View Full Version : LOL! Update on Boo anyone?

Laura's Babies
10-07-2007, 05:15 PM
Man... I can not believe it! Things are so changed that I emailed Nancy about it. Last night! :eek: Last night was the kicker... I kept hearing thump,thump, thump, thump.. up and down the hall...thump, thump, thump.. so I gentely lifed myself off the sofa a bit to see what it was.. BOO was PLAYING! She was running up and down the hall PLAYING!!! :eek: There was NO encouragement to get her to play AT ALL! So, I went and got the feather thing on the wand and had her jumping after it, chasing it and just having a great ole time. :p

She seems to have mellowed out so much. She wants out of the bedroom first thing every morning now, no longer happy to be back there with the door shut. She follows me around sometimes now and comes to me for attention so much more.

She will walks inbetween Amy and Giz, within a foot of them and just keep on going without a glance. She got on the sofa one night with Amy up there and sat right down on Amy's Butt.. neither would move. Samantha does not cower and run anymore and Boo will walk right by her... sometimes with a glare... but no chaseing!

The positive change in this house is in the atsmophere, it feels different here now. A lot happier and a lot more relaxed. I had to thank Nancy! This would not have happened if it had not been for her. Boo does seem happier and more accepting of being here.. I can not tell you how happy I am this this is finally beginning to be better. I can't to wait to get back from work in November and see if the changes are still there and see if anymore improvements have been made. THANK YOU GOD and NANCY!

10-07-2007, 05:37 PM
Thats Great News On Boo. And Its Funny As These New Cats Suddenly Realize That They Dont Have To Be Defensive Any More That They Are Now In A Great Furr Ever Home.
Thats Great That Boos Calmed Down, And One Day We Might See Her In A Cat Pile Up!!!

10-07-2007, 06:01 PM
:D :D :D Great news!!!

10-07-2007, 07:05 PM
I'm so glad things have improved so much. I bet you were totally amazed to see her playing like that. How cute!

10-07-2007, 08:32 PM
Awww. What wonderful news for everyone! I am so glad things have finally settles down and Boo is feeling more at home.

Scooter's Mom
10-07-2007, 10:14 PM
That is terrific news, Laura!

10-07-2007, 11:29 PM
BOO!!! Are you actually having FUN!!!!???? You silly kitten! :D

Give that girl a hug for me...if she will let you! ;)

How wonderful! I don't recall if Boo told Nancy that she knows you go away to work, and Rie comes in...but Rie will know the story, and I bet everything will be even better when you get home!

I just think it is so GREAT that she feels like playing...JOY is coming back! :D


10-08-2007, 01:03 AM
I'm so glad to hear that Boo is doing so well. I'm also glad that Nancy was able to help you.:)

10-08-2007, 07:31 AM
Awesome!!! I had this feeling things would change. Its as if she only needed it all explained to her. Now she understands and is coming ot terms with her new situation. Hooray for Nancy!

10-08-2007, 11:12 AM
Wow, that is great news! Way to go, Boo! (and Nancy, too) :)

Laura's Babies
10-08-2007, 01:37 PM
I was at the end of my rope on what to do. If I hadn't had Nancy do that reading, I doubt Boo would have ever come around. What a BLESSING Nancy was in this situation!

10-08-2007, 04:08 PM
That is Really amazing Laura.How did this happen?My goodness...you all must be so relaxed now.
I'm taking care of someone's cat that is overseas for 1 year and THIS cat I have is a Tazmanian Devil around other cats.GROWWWWLL!!!
That's all this cat does when he sees my others.
So he has to stay seperated or he pees and sprays all over the place on top of growling.
They told me he was fine with other cats :rolleyes:
Any ideas from you would be much appreciated.

Laura's Babies
10-08-2007, 05:44 PM
Carla, I got Nancy that pet psychic to do a reading on her and that brought a ton of understanding in this house... see my orginal thread on the first call we did here


and the follow up call http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=134159

Your foster is probably ANGY! ANGRY! ANGRY! He is feeling abondoned, scared and don't know WHY!! Read those readings from Nancy and it may help you understand the feelings a cat has and what could be going on in your fosters head. One day, he is at home, happy and loved, the next day in a strange place and his humans have abondoned him.. They have the same feelings humans do, imagine if he were a small child and that happened to him..... The foster is feeling those same feelings..... Maybe Nancy could help explaine it to the kitty and calm him down some.. She worked wonders on Boo, with Mama's help too I am sure.

10-08-2007, 06:38 PM
I read your posts just now.Thanks .That Nancy is great.I may get in touch with her myself.
I knew my foster is Angry because he was abandoned by his family(In a sort of way).
He's too old for this(17 or 18).
I feel so very bad for him. :(

I always knew cats have feelings just like us.I've read so many many books about them.They have I think it's 96% brain something or other(Can't remember the word...so long ago) as humans.One of the closest animals to be like humans as far as emotions and feelings and all that stuff.Their too smart.
I wish more would understand that.
They also have long and short term memory just like humans.

Thanks for the posts.I wish I didn't miss them before.

I'm soooo glad he's doing better. :)