View Full Version : A NEW Kitten!!!!

08-04-2002, 02:57 PM
I'm so excited!! We got a new kitten!!! His name is Basil (pronounced like the English say the spice {baaa-sal}) and he is sooo cute! He was born on May 29, 2002 which makes him about 9 weeks old...he's so tiny!

He is the sweetiest little kitten I've ever met! NOT skittish at all either!! He loves to be pet and held and purrs like crazy! He had the chance today to run around the entire apartment and he sure is QUICK!!! :)

Basil LOVES Noah, Noah thinks he's a play toy to chase...but, he also likes to groom Basil. Noel on the other hand, hates him...she hisses and growls when Basil is around...so, needless to say, Basil's room is our walk in closet. ;)

Well...here he is:

In Daddy's hands:

Under the coffee table, checking things out:

Checking out the birdies:

Being CUTE:

Following Noah around:

08-04-2002, 03:06 PM
Congratulations! :D He's SO cute - and funny looking! LOL! Where did you get him? Great that Noah and Basil gets along so well! :) Noal will come round too! ;) - hopefully!

08-04-2002, 03:12 PM
What a sweet little kitten! I am so happy Noah likes him. There is something about female cats and not often liking additions to the household. My vet confirmed it the other day. Female cats can be relentless with the dislike for other cats. I know, I have one!

Where did you get this little black baby? It is so, so cute. I bet Niina will be saying lots of nice things about this kitten! Casper....look alike!

Keep those photos coming.....

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Congratulations Mom and Dad!:cool:

08-04-2002, 03:24 PM
Thanks guys!! We sure are proud parents! I'm going to update the website next! :)

We got Basil at PetSmart rescue, just like Noel. I sure hope she warms up to him eventually...she got used to Noah in a week or so...cross your fingers for us. :)

Well...since you asked....I just happened to have some more pictures to share... :D

Here's Noah in mid-lick:

Basil, getting used to the camera already! :)

08-04-2002, 03:37 PM
Awww...Basil is so cute! It`s good that Noah is getting along with him!Can`t wait to see more pics!

Aspen and Misty
08-04-2002, 04:25 PM
How adorable! I love the name and the kitty!! Looks like him and Noah are going to get along just great! Congradualtions!

08-04-2002, 04:47 PM
OMG!!! What a cutey he is!
:p :) I have wanted a black or gray kitty too. I think the black goes good with the orange Noah :cool:
You are going to have so much fun- keep the pics coming!

It's been my experience also that male cats will accept new cats to the household quicker and easier than the females. Not sure why, but someone once told me females are more territorial :confused:
With my new kitten, both my males compete for play & grooming time with him :rolleyes: :)

08-04-2002, 05:26 PM
Sooo adorable. I love that Basil and Noah have begun bonding already. Do believe that Noel will come around shortly.

What an adorable fur-family you have.

08-04-2002, 05:44 PM
Congrats! What a sweet little Thing!
I especially like the pic of both under the table,so big and so tiny:)

Twice I've tried to have 2 females at the same time and both have been a real nightmare :(

Koxka accepted Iuri pretty well,she was still young, one yrs.old. But when we added Paloo and Ginjol; both males; she was 7 and 8 yrs.old, and it tooked a while for her to accept them. Now she just tolerates them. :rolleyes:

Instead, the three males get along with each other,since the begining and make a nice pack :p


08-04-2002, 05:57 PM
Awwww! Kitty breath!!! What a cutie. I love kittens. My oldest (Chester is black too) is now 2 and no longer a baby. I am looking forward to sharing in the fun of your new baby's pictures. So glad Noah has taken him under his guidance. Hopefully, Noel will come around. Who could resist that face?:D

08-04-2002, 06:16 PM
What a sweety pie! Noel may or may not - as others have said, a cat lives by the cat's own rule - Noah on the other hand does seem to be enjoying his new playmate. (Noah's fur is growing back nicely too)

Miss Meow
08-04-2002, 06:32 PM
Hello little Basil. Named after my favourite herb! What a cutie you are - great pictures!

I'm still clucky for more kittens arghhhhh!

08-04-2002, 09:24 PM
Kelly!! Congrats! A new kitty--what fun!!!

08-04-2002, 09:52 PM
awww! basil is such a cutie, just like noah! :D glad you got another cat. you're lucky to have both noah and basil!

:) :) :)


08-04-2002, 10:31 PM
Soooooooo cute . He looks just like my Minnie who is 3 months old. Enjoy your kitty!!

08-04-2002, 10:53 PM
Basil sure is a cutie pie. I'm so glad that he and Noah are getting along. I'm sure Noel will accept him in time. I wish I could have another kitten but 3 is my limit. Please keep the pics coming. :)

08-04-2002, 11:26 PM
You guys/gals are so sweet!!! I just happen to have some more pictures! :) We actually left the house today to get birdseed and a collar (I LOVE Tinky's and Jupiter's collars!). Basil doesn't mind it at all!! We also took him to cheer up my mother-in-law (her mom is being hospitalized for advanced stages of diabetes :( ) and he was so great there and in the car!! We sure lucked out with this one!! :)

KrazyaboutKatz: Yes, 3 is out limit too!! I thought 2 was, but now I know 3 is it. :D

Here is Basil in his new collar:

Here is Noah being a good "daddy":

And here is Basil sleeping:

08-04-2002, 11:55 PM
He's soooooo cute. It's funny how Noah is playing mommy to him. That's exactly what Storm did to Pepper. Here's a very old pic of a young Storm and Pepper at 12 weeks.

08-05-2002, 12:17 AM
That is sooo cute!! What a sweetie Storm was to be there for Pepper! Very cute picture!! :)

Former User
08-05-2002, 01:53 AM
OMG, Kelly! Basil is a spitting image of Casper when he was a kitten! I envy you so much for getting a third cat, I've been trying to make my husband take one more, but so far no :( I have to use this thread to turn his head. :D ;)

Basel is sooooooo cute, and I love those pics! He's such a cute little fellow, and I'm pleased that he gets along wiht Noah already. And don't worry, Noel will get used to him too, it will just take time! As you know, we women can be a bit difficult at times ;) but she'll come around.

And I know you have more pics, so do post :D.
Noah will always have a soft spot in my heart, but now does Basil too, he's such a cutie! (noooooooooo, me biased? nooooo, not true at all!).

08-05-2002, 02:01 AM
oh , what an absolutely cutie-pie !!!
Basil , is a beautiful kitten !!!! aw aren't they the best when they are tiny and young !!!
I wish you good luck with Basil ! Hope he will get along with all your other cats real soon !!

please , we want many more pics !!!!!!!!:D ;) :D ;)

08-05-2002, 02:58 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
...and he was so great there and in the car!! We sure lucked out with this one!! :)


Sure you are!

At the sight of Basil sleeping (like the name!) my heart melts away.....

Me too thought 2 was the limit, but now is 4. :D

Koxka :cool:

08-05-2002, 04:09 AM
Awwww, how cute! Congrats on your new kitten! He/she sure is a great treasure! I hope Noel will come to love Basil as well! Noah is also so adorable! I love Noah's face! So cute!:D

08-05-2002, 04:36 AM
aaawwwww a sweet tiny baby kitty - such gorgeous pics., too. i want another furbaby! i'm so jealous kelly! isn't noah just so sweet - he looks huge at the side of the new baby. basil reminds me of bagel when she was tiny. you will keep us up to date with lots of pics won't you? good!


08-05-2002, 05:09 AM
He is sooooooooooo cute!
I don't have words to express the feelings I have when I look at those pictures. Kelly, I am jealous. When I'll finally move into my place, I'll take as many kitties as I'll find. I hope more than three.

08-05-2002, 07:07 AM
What a cute little kitty!!! :)
And good choice for the collar, red looks great with his shiny black fur! I can't wait to finally have Teddy at home with me....4 weeks seems like an eternity when you're constantly daydreaming about a kitten (what will he be like, will he get along with Piglet and Wissel...what if he get's sick while he's still with his mom!?):confused:

Yes, I know I'm obsessing over this, I e-mail all the time to ask how he's doing, so excited to go see him again next week!:D

08-05-2002, 07:49 AM
OMG, he is frigging ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love all the photos, you must post more!! ;)

08-05-2002, 11:28 AM
Of course I have more!!! :D :D :D

Relaxing on Daddy:

With Noah:


08-05-2002, 11:31 AM

:D :D

08-05-2002, 12:25 PM
Awwww!! How adorable! I love that last pic of Basil rubbing up against Noah...the contrast in size is amazing :)

08-05-2002, 01:10 PM
aw , those latest pics are heavenly cute !!! my favorite here is the first one , where Noah and Basil are cuddling !! So sweet !! I envy you !!:rolleyes:

08-05-2002, 01:55 PM
Awwww I want one!!!! :D :D :D :D

08-05-2002, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by Tina
Congrats!!http://www.plauder-smilies.de/party/luxhello.gif He looks so much like my kitty Ozzie.

