View Full Version : OOPPPSSS! We made her bald.!!

08-05-2002, 10:10 AM
Our two-year old German Shepard, Star has a big problem shedding so, we decided to try and trim her. Well in the process of trimming her the guard fell off the clippers and left two huge bald spots on her, so we just kept going. Ever seen a bald German Shepard before oh, and a white one at that. I'm sure she'll like it since it feels like 105 degrees here, even though she's an inside dog. I actually perfer her this way. She's much softer and there isn't a cloud of hair in the air when you pet her. I'll try to get some pictures when I can. Just thought I'd share a funny story.

Dixie Belle
08-05-2002, 12:40 PM
Join the crowd on hair cutting. My husband shaved Belle while I was at work. But she looks so much cooler.

08-05-2002, 12:49 PM
That has got to be one heck of a site.

Unfortunately, you are going to find now, exactly what shedding is all about. German shepherds are non-stop, year round shedders. Twice a year they will blow their coats to adjust to the season.

Since you shaved his hair, you have just opened him up to insect bites, skin allergies, skin damage from the itching when both coats grow in.

Animals fur acts as a temperature regulator. Regardless of heat and cold, the fur will compensate accordingly.

Please don't do this again. You are only creating more problems than you are ready for.

08-05-2002, 01:24 PM
Well thanks for you impolite reply, if you read carefully it was purely an accident we didn't intend on it and if problems arise we will deal with it like anything else.

08-05-2002, 01:28 PM
Vicki it wasn't impolite. I knew it was an accident. My whole comment was mainly for future references. Especially for working breed dogs, they really do not require a clipping. Mainly just daily brushing.

If I upset you, my apologies.

08-05-2002, 01:53 PM
Vicki, I can only imagine what she looks like!

Can't wait to see pics. When we first got Scooter our cat, he was covered in mud, mats, and burrs. We tried shaving them out but the sound of the clippers scared the crap out of him. So mom, knowing how to cut hair, (she's a licensed beautician), carefully went to work and trimmed them out.

He looked so silly with the bald spots. :D

08-05-2002, 02:03 PM
Sorry if I misinterpreted your remarks, but don't dogs get shaved everyday, especially if you live in warm climates?

Either way nothing can be done to reverse the process and apology accepted.

08-05-2002, 02:09 PM
Vicki, not all dogs. I've owned German shepherds all my life mixed in with a few Heinz-57s. The only dogs that got clipped were the ones that had long hard to manage hair (me on a humid day).

Now a few of the other breeds with "speciality" coats do. They require a little more on the grooming side than most flat coated dogs do.

Please post a picture, I've always wanted to see what one looked like.

(ps. the thought has run across my mind to shave mine too).

08-05-2002, 02:24 PM
Years ago my family had to shave 1/2 our German Shepherd's hair off due to Mange. Before it grew back the worse problem we had was that he was soooo embarrassed:o It was weeks before he could walk with his head high. Poor baby:( I try to thin out my Aussie's and Border Collies fur in this Washington DC heat and humidity but I agree with Cris's comment about avoiding a serious shave if possible. The long hair really will protect from all kinds of things. I occasionally have to take them to the groomers for knots however. Six long haired dogs are just too much for me alone. Laurie

08-05-2002, 02:50 PM
Well I do recall someone on this site shaving their dog yearly because of shedding problems and I believe it was a german shepard they owned but I could be wrong.

Well if you've never seen a shaved german shepard picture a greyhound, keep in mind Star is very slim built, she refuses to gain weight for some reason.

I do like her new cut, but maybe no so short next time, her fur is also not typical of other German Shepard's I've seen. Most people think she's a lab, but her nose and ears give her away.

08-05-2002, 05:15 PM
Vicki, we shave our pets as well. Lady, our Retriever, and Tobi, our Long-Hair Chihuahua, both get shaved in the summer. It keeps them cooler, since it gets very hot in Florida.

We haven't -- with neither one -- had any problems, ever, with regards to skin rashes, mosquitoes bites, itching when the hair grows out, etc., and we shave them every year, sometimes 2-3 times during the summer. We don't crop them too close to the skin, rather, close enough to make then look silky. I would say 1/2 inch, maybe less, from their skin.

The first time we shaved Lady, the guard fell off the clipper but thank God we caught it in time. She moves a lot when we're shaving her (actually, she doesn't like it much), but she sheds substantially less after she's shaved, and I would even say she feels more comfortable. Tobi loves getting shaved, and its a part of his grooming that he really enjoys. We shave everything but the tail, which is fluffy and beautiful so we leave it alone. If you stop by our forum, there's a thread with Tobi's name on it and you can see the comparison of when he's shaved and of now, that he's not.

Star must look really cute, can't wait until you get some pictures.

08-05-2002, 05:25 PM
I shave my parents terrior and my grandmothers shepard mix for the summer weather and to prevent too much shedding. I think that you did the right thing, and I know that accidents happen. I bet she feels better though. :) I can't wait to see pictures.

08-05-2002, 05:25 PM
German shepards. I really do believe they are one of the worst dogs in the world for shedding. I have an English Springer Spaniel now and his shedding is pretty bad but when I remember.... In the past I`ve had two Shepards and after the first one went to the rainbow bridge, I said that I`d never have another, not only because I didn`t think another could live up to my Duke, though that was a big part, but because of the damn hair shedding! But of course I sort of forgot about that by the time I got Penny, my second. But boy I soon remembered!
Vicki, I know you shaved by accident, but there were times I so wanted to do just that and I`m looking forward to seeing what it looks like!:)

08-06-2002, 08:45 AM
Well thanks for all the great responses, I was really starting to feel terrible about what we did. I have to say I love her new cut, I don't think Star minds either. We also think that's not the first time she was shaved, because she didn't mind it at all. I'll have to get pictures taken soon, before it grows back. I'll be sure to post when i do.

08-06-2002, 09:40 AM
Vickie, we just had our Mini Schnauzer shaved down too, she usually has the Schnauzer cut, but due to her having surgery and they had shaved her hair in all different places, there was nothing else we could do. Her hair is so fine, it will take a while for it to grow back, in the mean time, she is fine I think she looks like a chihuahua with a beard. We try not to laugh a little, but we tell her how beautiful she is every day, those things happen and they right themselves. I'm sure your Shepard is loving all that hair off for now.
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry