View Full Version : Hhhheeeee's Back!!!!!

10-05-2007, 10:16 PM
Just wanted to let you know that unfortunately, we had to go and pick up Chester last night and bring him back here.

Apparently the girl said that her "Allergies" got worse. I think it was more her kind of complaining how he would run around her little 1 1/2 appartment at 5:00 in the morning. :rolleyes:

I thought I had another home for him because another person supposedly wanted him SO BAD and was willing to wait and see if this adoption was going to work out or not.
When I spoke with this woman last week, she was so gung ho on adopting Chester and had no problem with the adoption fee.
Then when I e-mailed her last night to tell her that he was available, she wrote back saying that everyone seems to know someone who has a cat for her and would I consider giving her Chester without the fees. She said that she wants a male cat, for free, as it would be a better situation for her. HUH??????
I told her that if she now couldn't afford the adoption fee then how was she suppose to pay a vet if anything should happen to Chester while in her care.
Such as becoming sick or injured in some way. I also explained to her that all the vet costs comes out of my own pocket and if I started giving my rescues away for free, then I would no longer be able to help these precious animals.
Total cost for Chester was $209.00 and my adoption fee is $125.00 which includes him being dewormed, deflead, tested for Feline Aids/Leukemia, the consultation and his neutering, plus antibiotics.
So I told her that since everyone seems to know someone who has a cat for her, then I would suggest that she take them up on their offer.
Sorry this took longer than I expected. Just had to vent a little.

Tell me your opinion please, and be honest, was I wrong for not letting her have Chester??

critter crazy
10-05-2007, 10:33 PM
Oh by no means were you wrong!! She definitely dosent deserve to have dear chester! He will find the perfect home, and you are doing a great job!

Welcome back Chester!:D

10-05-2007, 10:41 PM
I would definitely not have given Chester to her!

There has to be someone out there who would give him a decent home.

10-05-2007, 11:59 PM
I'm sorry to hear that things didn't work out for Chester in his new home.:( The other lady doesn't sound like a good person to adopt Chester either. I'm sure he'll find another great home very soon. Good luck.:)

10-06-2007, 03:21 AM
She'd probably just give him back if he got sick or cost too much money. No way should Chester have gone to her.

As for the one who gave him back for the 5am allergy sessions (LOL), that's part of being a cat owner!!! They get all hyper at the weird hours of OUR nights (not THEIR nights). Sigh... will hoomans ever learn?!

10-06-2007, 05:22 AM
Definitely NO. Not the right person for Chester. She didn't want him bad enough to pay the fee, and probably would not care for him properly if he became sick or injured.

Free? I don't think so. :eek:

10-06-2007, 05:29 AM
POOR Chester! :( Being returned is so hard. Can you imagine what he (or any cat who is returned or given up) thinks?? :( That is (to me) one of the hardest part of fostering.

But as for the second lady :mad: LET her get one of those free cats!! You would never feel comfortable with Chester in a home where he may end up "costing too much".

Chester WILL find a new place, a new wonderful family who will love him.

10-06-2007, 07:07 AM
What bad luck!!! Definitely sounds like she used the old "allergies" excuse -- how I HATE that one! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You definitely should not have given him to her. Don't be surprised if she turns around and still takes him. Explain that even though his adoption fee is $125 that covers ALL the vetting up to date. Ask her if the "free" cats have any vetting and see if she's interested in spending well over the $125 adoption fee to vet any of the free cats.

10-06-2007, 07:44 AM
Tell me your opinion please, and be honest, was I wrong for not letting her have Chester??

Absolutely not. You were absolutely right in detecting a bad situation.

The rules:

If they can't afford the fee, they can't afford the vet.
If they don't want to pay the fee, they won't take care of him when the need arises.

He's not a stuffed animal. He needs someone who will baby him.

Returns are so hard. But...he came back to you and was not abandoned, and THAT IS THE IMPORTANT THING!

Good luck to you and Chester.

Laura's Babies
10-06-2007, 07:56 AM
I thhink it is a deal getting one already fully vetted for $125 and someone else did all the vet trips!

She'll probably get one of those free kitties and keep it until it starts spraying inside or has kittens, then dump it. She don't sound like a responsiable owner to me so YES! You did the right thing. It don't sound like the other lady was a committed pet owner either and he is probably better off back with you.

10-06-2007, 09:40 AM
Well crud! I know how disappointed you are that the first gal didn't work out. As for the lady who wants him free, don't blame you one bit!

Fingers crossed that you find him a new home soon. I know the chaos having him there is causing your other guys.

Tora Oni
10-06-2007, 12:59 PM
Yeah I totally agree, I deffiantly wouldn't give it to her free, if she can't afford Chester's bills then she can't a afford a cat. Those free cats aren't a free as they sound, with all the vet bills 128.00 is fine. Chester requires some one who won't go cheap on him so 128.00 should sound like a huge bargin for someone who loves him, and if it doesn't sound fair then maybe their heart and ears need a check up. :mad: Chester is a great cat someday some one will love him just as much as you do.

10-06-2007, 01:11 PM
There's no question that you did the right thing here, Lorraine. This person sure didn't have Chester's best interests at heart. I can't help but wonder if her story about free kitties was true or if she was trying to get over on you. Sweet Chester is priceless and in this case worth much more than $125! Some people just should not have a pet and this person sure sounds like one of them.

10-06-2007, 04:50 PM
I Wish I Could Take Chester In,especially After The Loss Of Precious. But With The Fact That I Might In Five Or So Yeras Have To Sell The Hotel And Go Into Assisted Living Housing, It Wouldnt Be Fair To Chester. This Person Wanted A Free Cat So She Could Dump Him When It Became Convenient For Her.
I Pity Any Cat Who Comes To Depend On This Fair Weather Guardian.
As You Say The First Sign Of Trouble And Chesters Dumped Somewhere.
I Pray A Kind Hearted Cat Person Will Come Along Soon.
Chester Deserves A Good Furr Ever Home.

10-06-2007, 04:57 PM
Nope, it wasn't meant to be. Everything happens for a reason and taking Chester back from one irresponsible person and refusing to allow him to go to another irresponsible person is all part of the plan, albeit a frustrating one. You did the right thing. She was just trying to guilt you into giving her Chester for free. Kick the dust from your shoes and move on. You'll find the right home for him. In the meantime, you get to love him up some more. :p

10-06-2007, 05:04 PM
When I was looking for that oh so perfect rehoming for Ti, a bengal cat I had purchased a few years back, I heard from a girl I thought was to be for Ti. Once I was told that the girl could not afford to have her car fixed, to come pick up Ti, and a couple of other stories about being poor, I told her the deal was off. I wanted Ti to go to someone who could afford a vet bill from time to time. I know there are times when the money is not flowing, but if you cannot afford to vet an animal, you cannot afford to have the animal in the first place. Just wanting a pet isn't enough. You have to be able to pay the bills as well.

I think you did the right thing. Chester will find another home, I am sure. You are such a good rehomer! ;) Thanks so much for taking care of this guy.

10-06-2007, 08:54 PM
ABSOLUTELY you were NOT wrong! You were exactly right when you told her "If you can't afford the adoption fee, how will you afford vet fees when he needs treatment."

Well done, Lorraine. And Chester will find the right home.