View Full Version : Could somebody help me?

10-11-2007, 06:26 PM
I have a few questions in case anyone could help me... I get the worst amount of child support a month and its seriously a joke. I want to take my Ex boyfriend back to domestics to get more child support because there is no way I can make a living supporting my son with the tiny bit of money I do get a month.. If I call them and make an appointment is there anyway I would beable to go without seeing him at all? Last time I went they made me sit in a room with him and I really dont want to see him. Im afraid if I go they wont raise the price and he will laugh and brag about it like he did the first time we went when he found out how little he had to pay me a month. Is it true everytime you take go back they raise the child support price? Any answers about this topic would help me alot and thanks.

critter crazy
10-11-2007, 06:54 PM
I am not sure where you live, but here the spouse has to pay 17% of their income to child support. I am also pretty sure that both of you, will have to be there to handle this situation. Just so you know, if he is paying the amount set forth, and has not had an increase in Income, they wont change it. Just my experiance anyways.

10-11-2007, 07:39 PM
If there is a women's centre or shelter where you are, or even a YWCA, they should have someone that could advise you at no charge. Some lawyers work pro bono(free).

Are you able to work at all outside the home? Hard with a little one, and child care costs can be nuts.

10-11-2007, 07:48 PM
If there is a women's centre or shelter where you are, or even a YWCA, they should have someone that could advise you at no charge. Some lawyers work pro bono(free).

Are you able to work at all outside the home? Hard with a little one, and child care costs can be nuts.

Yes I work.. Its just that the amount I get from my ex is a joke. Not one person or even a pet could live with what I get a month.. I cant afford to move out of my parents home because I cant afford to even with my job. With child care its 100 dollars a week and thats the cheapest I have seen. He goes to preschool and my mom will watch him while im at work usually now though to help me out. Its a pain though because I cant get insurance or help because I live with my parents but cant afford to move out and get insurance help, all my money goes to raising my son and for the things he needs and I dont want to waste my time going for more child support if its going to be pointless. Im sure Aiden's dad doesnt work, because he now went back to school and his mom pays for every single thing. Im in pa so I dont know if that helps anyone.

10-11-2007, 08:10 PM
Look under Women in the Yellow Pages. Find a centre and phone them. They will have access to free and professional advice. :)

10-11-2007, 08:27 PM
Unfortunately, child support is set based upon his income. If he's only making minimum wage, then he's only going to have to pay a percentage of that. Ashley gets a joke of monthly support payment from her ex too... we look at it as being better than nothing.

Hopefully you're getting more than what hubby gets from his ex-wife -- a whole $20 a week per kid :rolleyes: and somehow she's managed to turn that into $60,000 in arrears!

10-11-2007, 09:05 PM
Unfortunately, child support is set based upon his income. If he's only making minimum wage, then he's only going to have to pay a percentage of that. Ashley gets a joke of monthly support payment from her ex too... we look at it as being better than nothing.

Hopefully you're getting more than what hubby gets from his ex-wife -- a whole $20 a week per kid :rolleyes: and somehow she's managed to turn that into $60,000 in arrears!

Ha he gets more than I do!!! I get a stinking $25 every 2 weeks if im lucky!!! What makes me even more upset is that his family has alot of money and could afford helping out!

10-11-2007, 09:06 PM
I am so sorry that you are having a hard time. It is hard to be a single mom.

Can someone perhaps babysit for you for free so that you can pick up extra hours or get a second job?

It's best if you can support yourself with the baby on your own, since dad's can't be counted on in many cases.

Perhaps finding a different job or increasing your skills and or education would help as well. Best of luck to you. I have been there and learned that the only person I can always count on is myself. It's a hard lesson but it's the best one I know.

10-11-2007, 09:11 PM
angelbow, you need legal advice. You can't afford to pay for it. That's why you need to call a service that will help you.

Either check the Yellow Pages, or Google "Womens services in _________ PA"

You could even Google "family law in PA"

There are a couple of lawyers on PT, but I haven't seen them around much.

It's good you are asking here, but also use other means to find an answer.

10-11-2007, 09:40 PM
angelbow, you need legal advice. You can't afford to pay for it. That's why you need to call a service that will help you.

Either check the Yellow Pages, or Google "Womens services in _________ PA"

You could even Google "family law in PA"

There are a couple of lawyers on PT, but I haven't seen them around much.

It's good you are asking here, but also use other means to find an answer.

Thanks. I will look them up tom. afternoon sometime when I can get time.. Im also going to call domestics tom if I have time and talk to them about it, I really dont want to go and fight for more help if I have to sit with him and I know he wont be happy because he doesnt live in the same state right now because of school. I will see what they say also.