View Full Version : School shooting today in Cleveland.

10-10-2007, 03:30 PM
Four people have been shot at Success Tech High School at 1440 Lakeside Avenue in Cleveland today.

The shooter is dead.

The victims were two men ages 57 and 42; and two boys ages 17 and 14. A 14-year-old girl hurt her knee leaving the building but was not shot.

All the children are in good condition and the two adults' conditions were "slightly elevated," according to Mayor Frank Jackson. The mayor and schools CEO Eugene Sanders came to the school and have been giving brief updates to the media.

Early reports were that the shooter was 14 and was in custody. Officials would not answer questions about the suspect.

****I also found out that They had a big situation last night at the 14 year old shooter's house, a bunch of police cars and took at least two people to jail. There were 4 swat teams, Cleveland Cuyahoga Country sheriff, FBI and US Marshal.****

10-10-2007, 03:37 PM
Eeek thats scary!
Be safe!

10-10-2007, 06:26 PM
Gosh, I just hate hearing/reading about these kinds of things... it's so terrible! :( :mad:

10-10-2007, 06:33 PM
That is horrible. I feel so bad for the victims family's. They must feel so sad. Glad some people are safe.

10-10-2007, 07:09 PM
Cleveland is a hell hole in so many ways. It's poor, dirty, uneducated, and ugly.

10-11-2007, 07:17 AM
Cleveland is a hell hole in so many ways. It's poor, dirty, uneducated, and ugly.

WAIT A SECOND!!!! :mad:

Where do you get off ASSuming the entire city is that way???
Have you even ever been here???
Don't you think there is a part of every big city that is that way? Uh.. YEAH!
You should check yourself before making such a vast statement.

Is there a "hood" in Cleveland hell yeah, what big city doesn't have one??

Single-minded people like you should re-read posts before submitting replies.

Where do you live?

10-11-2007, 07:32 AM
.....anyway.... :rolleyes:

The only person dead is the shooter, all the victims are going to recover.


10-11-2007, 07:17 PM
I will post here as well as respond to your privage message. I have lived in the cleveland area for over 20 years. My husband works downtown. He is there five days a week. His car has been broken into four times and he was advised by his boss to carry a gun so he can get into his car safely at night. I have been downtown hundreds of times and have seen all the sights, attractions, specials, ballgames, concerts. etc.

My dad was a cop in Cleveland for many years and we have good friends husband and wife who are Cleveland cops. Cleveland is a ugly, gritty, filty, crime ridden dump.

Yes it does have nice suburbs, both east where you are and west were I am, however downtown is a joke. The flats are empty, there is no shopping. You have to carry a gun to drive there at night.

It was named poorest city in the country. The school buses were just rated one of the unsafest in the country. The school system is horrid, drop out rate is high. Half of the stores downtown are empty and boarded up.

The Rock Hall is ok. The stadium is nice, the museum is good, they have nice specials such as the Princess Diana exhibit, the zoo is wonderful. But the downtown itself, is a horrid dump.

10-11-2007, 07:43 PM
I would also ask that you not call me names. You have NO right to call me single minded, you didn't even know that I live in the area. You are way out of line.
WAIT A SECOND!!!! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/mad.gif

Where do you get off ASSuming the entire city is that way???
Have you even ever been here???
Don't you think there is a part of every big city that is that way? Uh.. YEAH!
You should check yourself before making such a vast statement.

Is there a "hood" in Cleveland hell yeah, what big city doesn't have one??

Single-minded people like you should re-read posts before submitting replies.

Where do you live?

10-12-2007, 05:41 AM
At the risk of getting involved here.... Marigold, I know nothing about Cleveland but I do know that there are sick people everywhere, even in *good* neighborhoods. Just yesterday there was a news item that you may have already heard about. A boy in the Plymouth Meeting area (suburb of Philadelphia) gathered tons of weapons and was planning an assault at Plymouth-Whitemarsh High School. I was raised in the Philly suburbs and our high school played Plymouth-Whitemarsh in athletic activities. Plymouth Meeting is not a *hell hole* and is far from it. Parental guidance is the issue here, not the economic neighborhood. Many good people have come from the *hood* and many bad people were raised in luxury. This kid's mother actually bought him a gun. :mad:

Story here:

10-12-2007, 07:17 AM
Just as I responded to your PM.
If you don't like where you live then MOVE!!!

You're the only one keeping yourself in this "HELL HOLE"

10-12-2007, 09:29 AM
Marigold, you are entitled to your opinion, and perhaps you have a different view because of your families connections to the police, but I'll bet most of us would be appalled at what happens in the cities we live in.

Since I am also entitled to my opinion: calling the whole city "a hell hole" is a bit skewed. Look for the angels, they're there too. Sometimes it's just the perspective we're looking from. I lived in downtown Cleveland for several years, grew up in the next suburb over, had relatives that lived all around the metro area. Sure, there are bad areas, just as there are in any big city - but no more than New York, Philly, Miami, Detroit, Los Angeles, or dozens of other major metro area have.

The scarey thing is that these incidents are happening in the whole range of economic neigborhoods. I'll keep the people involved in prayer. I especially feel for this kid's family, they just lost their son, and besides grieving, will probably have many guilt-ridden, sleepless nights over what he did.