View Full Version : fear of vacuum

10-05-2007, 02:56 PM
I know a lot of dogs have this problem, fear of the vacuum. How do I help Chopper get over this? Is there a way? All he has to do is see the vacuum and he runs to hide. I just let him go. I do not try to coax him out or tell him it is alright. I was just hoping that eventually he would realize it was not going to bother him and he would get better. He's not. I don't mind that he hides, I just wondered if anyone out there had any ideas on how to maybe help him get over his fear. I don't want to try anything that may potentially make the problem worse, maybe I should just let him be afraid and go hide? He is scared of the vacuum but not our Harley - go figure. The only difference between the introduction of the two is that he was on his leash the first time my hubby started his bike up and I was standing outside with Chopper on the ground next to me. He did at first pull at the leash to try to get away but I just paid him no mind and stayed there. After a couple of minutes he realized it was not going to hurt him and now it doesn't even phase him when my husband starts it up. Does anyone out there have any ideas?

10-05-2007, 09:22 PM
Yeah...Macie was terrified of the vacuum when we got her. (Along with lawnmowers, hula hoops, her reflection, and water....haha!) She would not come out of hiding if she caught a glimpse of a vacuum cleaner. I guess this won't help you out much now, but honestly, she just got used to it. After a few weeks, Macie would just bark at it and chase it, and eventually she realized it was no threat to her. Maybe just by keeping it at a safe distance for now Chopper will learn it's okay. Okay...that might not have helped at all. :D Hope it works out!

critter crazy
10-05-2007, 09:26 PM
Hmmm....I giess if you kept the vaccum out, and gave him a treat for going near it. Then as he gradually got more confident you do the same with it on. But I am not sure, as I have never had the problem. I am sure someone could help you tho!

10-06-2007, 10:19 AM
All three of mine are 'scared' of it.. maybe more annoyed than scared though. They all get up on the couch when I vacuum the living room. Or when I'm upstairs, they just go in different rooms or stand on the bed and watch. Bunny really hates the hose though.. when I take that off to clean small areas she goes nuts. But I figure thats because she has aggression issues. :rolleyes: So I don't really know.. the treat when he walks by it idea seems logical. Id bet that'd work well, over time. Eli did used to run from it when he first got here, but he has gotten used to it I believe. So Im with the others, I think it just takes time, and he'll get used to it.

10-06-2007, 02:32 PM
Molly doesn't like the vacuum either. Mickey on the other hand, you have to holler at to move. He doesn't give a crap about it! LOL

I just don't even bother with Molly about the vacuum. I let her run away if she wants. It doesn't affect me vacuuming, or her for long. So I just don't even worry about it.

10-06-2007, 05:04 PM
As ours always lived outdoors, we never had this issue but, being Border collies, they had that common BC habit of attacking things like lawn mowers, motorbikes or scooters if they are still for long enough. They wouldn't chase one but lawn mowers are slower so they'll attack those anytime they come into contact with one. It's something about small engines that sets them off. When people start bikes up, they really gets them going.

Now that Jess comes into the porch which is enclosed and carpeted and gets hoovered, we realised that she is also a hoover biter. I have to close her out of her lawn area when I mow it because she goes for the lawn mower really bad and she also has a go at the hoover now she comes inside so fear isn't an issue with ours. It's more them trying to grab the damned thing as you are pushing it backwards and forwards.

I don't think it's a big issue if the dog just goes and hides whilst the hoovering is being done. At least they are out of your way. Better than dogs like ours who want to keep trying to pick it up off the floor and going for it and getting in the way.
Maybe just let the dog hide and don't worry too much about it.

10-07-2007, 07:02 PM
I don't see anything wrong with him going to hide. Both Zoee and Taz just leave the room while I am vacuuming.
But if you want him to get used to it, maybe you could try the same thing you did when hubby started the bike. Have Chopper on leash standing next to you. Have someone start the vacuum and just stand there. It may be past this point now, but it's just a thought.

When he goes and hides does it take a long time for him to come out? And is he shaking? If no to both of these, maybe just don't worry about it.

10-08-2007, 05:03 AM
Thanks guys. I don't mind that he hides from the vacuum. I just don't like to see him all nervous. He puts his ears down, tucks his tail and speeds off to find a safe place. I just figured he would be less stressed if I could get him to see that it wasn't going to hurt him.

Usually after the vacuum has been run he stays hidden for about 10 minutes or so, I guess he is being sure it has been put away before he comes out and not just being moved to another room for more vacuuming. He shakes a little sometimes, but it is more that you can see it in his posture and his face that he is scared.

I thought about the leash thing but then I don't want to make the problem worse either. Maybe I will try the treats near the vacuum for awhile with it off and then when I work my way up to turning the vacuum on around him when he is more comfortable with it with his leash on. I will most likely let me son or hubby turn the vacuum on while I am in the next room and work my way closer, without scarring him of course(over a period of a few vacuuming sessions) and if it seems to much I will just let him be and let him find his own safe haven until the monster has been put away. ;)

10-08-2007, 08:37 PM
If you dont want him to be stressed maybe take him to a room that you won't be vaccuming.

Also since he's so small maybeyou could hold him in your arms while you vaccum or while the vaccum is on and give him treats.

Pawsitive Thinking
10-12-2007, 05:59 AM
I am sure he will get used to it in time. Archie is the other way - he loves to play with it! A great help :rolleyes:

10-16-2007, 08:48 PM
I have 3 inside dogs and all 3 act different when I have the vaccuum out. Our poodle tries to bite it when it's on and chases it so we have to close her up in a room or let her out while we vaccuum. Our maltese pays no attention to it and just acts natural when it's on. Adrian our new puppy (shihtzu mix) is terrified though! so I just ask somebody to hold her or put her in a room on the bed and that way she feels safe. I don't know if she'll ever overcome her fears, but if she doesn't I'll always be there to carry her to another room where she will feel safe ;)

10-16-2007, 08:49 PM
[color=#000080]Also since he's so small maybeyou could hold him in your arms while you vaccum .

I do that sometime w/ my maltese)

Lady's Human
10-17-2007, 11:38 PM
Vaccums EAT puppies, didn't you know that? :p

Gracie, our dog when I was growing up, never got over vaccum cleaners. She'd bark at it, lunge at it.........did it her whole life. Sometimes it just is what it is.

It really doesn't help that vaccums scream in the high ranges (out of human hearing) and they probably make them uncomfortable.

Ginger's Mom
10-25-2007, 11:49 AM
I just considered it a great success when Ginger stopped running in the corner of the bedroom and pooping whenever I ran the vacuum. Now she just runs and hides in the bedroom. I thought that was a big enough accomplishment. :)

Daisy and Delilah
10-27-2007, 06:04 PM
Daisy used to be terrified of the vacuum. I just kept vacuuming and acting normal. Eventually, she got over it. She still doesn't like to come too close to it but she handles it alot better now. I think Chopper will get used to it and he'll be okay. Good luck:)

10-27-2007, 07:59 PM
Fritz hates out Vacuum.i got it out today and he went and stayed in the kitchen snoozing until i finished and he comes out.

10-29-2007, 02:34 PM
Chopper is such a small dog. And to be honest, I havent met a dog that isnt affraid of agressive towards the vaccume.. All three of my girls HATE the vaccume.. They stay away from it at all costs.. Now when I vaccume they know to just leave the room... I would just let Chopper do his thing, and stay away form the vaccume if he chooses.. I used to have a Cocker Spaniel who would actually ATTACK the Vaccume whenever it was turned on.. Behappy Chopper doesnt do that lol.