View Full Version : Warning tails can be dangerous!!

10-10-2007, 06:10 AM
To all my furry friends out there,

You know I have this nice long skinny tail right? Well I love to chase it. I think is it fun, it bends and twists and twitches all around. I like to bite it and spin around in circles each way trying to trick it so I can catch it. But beware, TAILS ARE DANGEROUS!! I was happily playing with my tail on the floor and THUMP, I wacked my little head right into the door frame mid spin. Then I was playing on the sofa next to mom and decided I would chase my tail there too...BONK, right on the floor(before mom could stop me). I was okay of course, no boo boos for me but there should be a warning lable on these things. Just be sure to play tail chase in a safe zone with carpet and not near any walls, furniture, or doorways. Oh and I have learned there is to be no tail chasing on the furniture-mommy was quite upset with that one - she says I could have really hurt myself.
Love, Chopper

10-10-2007, 06:19 AM
Dear Chopper,

I like to chase my tail too sometimes. I never hurt myself yet. I guess I've been pretty lucky. My mom calls me a silly boy when I do it but she often calls me a silly boy. :) My mom was wishin' your mom coulda made a video of that. We just love your videos! :) Anyways, Chopper I hope some day you can catch your tail. Mine is pretty short and I can't catch it but I keep tryin'. :p

Love, Ripley

10-10-2007, 07:54 AM
Hey Chopper, Buddy here.

I've been known to chase my tail too. I only do it in small spaces though and my mom can't understand why. My favorite place to chase my tail is on the little landing going down the basement steps. Mom always tells me it's dangerous but I don't know what that means. I've bonked my head into the wall quite a few times, but that never stops me. Mom said one of these days I'm going to knocked a whole in the drywall. I guess thats a good thing??
My tail is long and fluffy, so it's kind of easy to catch it.
Sorry you took a header off the couch little buddy, maybe you should keep 4 feet on the floor next time you try to catch that thing!

10-10-2007, 08:17 AM
Oh Chopper, I can just picture you and that pesky tail! Next time Mom orders you some "clothes," remind her ya need a crash helmut!

10-10-2007, 09:13 AM
Hey Chopper!
I must say I am jealous. Those tail things sound like fun to chase. But unfortunately, I don't have one. :( But you know what? My cousins Lucy and Boo do. Maybe I'll chase theirs next time I am there. :) And I will keep your tips in mind. Thanks!

10-11-2007, 01:32 PM
Chopper, I have to say I agree with mom about not chasing your tail on furniture, so you wouldn't hurt yourself. Better to chase in an open spot. Have fun with that tail cutiepie.

10-11-2007, 01:46 PM
My dearest Chopper,

I love to chase my tail, too! You are right! It it sooo much fun! :D I do it all the time. My mama thinks it is pretty funny. She does have to stop me sometimes, though! Sometimes I catch my tail, give it a nibble, and then someone bites me on it! I have no idea who does it because I can feel it when I am holding on but don't see the culprit! Tail chasing should be an olympic event!


critter crazy
10-11-2007, 02:43 PM
Hey Chopper Brutus her,

no worries mate, as I have no tail to chase, but I have learned that it is twice as much fun to chase someone elses tail, and much safer!! He he he he!! Duke however dosent seem to agree!:rolleyes: :D

Yours, brutus

Ginger's Mom
10-11-2007, 08:54 PM
Oh my goodness, Chopper, you are much to cute to hurt yourself while chasing that cute little tail of yours. Glad to hear that you are alright. You sure are a tough little guy.