View Full Version : Escape- Chino

10-10-2007, 01:39 AM
Well I woke up and came on here.... then I heard nibbling at a platic bag... after shrugging it off a few times I turned round to see Chino's cage door WIDE OPEN! In a mad panic I looked around and saw him in the food box nibbling at the bags! So I rushed down to him and he ran off! He went under my wardrobe... so almost in tears at this point so I waited.... I moved something out from under my warbrobe (some shoes) and he ran to my desk. I grabbed a treat and Chino took it.... then I picked him up... and he bit me! Ignoring it I shoved him in his cage and used a wooden tube to stop the door opening... my parents then took over with the tube holding while I went to the bathroom to wash my thumb.. (that was bleeding a lot!)... and to put a plaster on it.
My parents let go of the tube to see what would happen and he PUSHED the door open! I skidded down on the floor (owww my knees... carpet burn!) and shut it.
Now we have two padlocks on his door.....

So I am sat here, my knees are hurting, my thumb is bleeding... I am still shaking and :( :( :(

10-10-2007, 05:59 AM
Naughty Naughty boy Chino!! You are only allowed free roam when mummy says so. You don't get to decide that it is time to play outside the cage. I am disappointed in you too for biting your mummy!! Shame shame!!

Sorry to hear about your hammie escape scare Ellie. I am sure that was quite frightening thinking you may not be able to catch him and then him biting your thumb. He probably bit out of fear for being snatched up so quickly, as he is use to you being so gentle with him. He doesn't understand it was for his own good.

Unfortunately now that he knows what to do to get out he most likely will continue to try.

I surely hope that your rugburn and your thumb are feeling better...((hugs))

10-10-2007, 06:26 AM
Sorry about your pain. :( My hamster Spunky used to know how to open the habitrail doors and so many humans have problems opening the door with the wierd lock on it :P

10-10-2007, 06:44 AM
Yes, I know how you feel and it is very saddening. My gerbils ((thanks to loretta)) got out about 2 or 3 times until i found out how they got out. It's good that you found out how he got out on your first go around. It is very scary... My gerbils got into the laundary room and the kitchen once :eek:

10-10-2007, 09:51 AM
I hope your finger is starting to heal and dosn't hurt as much. Chino, you're grounded for biting your mommy! Shame on you little guy! Don't you know we love your mum and you're not supposed to bite her???? Bad little hammy!

10-10-2007, 10:12 AM
Thanks everyone.

Before I picked him up I gave him a treat and a stroke and he was fine... so I gently picked him up and he bit me :(

My finger has had a plaster on all day so I dont know how it is but I kept knocking my knee on stuff and OWWWW. It also hurts when I bend it... :rolleyes: :(

Well I came home to find Chino still in his cage (thanks to padlocks!) so that was good... I was worrying about it all day :(

We might by him a aquiruim (sp)... he shouldnt be able to get out of that... *sighs* :( And I spent so much of my money on his cage :(

10-10-2007, 02:22 PM
Sounds like Chino's taste of freedom went to his little head!!!

Chino, be good!!!

I'd think a padlock on the door should keep him in wouldn't it?

Ellie hope your finger feels better soon. I know their sharp little teeth can really hurt!!!

10-10-2007, 02:26 PM
As for the padlocks here is a photo (dont worry about Chino... he is trying to escape again in the photo :rolleyes: ):


10-10-2007, 02:32 PM
http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s215/whisk-luva/DSC02146.jpgLet me outta dis joint!!! Let me out I tells ya!!! :D

(If that's not a perfect picture of a little jail bird, I don't know what is!) :D

10-10-2007, 02:52 PM
I can see how that would be easy to open after some time. Whta size tank would you be getting for the little houdini?

10-10-2007, 02:55 PM
I can see how that would be easy to open after some time. Whta size tank would you be getting for the little houdini?

Its not that easy... it is open in that photo.. ;) As open as it gets with the padlocks :p It no looser than when we got the cage... just Chino is getting way to clever for his own good :p

Ha ha! Everyone has been calling him that... along with evil, devil and some other stuff! :p

I dont know.... we are going to speak to his breeder about it... ;)

10-10-2007, 04:43 PM
Oh Chino, you have to be good for your Mommy. No more escaping!

Sorry about your finger and your knee, Ellie. Hope you feel better. Hamster bites can really hurt.

10-10-2007, 04:55 PM
Ellie, what a time you had! I am glad you caught Chin; and I know your thumb and knees will heal up quickly.

Chino, you sure are giving your mom a challenge! Now don't you go teaching your sweet brother how to do this!

I LOVE that photo of him trying to get out again! Te hee.

10-11-2007, 08:22 AM
No what I meant was that those style of doors over time become easy to open especially for the inhabitants. ;)

10-11-2007, 12:41 PM
Chino, you gave your mum a scare! I wonder if you bit her because you were scared, too? The pic of you with padlocks makes me sad. :( Please don't try to escape again, okay? You can have free roam when your mum is with you.

10-12-2007, 04:27 PM
I'm sorry Ellie...but i'm ROTFLMAO, especially at the picture!! He's such a cheeky little hammy!!

I'm not laughing at the fact that he bit your finger though coz I can only imagine how that must hurt. However, I am laughing at HOW you got your carpet burns! I can just imagine you sliding across your bedroom floor in order to stop little Houdini!!! Ouch though! xxx

10-12-2007, 04:47 PM
I'm sorry Ellie...but i'm ROTFLMAO, especially at the picture!! He's such a cheeky little hammy!!

I'm not laughing at the fact that he bit your finger though coz I can only imagine how that must hurt. However, I am laughing at HOW you got your carpet burns! I can just imagine you sliding across your bedroom floor in order to stop little Houdini!!! Ouch though! xxx

Still cant laugh at it myself... he scared me so much :(

But the photos make me laugh :D

I really was not bothered about the bite or my knee... I just wanted him safe in his cage...

10-12-2007, 04:51 PM
Sorry Ellie - I didn't to offend. I can totally understand how it feels when they've escaped. Harriet did that a couple of times - one of which we found her in one of our kitchen cupboards (no idea how!). Thankfully she had exhausted herself from all the excitement so was easy to pick up and put back....she was very lucky she didn't get eaten by the two cats that were in the house at the time.


10-12-2007, 04:53 PM
If Theres Any Redness Or Soreness At All, I Would Have Your Doctor Give You An Antibiotic, As Bites From Small Animals Can Be Dangerous.
Chino Looks Like A Furry Jimmy Cagney In A Prison Movie In That One Photograph!!!!

10-12-2007, 04:54 PM
Sorry Ellie - I didn't to offend. I can totally understand how it feels when they've escaped. Harriet did that a couple of times - one of which we found her in one of our kitchen cupboards (no idea how!). Thankfully she had exhausted herself from all the excitement so was easy to pick up and put back....she was very lucky she didn't get eaten by the two cats that were in the house at the time.


Dont worry.. didnt offend... just saying I am yet to see the funny side of a lot of it... it will come though... ;)

As for the 'after' effects like padlocking :D Tee hee :D

If Theres Any Redness Or Soreness At All, I Would Have Your Doctor Give You An Antibiotic, As Bites From Small Animals Can Be Dangerous.
Chino Looks Like A Furry Jimmy Cagney In A Prison Movie In That One Photograph!!!!

*Panics* Well it seems ok at the moment... thanks though- I will keep an eye on it...

LOL! Yes Chino looks quite the little thug! :p

10-13-2007, 01:25 AM
If Theres Any Redness Or Soreness At All, I Would Have Your Doctor Give You An Antibiotic, As Bites From Small Animals Can Be Dangerous.
Chino Looks Like A Furry Jimmy Cagney In A Prison Movie In That One Photograph!!!!

As me being an teenager and used to big scrapes and cuts from skateboarding i dont really feel anything from gerbil bites and i dont really think gerbil and hamster bites are dangerous cause ive been getting nipped and bitten by gerbils for 6 years! Now unless it becomes infected...

10-13-2007, 03:34 AM
Well the evil one is coming out of his cage later for Halloween photos.. wish me luck :p

10-13-2007, 03:23 PM
Well the evil one is coming out of his cage later for Halloween photos.. wish me luck :p

Lol "EVIL"!

10-13-2007, 03:36 PM
Well Chino is just acting like nothing happened... :rolleyes: He has NO IDEA how much he scared me on wednesday :rolleyes: :( I am glad he isnt nervous or anything though ;)

Oh well! I take it he isnt called the 'little devil' for nothing :D

10-13-2007, 03:57 PM
As for the padlocks here is a photo (dont worry about Chino... he is trying to escape again in the photo :rolleyes: ):


haha this is like Hamster jail lol

10-13-2007, 04:00 PM
haha this is like Hamster jail lol

Like hamster jail? It is hamster jail :D Bless him! ;)

10-15-2007, 07:44 PM
I have been bitten by hamsters, gerbils, mice while taming and once by a rat while sticking my fingers through the bars :p I haven't gotten sick. I just rince with water, put some polysporn on it and then put on my lurvly little dinasaur band-aids.

10-16-2007, 03:45 PM
Like hamster jail? It is hamster jail :D Bless him! ;)

Oh poor Chino...is your mommy putting you in jail. :p