Oh my goodness! They DO look a lot alike!!!! How fun!! :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-05-2002, 03:07 PM
My eyes started misting up as I was looking at these pictures because this is *exactly* what Tubby looked like the very first time I saw him. And he was tiny too so his first mom named him Bitsy. Little did she know he would grow into a Tubby. ;) And it's so great that he gets along so well with Noah, and I hope Noel comes around soon. Congratulations on your new addition and more pictures please!!! :)

08-05-2002, 03:24 PM
Tubby was like my little Basil!? How wonderful! Tubby is gorgeous!!!! :) :) :)

I'll post some more pictures when I get home...we're off to the vet for his first check up!!

Sara luvs her Tinky
08-05-2002, 04:54 PM

Basil is just the cutest little thing!! He looks so fuzzy and cute!!
My favorite picture is Noah in mid lick!!! IT WAS SO FUNNY!!
I am glad you were able to save another precious kitten and give it a happy forever home! I hope Noel comes around soon and accepts the new bundle of joy! CONGRATULATIONS!! AND KEEP THE PICTURES COMING!!:D :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-05-2002, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Tubby was like my little Basil!? How wonderful! Tubby is gorgeous!!!! :) :) :)

I'll post some more pictures when I get home...we're off to the vet for his first check up!!

Gee, thanks. :o :) Tubby would be proud to have little Basil grow up just like him - except with no dandruff. :rolleyes: Yes, the very first time I saw Tubby I was at a friend's house waiting for her to get ready so we could hit the town. I didn't know she had a kitten and all of a sudden this little black ball of fuzz went tearing across her bed - jumped off the edge (quite a jump for such a little guy) and tore out of the room. I was like "what in the world was that??!?!?!" "Oh that was Bitsy," she says and went to get him for me. He was so tiny, and such a bundle of energy (must have just gotten up from a nap) and immediately demonstrated the dreaded kitten claws by digging them into me when she handed him to me. I fell in love right then and there (even though I was bleeding) and a few months later when she had to give him up to move to a no-pets apartment I jumped at the chance to take him. I've never once regretted it, even when my arms were in shreds from playing with him. He was such a little terror. :) When I took him to the vet to get fixed, I was politely told that she was a he, and as he grew he was not so Bitsy anymore, so we had to come up with a new name. My brother noticed Tubby's belly pouch and started calling him Tubby, and, as they say, the rest is history. :)

I know Basil will live a pampered life of leisure just like Tubby, and hopefully it's a nice long life like Tubby has had so far too. I just wish I could snuggle with the little guy as he's sleeping like in one of your photos. Tubby used to - and still does - sleep right on my chest and was/is a total purring machine. :) (Ok, I'm feeling nostalgic now and rambling so I'll stop.) :)

Edwina's Secretary
08-05-2002, 05:08 PM
Strangest thing....I was reading through trying to catch up with post and I SWEAR I saw one from you saying you wanted a black kitty!!!! And lo and behold....you have a black kitty.

True or am I crazy (or both!)

08-05-2002, 05:55 PM
oh he IS tiny! and so sweet, so cute! thats about the size my 2 kittens were when I got them, they were 8, and 10 weeks old... now they are12 and 14 weeks old and growing fast.
these little creatures are so cute, and the whole wolrld is so BIG to them! so much to explore!

how is Noah reacting to Basil?

08-05-2002, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Strangest thing....I was reading through trying to catch up with post and I SWEAR I saw one from you saying you wanted a black kitty!!!! And lo and behold....you have a black kitty.

True or am I crazy (or both!)

No, you aren't crazy, I've wanted one...so when my hubby picked out Basil...I was really happy at not having to "sell" another kitten to him! :D

Originally posted by tough cookie
how is Noah reacting to Basil?

