View Full Version : What do you do for fun?

10-05-2007, 10:41 PM
What do you all do for fun?

I'm sorta realizing my life is boring lol. I need some fun. Some of my friends are too busy with school to hang out with me...the other's idea of fun is not what I consider fun. (IE, going getting high and/or getting drunk every second day...no thanks!! call me odd, but I've never found being drunk "fun"...especially the sickness I get the next day...)

Anywho....so, if your friends are busy, what do you do for fun? I've taken up piano lessons recently...that's fun so far. It doesn't take a large chunk out of my day though. There is also drawing, walking my dogs or playing with the "kids"....but what else...

I hate my job...well, I hate how it's being managed anyway. I'm tired everyday, all day. I work, come home and sit on my computer...lol. I need a change. I've decided to work a little less and spend time on having fun and enjoying life. I'm hoping to get into a college next year and if I do it will be 2 years of solid study so I figure have fun now while I can D: hehe. (I'll delete this later as it's sorta pointless)

10-05-2007, 10:44 PM
I like the outdoors, would love nothing better than to have an RV and camp all the time, I fantasize about having one some day. I don't really have fun either just dream about it :D

10-05-2007, 10:46 PM
Read books! Sometimes do yard work - right no, though, just some of the leaves have fallen, most are still green, so there's really not enough to rake yet!

10-06-2007, 03:58 AM
Geek stuff, pull the computers apart and swap parts, reinstall the OSs, see how many Linux distros will fit on a 40GB hard drive, write useless programmes.

When I'm not doing that or playing with my cat I like to read, walk, photograph trains and ships and draw.

I never could see the fun in getting drunk or using drugs.

10-06-2007, 08:07 AM
If you are still in high school, join a sports team.

Take up a new hobby, if you like crafts, learn to knit or make your own stationary.

Take a cooking class, if you are going to college next year and will be living alone, you will need the extra help.

10-06-2007, 09:10 AM
We have a (I think it is) national park/beach down the street from me and I love to climb the dunes with the dogs and go hiking in the woods. It's actually better in the winter because no one is there and it's easier to walk through the woods. I just love it!
Another thing I do for fun is look up legends, myths, and cryptids on the computer, I'm a big on stuff like that.
Today I'm lucky though, I get to go horseback riding. So excited! :D

10-06-2007, 09:30 AM
I love spending time with my animals. Nathan take approximately an hour long nap mid-morning everyday and I get to spend that time with my birds. It's my alone time with my birds- I love it.

We have a great park across the road that we go to just about daily. It has great paved walking paths that are perfect for pushing Nathan in his stroller. There are also bike trails, horse trails, and unpaved walking trails. There's a playground for when Nathan gets older too.

Some friends are coming over tomorrow. We'll have a bonfire and the guys will ride the ATV. The girls and kids will play with the animals and probably go to the park. That's really all we do when anyone comes over. If the weather is poor we'll stay inside and play with the animals and the guys will probably play video games.

10-06-2007, 09:41 AM
Spending time with my kitty girls and betta gang,Playing video games,Photography mostly of Zippy,Pumpkin,my bettas and my moms pets,Reading,Puzzles,and PT :D

10-06-2007, 10:02 AM
I have been lacking in fun lately aswell & laying off the hard partying for a while too :(. But what i usually do is take the dogs and walk to one of 'our' parks and sit down and let the dogs just be dogs for a while.

My camera is always around my neck, so taking photos of the dogs and random stuff at the park happens a lot LOL.

Oh and spending time with my new Nephew :D.

10-06-2007, 10:52 PM
I don't have much of a life most of the time hehe.. I go to work mon-fri, come home, play with Digi, & sit at the computer bored out of my skull.

Starting next wed I'm starting a new game night/hangout night. Not seeing my friends EVER is driving Joe & I insane. We are a close group of friends, so game night is kinda important... + everyone can crash for the night, so we can hang out until 1am again, WOOT!!!

Thats pretty much all I do at this time of the year... Clubbing starts next month, as cottaging is now over (both once a month thing).

