View Full Version : What a idiot!

10-08-2007, 11:43 PM
Are some people just complete idiots? Sorry but I just need to rant a little bit. In Sage’s beginning agility class, there is a lady who just makes me soooo angry. She has a golden (Cody) that she wants to breed; I must say this is the ugliest golden I have ever seen. He walks all over her. He will grab her plastic Ziploc bag full of cookies and basically will rip it up. If the lady tries to take it away he growls at her and she just says oh well, he can have it. So of course I couldn’t just let her be token advantage BY HER OWN DOG, I dropped my leash had Sage stay, and stepped in. After the dog gives up the cookies she says... “Oh did I do something wrong”? *slaps head*

He marks everything! He has probably marked every item in the building, and she won’t clean it up because she doesn’t want to miss a turn! Kathi (my boss) just about flipped when I told her this. So of course I and my boss end up cleaning the dog’s pee.

At the end of this class the dog jumps up on the table (not the agility table, but a table that you put stuff on.) and she just laughs it off. My mom was sitting at this table, just standing there in shock.

But of course that’s not all, and this is what really pisses me of. I don’t like dogs running up to Sage. It scares me, I haven’t had Sage a long time, and I don’t know his behavior. If a dog ran up to T.j there would be no conflict, if a dog ran up to Zoey, there would be a conflict. I can’t trust Sage yet, especially when he is so excited to do agility. EVERY WEEK (for 8 weeks) she has let the golden run up to Sage. Every week I tell her very nicely to please not let her dog just run up to Sage. Every week I tell the instructor, he just kind of ignores it (until today). Well today I just about flipped on her because of course the dog comes up to Sage and jumps in his face.

Our conversation.
Me- “Again please don’t let Cody get in my Sage’s face, I have tried really hard to give Cody enough space to perform, I really wish you would do the same for me.”

Her- “I was just letting Cody sniff her”

Me- “He’s a boy, and he doesn’t like other dogs, remember he has already snapped at your dog” (He didn’t really snap at the dog, it was just play, but again she doesn’t understand dogs)

Her-“But Cody is fine with other dogs”

ME- “But some shelties don’t like dogs running up and getting in her face” (as I walk away PO’d

Cheers to another 8 week secession with her!

10-09-2007, 12:20 AM
Eek... as aggravating as it is, I think you need to take her aside and have a chat with her outside the room, without the dogs. I would also, again, explain to your boss and your instructor that this lady is putting a slight damper at your agility classes.

If this woman was in our flyball club, she would be kicked off of the team. We don't have a problem letting dogs with behavioural problems join the team, but if the owner does not take control and allow the rude behaviour to go on, it's not fair to the rest of the team and it can become a nuisance.

Good luck!

10-09-2007, 05:21 AM
Every week I tell the instructor, he just kind of ignores it (until today).

Bad enough this woman is clearly an idiot, but seems to me your instructor needs to step in. Layla goes to Petsmart classes (she's a professional student :rolleyes: ) and her trainer will say something anytime a dog gets unruly or gets too close to a dog where there might be problem. It's not fair to you and Sage, you're not able to enjoy nor get everything you can from the class with this idiot not controlling her dog. :(

10-09-2007, 07:55 AM
I would be fuming. Sounds like you've tried talking to her repeatedly. Maybe it's time to tell the instructor that you are seriously thinking of not returning next session if he expects you to put up with this type of behavior by this lady& her dog. He can probably tell who is serious about this, and he won't want a good student to drop out - it's not in his financial interest to do so... come to think of it, he may just let her & her rude dog in class because he wants the $$$. But he should earn them by being professional. Professionals address problems, not ignore them.

10-09-2007, 01:09 PM
Actually my instructer is a really good friend of mine, and a AKC agility judge. I respect his ideas way to much to drop out. Not to mention I am helping him in another class, so I get this class for free and I also work in the building that the classes are. So dropping out is not a option, I really wish it was. :(

10-09-2007, 01:26 PM
Argh that stinks! I don't like un-responsible dog owners and she sounds like one of them.

I really hope that she starts to understand dogs,

good luck!