Noah is adjusting really, really well. He loves to groom and chase Basil around! :)

08-05-2002, 06:59 PM
OMG OMG OMG!!! A little kitten head!!! How cute!! Congrats on your newest family member!! Now I just gotta convince hubby that 3 cats isn't too many, so we can let poor stray Crookshanks inside! I'd so love to find her a home! I think 3 is a good number!;)
How adorable Basil is!!! Enjoy the kittenhood and be sure to share all of his antics with us!!! LOL :D My kitten cravings are coming on strong now! LOL LOL He's absolutely precious! Love the pics! Keep em coming and give all 3 of your precious kids some scritchies for me! I'm sure Noel will come around eventually;)

08-05-2002, 07:58 PM
Awwwwwwwwwwe what a cutie patoooootie

08-06-2002, 01:35 AM
Kelly, I really envy you fo having three kitties. When we had Vasile, Naomi and little Juni, all three of us had a kitty to sleep with. Now we fight over who takes Juni. She is the most reasonable. She sleeps a little with me, then a little with my sister, then she goes to my brother. But almost always I wake up with her on my head and get the cuddles in the morning. :)
Pictures with Noah and Basil are so beautiful. Their relation is exactly what Juni and her father Vasile had.

08-06-2002, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by wolflady
OMG OMG OMG!!! A little kitten head!!! How cute!! Congrats on your newest family member!! Now I just gotta convince hubby that 3 cats isn't too many, so we can let poor stray Crookshanks inside! I'd so love to find her a home! I think 3 is a good number!;)
How adorable Basil is!!! Enjoy the kittenhood and be sure to share all of his antics with us!!! LOL :D My kitten cravings are coming on strong now! LOL LOL He's absolutely precious! Love the pics! Keep em coming and give all 3 of your precious kids some scritchies for me! I'm sure Noel will come around eventually;)

Of course 3 isn't too much! I think it's the perfect number...do Marius and Scooter like Crookshanks??

08-06-2002, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

Of course 3 isn't too much! I think it's the perfect number...do Marius and Scooter like Crookshanks??

They seem curious about her, and I think they're getting used to her being in our backyard. I have her foodbowl right up against the back sliding glass door, so Marius and Scooter usually watch while she eats her food.
Aaron, however doesn't want her to come in, because we just don't have enough room. My mom would take her too, but my dad would throw a fit. Poor Crookshanks. I'm sure she'd make someone a good pet! :(

08-06-2002, 01:26 PM
Poor little thing, at least she has you to feed and care for her. I bet that makes her happy. :) What does she look like?

08-06-2002, 02:02 PM
Here she is!! :D You can see her broken tail in this picture. Poor little thing. I wonder how it happened, but the vet said it was healed that way and probably doesnt hurt :(

08-06-2002, 03:14 PM
How on earth can Aaron resist that cute face??? She's so cute!!! Does she "talk" at you? Is she real friendly?

Do you guys live in an apartment or condo? Are you allowed pets?

08-06-2002, 03:28 PM
Oh! Basil is so cute! I miss kittens. *sniff* But here is a cheery saying: Once a kitten, Always a cat, and always yours! :

08-06-2002, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
How on earth can Aaron resist that cute face??? She's so cute!!! Does she "talk" at you? Is she real friendly?

Do you guys live in an apartment or condo? Are you allowed pets?

LOL LOL I think Crookshanks must have been someone's pet before. Yes, she does talk at us! :D She has a really chirruppy sounding meow and she always follows me up my front walkway to the door. Poor little thing. I feel so bad having to shut the door in her cute little face :( I think she would make a good indoor pet. She's probably a little rough around the edges, but nothing that a little TLC can't cure!
We own a house, but Aaron just won't have another cat inside. He said that 2 is enough inside our small home. If only our home were bigger. It is kinda gross that our only option to keep those 2 huge litter boxes is in our kitchen! :eek: Scooter's cage takes up a large part of that too. If only we had a basement (sorry, I'm from Indiana where basements are a norm! LOL LOL ) or an actual laundry room. Oh well...I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for a possible home for her...
any takers?? ;)

08-07-2002, 01:06 AM
Isn't it interesting the way male and female cats behave regarding new additions, not their own kittens. Grasshopper (female) will not let another cat live with us (we've tried!) However, years ago I had a cat that had a litter of six. One day I went into the room where the kittens were kept, and there was Meatball, my neutered male Siamese, curled up in the kitty bed with all six kittens "nursing" on him! He was giving Aqualung a break, she was pretty tired at the time. Aphrodite, the other female (we thought Aqualung was a male when we got them!), wouldn't have anything to do with them!!!!
WTG, Noah!! I am sure when Basil gets a little bigger Noel will develop a tolerance, if not a love. Maybe she's jealous of Noah's new found "baby"?