10-07-2007, 12:02 AM
HMm.... Watch movies.. watch TV, be on the computer playing around doing graphics and stuff..reading, outdoors, drawing..thinking:) Cooking, baking, fashion designing!, googling!!
So much fun!

ooh and World of Warcraft and other gaming:)

10-07-2007, 12:43 AM
What i do for fun.
I am either playing my guitar. drawing. on the computer. out in my backyard canoeing or fishing. spending time with the dogs. or just hang with my friends.

i'm in school so most of the time i don't do most of those things.

10-07-2007, 09:20 PM
How do you like piano so far? I really love to play the piano- it would be more fun if I had a better piano, but it's still fun! :D

When I am alone, I like to go outside with my pets and read, go to the library, go shopping, or go on walks.

One of my absolute favorite weekend activities is hiking. Last weekend we climbed our first 14er (that's 14,000+ ft) too! We climbed Gray's Peak here in Colorado (with the dogs of course!)- it was incredibly long and rather hard, but the scenery was pretty and the dogs were tired out after!

Sometimes I find if I am feeling really bored and lonely a little drive helps improve my mood, especially this time of year with all of the beautiful colors. :)

critter crazy
10-07-2007, 09:45 PM
Hmmmm....fun......I talk on PT, Play with my Critters, take pics, play with my kids, bowl, Hike, Horse back ride ect...:)

10-07-2007, 10:27 PM
That sounds like a lot of fun things. I'm still not sure what I'll be doing though. I want a change from what I do now...which is watching movies, playing games, TV, indoor stuff....walking is good. I walk my dogs every night. I would love hiking, but we don't really have mountains here :rolleyes: I loved it when I was in Utah. Although I almost died when me and Amy hiked up the the "G" :rolleyes: I can't for the life of me think of somethings that I REALLY would enjoy...Lately I haven't felt like much photography, drawing, etc...which is strange. Oh, and I think I'll volunteer at either the pet shelter or a vet clinic. Preferably a vet clinic because I'm hoping it will improve my chances of getting into the college I want... :rolleyes: plus, it's enjoyable.

pembroke: I haven't had much of a lesson yet. I bought a book from her and have been practicing myself. I'm having fun with it so far. I'm looking forward to learning to play it better. (I'd really like to play the Moonlight Sonata someday)

10-08-2007, 09:48 AM
How about dance? I love Scottish country dance (http://www.rscds.org/) - not sure exactly where you are, but there are a million chapters in Canada! And you don't need to bring a partner - people just switch around (I'm tall, so I tend to dance the man's part when there aren't enough men because it's easy to walk under my arm). Or try country line dancing or jazz dance, something that doesn't require a partner.

Another fun thing to try is "found sculpture" - keep an eye out for interesting little things, seed pods and gears and marbles and colorful stones and springs and stuff, build shadowbox frames (if you want to get fancy, use a mirror for a back) and arrange your little lost-and-found treasures (with the help of whatever fabric, yarn, twigs, spools, etc. you've got kicking around) into interesting little 3-D tableaux.

The most bored people I know are the people who watch lots of TV and play lots of video games. They forget how to make stuff up, and then they get bored. Make stuff up. Tell outrageous stories that you don't expect anybody to believe, just to get people's reactions. Pick something other than shoelaces to lace your shoes up with. Invent poppyseed waffles. Draw your own 2008 calendar. Write a letter to a fictional character who hasn't picked up on all the foreshadowing or is otherwise missing a clue. And give the zombie boxes a rest - they take away more than your time.

10-08-2007, 10:25 AM
I play with Polymer Clay! I'll have to get some pics up of my latest projects. :)

10-08-2007, 10:37 AM
Make stuff up. Tell outrageous stories that you don't expect anybody to believe, just to get people's reactions.

lol. My mom does that...her and her sister once told this lady (my aunts daughter in law's mother) that they have all this orange cleaner spray and they need to go door to door and sell it...only they need to dress up in chicken costumes while they do. The lady was like oh, well, let me buy 3 bottles!! there was more to it then that, but it was really funny cause the story sounded really fake but the lady believed them :rolleyes: