soon as they got out, Cinder, Smokey, and Bowz HAD to dash down and
"reply" to Scruffy's *note*. Those bushes were constantly <dripping> Dawg Pee!

Enter the Fambly Wabbitt! :eek:
Maw & Paw Wabbit dug their split-level Den at the base of the community Dawg-Pee Bulletin Board Bush! :rolleyes:
It's a wonder da Wabbitts didn't need a sump pump to dee-pee their lower level!

THEN: :eek: The Great Fluffie Hunter (aka Bowser) "discovered" their Den ...

OMG! ... He "excavated" a crater almost as big as he was ...
Bunny Fluff (nest padding) went flying along with a huge pile of dirt!
Couple days later their renovation contractor had things back together under da Bush ...
and Bowz dug it all up again. :p

The Dawgs *pee'd*, the Wabbits rebuilt, and Bowz "evicted" them at least 4 times
before da Wabbittz gave up and moved out.
Can you say "Slow Learners"?


10-12-2007, 01:15 PM
WHY are da Wabbittz Soooo DUMB? :confused:

WHY would that Wabbitt have even set foot in the FENCED yard of Two Big Dawgs?

I don't have a clue! Wish I could ask all the other ones she caught before. I'd LOVE to have been able to ask the MOM who made a nest in my yard a few years back!!! Now THAT was a stupid mom!! Out of the 9 born, only 1 made it out of the yard alive.. as hard as I tried. :(
Maybe the one from this morning was the only one left from the nest and mom passed on her stupid genes.

10-12-2007, 02:50 PM
What Sierra imagined hearing:
"Why thank you , Sierra, that's a lovely gift. and it certainly was thoughtful of you to bring in inside to me, sweetie!"

What Sierrra heard:

:D Silly rabbit.

10-12-2007, 02:56 PM
What Sierrra heard:

:D Silly rabbit.

Wow Pat, it's like you were in my kitchen this morning... that's EXACTLY what Sierra heard! :D

10-12-2007, 03:46 PM
Don't you just love it when dogs present you with a crisis before your morning coffee has even made it to your stomach! :D Wonder why that is? I apologize but your story make me smile, probably because it happened to you and not me. :p

Yes, we have had mommy rabbits dig holes in our yard to make way for a family on the way. I will never understand that as I have a complete woods behind me which would be oh so much safer. Why oh why would a rabbit choose a yard with dogs and a dangerous mower occasionally roaring around to bring up her little ones? :rolleyes: Poor Sierra. At least she got a treat out of it. :)

10-12-2007, 04:12 PM
Oh Angie, I justy have to tell you that "real" live rabbit breath is the best in the world. I thought when I saw the title - "Why has Sierra been eating parsley?"

RIP little wild bunny. 'Twasn't smart to try that yard!

Lady's Human
10-12-2007, 04:49 PM
Better rabbit breath than some other alternatives.......

Right Lady? :rolleyes:

10-12-2007, 11:50 PM
Until Harri... why? Harri would have fun chasing them around the house! :D
They dont make it in alive with Harri ;). He has ruined all of poor Clover's fun LOL.

10-12-2007, 11:59 PM
Naughty Sierra! RIP bunny. :( Unfortunately the wild animals can choose the worst places. We had a robin's nest in our tree this summer. I don't think a single baby bird made it, I found two of them dead (thanks to Sydney and Keva). The dogs all just sat around the tree waiting for a chance to get them. :rolleyes: I hope they don't decide to come back next year! Keva also caught a hummingbird in mid-air, she's quite the little hunter. Luckily I've never seen any rabbits or other small animals in our yard, I'm sure they wouldn't make it out alive!

10-13-2007, 12:13 AM
:( oh I'm sorry for the little rabbit. Luckily Sadie our pyr is good even w/ the wild rabbits that have come in the yard; she won't chase them they just walk around sometiems during the day and then leave; she doesn't go after them or anything which I'm so thankful for!

10-13-2007, 05:08 AM
Oh Angie, what a surprise! My Layla killed a bird once, that was bad enough. We have a few squirrels that are just asking for it. :rolleyes: L&L almost had one just the other day. Maybe we should post warnings to the wildlife on our fences. ;)

10-13-2007, 10:20 AM
Angie I'm not sure which is worse, Sierra bringing the whole rabbit into the house...or Roxey throwing up the whole rabbit in the house :eek:

10-13-2007, 10:32 AM
Angie I'm not sure which is worse, Sierra bringing the whole rabbit into the house...or Roxey throwing up the whole rabbit in the house :eek:

OMG Anna!! How NASTY! :eek:
I think Roxey wins the nasty contest with that one for sure!

10-13-2007, 10:58 AM
Angie I'm not sure which is worse, Sierra bringing the whole rabbit into the house...or Roxey throwing up the whole rabbit in the house :eek:YUCK! :eek: Roxey gets my vote, too. At least Star & Sherman did their munching outside.

10-13-2007, 11:20 AM
YUCK! :eek: Roxey gets my vote, too. At least Star & Sherman did their munching outside.

Come to think of it, Sierra did munch on one a few years back, that's when she got Coccidia.