08-07-2002, 08:22 AM
Hey, Karen, not all Indy houses have basements...we opted not to build one because the soil here is like concrete and has no drainage...would have been a really nasty indoor pool, but I know what you mean, it's nice to have one - specially in tornado season.

Kohala, I don't think miss prissy Ritz would take to a new kitty in the house either. She gets irritated when the neighbor cat traipses onto the deck occasionally..I've often wondered about whether she would be lonely because when we are both at work she has no one to play with, but she does not seem to handle change well, I have a feeling she would be a lot like our Pet Talk friend Logan and "Wonder Butter" with Mimi...I would take on just about any kitty if left to my own devices-not sure Ritzy would share in the enthusiasm

What's interesting is that what I've read about ferrel cat communities is that several females will nurse each other's kittens--interesting that female house cats are not so 'open' to motherhood!

Ritz is such a close companion to both my spouse and myself...for now we will stay a one kitty household. Ritzy Rules!

08-07-2002, 08:47 AM
You're exactly right about that, Tuxluvr. I thought I was a one cat household too, and then came Butter, and what was I to do? Mimi STILL to this day hates him, but she does tolerate him. You don't find them in the same room at the same time very often. :eek: And he is very respectful of her too.

Of course, Mimi's newest nemesis is the two extra dogs we have, who are quite curious about cats. They chase those two constantly, and Mimi and Butter have learned to tread softly and quietly so that Murphy and Splash don't see them.

Don't you know my poor senior girl is wondering what in the world I am trying to do to her? Poor baby. :(

08-07-2002, 08:52 AM
Ritzy is such a beauty.
I can say, females are more territorial than males. My parents' cat - Pantera rules the neighborhood for 11 years now, and even she brought herself once a one-eye pitiful male, that died in some years, as her "boyfriend", she never accepted other cats, even her own kitties after they grew up.
Our Juni, after Naomi stoped nursing her, found much more love and attention from her father Vasea. He taught her everything.

Edwina's Secretary
08-07-2002, 08:57 AM

It is a decorating -- and gardening -- technique that three is the most appealing number. When hanging picture, arranging objects -- it is in threes. When I took a gardening class they said the same thing -- plant in threes (or at least in odd numbers.)

So there is your argument for Crookshanks!

08-07-2002, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary

It is a decorating -- and gardening -- technique that three is the most appealing number. When hanging picture, arranging objects -- it is in threes. When I took a gardening class they said the same thing -- plant in threes (or at least in odd numbers.)

So there is your argument for Crookshanks!

LOL LOL ;) Good point!! I'll definitely try this approach!:D

08-07-2002, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary

It is a decorating -- and gardening -- technique that three is the most appealing number. When hanging picture, arranging objects -- it is in threes. When I took a gardening class they said the same thing -- plant in threes (or at least in odd numbers.)

So there is your argument for Crookshanks!

Wow, I've been a natural all along - except in my feline population! I will remember this when Grasshopper goes to RB. Of course, I won't tell Dadcat where I got the idea of the three new cats, he'd "hair up" big time! Now if it were horses - - - ;) ! I must admit, tho, that I'd gladly stay a one-cat human if it would keep her with me for the rest of my time here!

08-07-2002, 11:42 PM
Jeesh! Three is ENOUGH!!! I had a Mary Kay party for a friend tonight and Noah coped a MAJOR attitude. He isn't too crazy about people anyway, but the people who were here know not to touch him...well, just as my best friend was saying "Noah is a sweetie to me, he likes me" he bit her! He broke skin in three places!!! I just thank God that she has four kitties at home...otherwise I'd be worried. When I went to him to see what was wrong, he growled and snapped at ME!! :eek: :eek:

Yes, three is enough!! :)

08-09-2002, 02:27 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary

It is a decorating -- and gardening -- technique that three is the most appealing number. When hanging picture, arranging objects -- it is in threes. When I took a gardening class they said the same thing -- plant in threes (or at least in odd numbers.)

So there is your argument for Crookshanks!

I was just thinking that exact thing! ;) I heard that recently too (but after I planted my garden :( )
Also, the number 3 has always been my lucky number :cool:

Seriously though, what's the differance between 2 cats or 3? That's what I said to my hubby when I brought a 3rd kitty home- I also said it was a foster and that we could give him away when a new home came along (knowing that he would get attached..........sneaky, I know)