View Full Version : Andy, Opie and Rex

10-10-2007, 12:40 PM
They were my 3 bettas. I have had Andy and Rex about a yr and Opie a few months. I can't believe they are gone; I really feel like it is all my fault.

I cleaned their bowls out last night. When I went to get the chlorine drops to put in their bowls I realized I was out. I thought they should be fine for one night w/out any and tomorrow I can go get some.

This morning I woke up and went to feed them and they were all dead. I had Opie in my room, my brother's betta was Rex, he was in his room and Andy was in the kitchen. I know it must have been because I didn't add the chloring drops. I honestly didn't know they HAD to have them or they would die. But that has to be what it was because every other time I have cleaned their bowls I have had the drops to put in.

I feel just horrible that they died, and worse since it was because of something I did. I had no idea.

These 3 guys were sweet bettas and I loved them and enjoyed them. They were sweet boys and I will never forget them.

10-10-2007, 05:08 PM
I'm so sorry. :(
It isn't your fault.You thought they would be fine.I have done the same thing.
They had wonderful loved lifes with you.
Rest in Peace Andy,Opie and Rex :(

10-11-2007, 03:44 PM
awww I am sorry about Andy, Opie and Rex. I did that once years ago myself. Actually the store told me I could set water out for two days and the colorine would no longer harm the fish, well that was a bunch of crap. They had happy lives while they were with you, and it was an accident. RIP sweeties.

10-12-2007, 09:56 PM
I am so sorry for you loss. <<<<HUGS>>>>

Blue Dragonfly
10-13-2007, 09:02 AM
wow, how much chlorine do you have in your water? i have never had the fighters in plan tap water (except while i am cleaning their bowls) but i have with goldfish and they were fine. i didnt know bettas were so sensitive. It is not your fault. There was nothing you could do. Unless you had tank water or something. I sure your fishes are happy swimming under the rainbow bridge.

10-13-2007, 04:23 PM
I did that once years ago myself. Actually the store told me I could set water out for two days and the colorine would no longer harm the fish, well that was a bunch of crap.

I have done the same thing.

thankyou everyone, and i'm sorry about your fish too. you can really get close to them and love them.

10-14-2007, 12:05 AM
I'm sorry. Your local water might have chloramines in it. That will kill fish. Chlorine won't kill them in human-drinking-water conditions unless they are already really sick.