View Full Version : Grrrr..... stupidity at its finest!

10-12-2007, 07:17 AM
I understand teenagers don't have full reasoning faculties until their brain fully develops at 20. Wouldn't you expect one at 21 and one at 19 3/4 would be somewhat able to reason properly? You'd REALLY think the 21 year old would be able to reason considering his brain supposedly is fully formed :rolleyes:

One of these two "kids" did something so incredibly stupid this morning that it boggled my mind. Neither has their driver's license for several good reasons. One of these two actually should be driving, but they failed their test last week due to missing a stop sign and going 2 miles over the speed limit (can someone say duuuuuhhhhhh?). We've been suspecting that despite NOT having their license that they have been driving themselves anyway.

I caught them this morning trying to drive themselves to school. I should have waited until they were completely behind the wheel before I said anything to them, because they told me they were just "getting something from the car" and that they weren't driving to school because they "always walk on fridays" . Ummmmmm, this is a "kid" who refuses to walk two blocks on a sunny day, there's NO WAY they'll walk on an overcast day for two miles - especially with me home to drive them!

They went slamming into the house telling how they're not stupid and could lose their license, blah blah blah. I told them they've been known to do stupid things. This "kid" then proceeded to IM a few people (I'm sure to tell them she wouldn't be giving them a ride this morning)

I called hubby and told him I caught the idiot and he called them. Hubby called me back and said that they changed their story a few times and they were royally BUSTED! The idiot in question still expected me to drive them to school after they shouted at me that I was a tattletale and gave me a few choice words. THAT went over well, I assure you :mad:

HOW STUPID do they think we are? This is SO TYPICAL of them when they are caught doing something wrong. I've caught them many times over the years and its always the same.... come up with a perfectly good and innocent explanation, then fire off a lot of "I didn't do anything!" Thy protest too much!

Sorry this is so long. Just let me vent.

10-12-2007, 08:31 AM

Ah, kids. Aren't they just a breath of fresh air?????? :rolleyes:

Wish I had some advice, girlfriend. I once dated a man with a teenage son who was a real piece of work. His Dad was a radio personality who traveled to NY on the weekends to work. This kid took out his Dad's Jeep for joy rides never thinking of putting gas in it. When Ed went to work one day he noticed the gas tank was empty. He asked me if I had taken the Jeep. I had a brand new car at the time and told him I had no reason to take it.

How about putting a lock on the steering wheel??? Or have an alarm put in. Or, better yet, when you know they're out driving, call the cops and tell them they are driving with no license. That'll put the kabosh on that!! :D

10-12-2007, 08:36 AM
So, they were going to drive themselves to school, and you weren't going to notice a car is missing from the yard? :rolleyes:

10-12-2007, 08:55 AM
19 and 21 yr olds really do not have as much sense as we would like to give them credit for. I am only 32 now, but when I was that age, I truly believed that I knew everything. Only with time I have realized that I knew very little @ that age. The older we get, the more we realize that our parents really know. Good Luck!!

10-12-2007, 09:13 AM
So, they were going to drive themselves to school, and you weren't going to notice a car is missing from the yard? :rolleyes:
See, the thing is they told their dad that a friend gets dropped off at our house, and the friend drives both of them to school in our car. The friend has a license but no car.

I always thought it odd that the friend had a ride to our house but not to school. School is literally two miles away. If someone was willing to drop her off here, why not drop her off at school?

Hubby TOTALLY bought the story, while I questioned its validity. He admits he has his head in the sand regarding the kids. We argue about it and he tells me to stop preaching to the choir; that he knows his kids aren't perfect angels and he's completely incapable of saying NO to them. Hey, he knows they're pushing him over, at least he admits it... thats the first step, right? ;)

I might sound like these are the worst kids in the world. They're not. They are great kids for the most part. I just hate lies. I hate that they think we're stupid.

I also don't understand how their 17 year old sister is more mature than either of them on her worst day. :rolleyes:

Pawsitive Thinking
10-12-2007, 09:21 AM
They are old enough to take the consequences of their actions. Maybe it will take them actually losing their licenses to see sense

10-12-2007, 09:31 AM
I am SOOOOOOO glad my daughter is on her own. I remember those days, believe me!! She reminded me so much of myself at that age!!

It wasn't until AFTER I had kids did I realize what my father said was dead on! "You'll understand when you have children of your own."

Kids mature differently. Heather has a good head on her shoulders. Ashley and Tony on the otherhand, *sigh* :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

((((((((HUGS)))))))))) to you!

10-12-2007, 09:59 AM
Some advice for you, two words for them


There comes a day when you have to cut those "seat belt strings"!

10-13-2007, 02:33 AM
Let 'em walk!

10-13-2007, 04:28 PM
See, the thing is they told their dad that a friend gets dropped off at our house, and the friend drives both of them to school in our car. The friend has a license but no car.

I always thought it odd that the friend had a ride to our house but not to school. School is literally two miles away. If someone was willing to drop her off here, why not drop her off at school?

Hubby TOTALLY bought the story, while I questioned its validity. He admits he has his head in the sand regarding the kids. We argue about it and he tells me to stop preaching to the choir; that he knows his kids aren't perfect angels and he's completely incapable of saying NO to them. Hey, he knows they're pushing him over, at least he admits it... thats the first step, right? ;)

I can't believe he bought that story!!! He's a teacher, he should KNOW how good kids are at making up these scenarios!

I think I would have said no right off to the whole thing because the driver would be someone who is not covered by my insurance plan. What would happen if they had an accident?? They have a license, but no insurance. Your car is covered, but if any one is hurt and you let that kid drive your car UNinsured, you are in for a world of trouble and law suits!! Same with no license and driving the car.