View Full Version : *Pictures added post 7* Chino has a little story to tell!

10-08-2007, 02:04 PM
Dear Pet Talkers,

Yesterday mummy let me out my cage without the pen! Mummy has a thing where when we are young she uses a box, then when we get tamer a pen then a free roam of her room! :D Well she said it was probably a one off for now but I still feel like a good tame boy :D

So when I got out the cage mummy made me pose with this sign and I was a very good boy and posed! Mummy *still* told me off though! :rolleyes: I tried to eat the sign when she was doing some stuff with the flashy box... (she was looking at the pictures she took of me)... Mummy is always telling me off! No fair! :rolleyes: She just says 'Oh Chino...' in a disappointed tone and makes me feel guilty... I call it telling off, mummy calls it educating me to do the right thing! :rolleyes:

Anyway I had so much fun! :D


Chino x

PS: Mummy has lots of pictures from lately but she says you see to much of us hammys so she is gonna wait a while to post them.. to much? of ME? :p

10-08-2007, 07:07 PM
PS: Mummy has lots of pictures from lately but she says you see to much of us hammys so she is gonna wait a while to post them.. to much? of ME? :p

I agree with you Chino, your mommy could never post too many pics of you. ;) How nice you get to roam around the room now! :D

10-09-2007, 08:50 AM
Awww, our little Chino has graduated to free roam!! Your not suppose to eat stuff in mummy's room Chino, just your food and treats (which by the way mummy better give you some from me and the gang here in Florida). Snuggles to you little man--opps I mean big man(now that your all grown up that is).

oh by the way...ask mummy if she is crazy?? Too many pictures of you and Whisk? She has to have lost her marbles!!

10-09-2007, 10:21 AM
Chocolatepuppy: Yes it is great having the free roam of the room :D

WELOVESPUPPIES: I know I shouldnt have but it just looked so TASTY ;)

Mummy has given me your hugs :D Thank you! :D

I asked mummy... and she said she didnt have any marbles to start with! :D :p I have to agree, mummy has always been a bit on the crazy side :D

10-09-2007, 10:53 AM
Chino, would you please ask your mum for a photo when she has time. I never get tired of seeing photos of you and Whisk. I'm glad you had fun on your adventure!

10-09-2007, 01:18 PM
Goodness, Chino, there is no such thing as too many pictures of you and Whisk!!! :eek: Just the thought is beyond belief!!!

How wonderful that you get free roam of the room now. Be careful under the bed; dust bunnies live under there. They are friendly but may be a bit frightening the first time you see one! :D

10-09-2007, 01:45 PM
Cassiesmom: After nagging mummy for some time she FINALLY gave in and stopped doing her German homework (Naughty mummy! She is meant it be revising for her German test tomorrow) and got me out for a cuddle.... she decided I was being EXTRA cute so she got the camera! :D

I know! Mum is crazy! :p

I dont dare go near the bed, I know if I do I will be put back in the pen :( Annnnnd I dont want that! ;)

Anyway onto the pictures! All four are basically the same but still :):


10-09-2007, 03:26 PM
Oh Chino, what a good boy you are! No pen is a big thing. Your Mommy trusts you. You are so cute in the those pictures. SO good for mommy and the flashybox.

10-09-2007, 04:11 PM
Chino what sweet pictures of you. Did your mum give you a treat for being such a good boy? :D

10-09-2007, 04:30 PM
Hello Chino!!! Whatta handsome man you are!! I love all your pictures but this one stood out to me the most. Snuggles sweetie!