View Full Version : The skunky appointment

10-04-2007, 03:54 PM
I got to work today and was looking over the schedual to see what we had going on. I saw an appointment with an animal named Skunk. I thought it was a funny name then just shook it off. We hear some pretty funny names.

At 9am the appointment shows up. I put them in a exam room and as I'm sitting there talking to them they remove Skunk from his carrier....Skunk is no ordinary pet...HE'S AN ACTUAL SKUNK!!!! :eek:

After oooing and aweing over the beautiful animal and hearing about the 2 other pet skunks this lady has the doctor comes in. I'm pushing to try to stay in the room just to keep looking at him. He was too dern cute! After the lady left me and the other girl working got to talking about skunks. How we could never own one, but we sure do respect the people that go out and do their homework before obtaining suc an adorable critter.

10-04-2007, 05:16 PM
Neat :) My mom has always thought pet skunks sounded neat. They are really a different kind of pet. I heard you can get the smell taken out of them (not sure what you call that) but that it doesn't entirely remove the smell. They are pretty cute though I have seen on tv before with a woman that rescued them and she had over 20.

critter crazy
10-04-2007, 05:40 PM
Neat :) My mom has always thought pet skunks sounded neat. They are really a different kind of pet. I heard you can get the smell taken out of them (not sure what you call that) but that it doesn't entirely remove the smell. They are pretty cute though I have seen on tv before with a woman that rescued them and she had over 20.
Yeah you can get them De-Skunked, my dad had two pet skunks, many moons ago! They are fun, but definitely not like any other pet. :)

Suki Wingy
10-04-2007, 10:57 PM
:D :D I've always wanted a pet skunk.

10-05-2007, 07:28 PM
isn't this weird that you just sent this post yesterday, because this afternoon on my way home I saw a wild skunk running out in a field!!

10-05-2007, 08:16 PM
that is wierd. i had another run in with a wild skunk last night too. it wasn't so pleasent though. i hit it with my car. ...and my care smells like a skunk. :(

10-05-2007, 08:27 PM
Ive always thought skunks are cool. And ive always wanted one as an pet lol!

critter crazy
10-05-2007, 08:36 PM
I would just like to say, as i see alot of "I always wanted a Pet Skunk" Comments, they take alot of special care, and dont make great pets for everyone! They are also Illegal to own in many areas. Skunks are very curious and stubborn. To me, they seemed like a large version of a ferret, in their energy, and their curiosity! They will try to get into anything! Baby proofing a house is not enough, it must Be Skunk proof! :)

10-06-2007, 12:24 PM
Skunks sound like interesting critters and I wouldn't mind owning one! I've read up on them and they DO sound like giant Ferrets. LOL If I'm ever in a place were they aren't illegal and I have the time to devote to one (when they are younger you need to have them with out almost constantly so they will bond with you - they are also mainly one person animals), then I wouldn't mind getting one! :D

I mean really, if you can put up with all of their antics, how could you not want a face like this one:

I'm in love! :D But not only is owning a skunk frowned upon in Indiana (or not frowned upon, but it is HIGHLY reccomended that you contact your local Fish and Game department before you even think about getting one), with me going to college next year, getting an apartment, and having Chloe.....it just isn't meant to be at this point in time.